A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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The MMO Times: Post-E3 Edition

Issue 17

Welcome back gamers to another issue of MMO Times, I hope all of you are still around and reading. Now that all the E3 excitement is over we are back to playing the waiting game for patches, release dates and beta tests. Enjoy gamers!

Dragon Nest Closed Beta Launching
Nexon’s Dragon Nest MMO launched a closed beta on June 15th. It will be a free-to-play and is slated to be released later this year. Check out the Massively and the game website article for more details about the game and signing up for the beta.
Article Link(s): Massively, Dragon Nest Website

Massively SWTOR Impressions
Ok, so one more piece of SWTOR information from E3. This article has the impressions from a few members of Massively’s gifted bloggers. I feel these guys were pretty honest and overall I think SWTOR received pretty good reviews considering its still in a closed beta.
Article Link(s): Massively

Transformers Universe
Yes, its a Transformers MMO and are you really that surprised? I’m sure World of Smurfz is just around the corner. Jagex brought this revelation to BotCon this year complete with a teaser trailer and concept art. Just enough to get all the Transformers fans hot and bothered. The website does have a sign up for the beta.
Article Link(s): Massively, Transformers Universe Website

Steam Offering F2P MMOs
I thought this was really interesting. Steam is now offering free to download and free to play MMOs such as Global Agenda, Forsaken World and Spiral Knights. They are also offering incentives in the form of free in-game items. Massively has the article.
Article Link(s): Massively

WoW-Like MMO … for iOS?
Yes iPad users, GameLoft has an MMO called Order & Chaos that is playable on iOS devices. The article link I provided is about how this MMO, which sells for $6.99 in the App Store, has made over $1 Million in less then a month. I’m very tempted to download this app for my iPad.
Article Link(s): Digital Trends

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times: More From E3

Issue 16

Well, I have managed to get another issue written so that’s a good sign. E3, SWTOR and a new WoW content patch is helping to keep the interesting articles coming. This is a shorter one because I wanted to get the rest of the E3 items out to you guys. So enjoy the following articles gamers!

New Star Trek MMO
Don’t get too excited, its not another STO, this one is browser based. German developer Keen Games announced this new MMO at E3 this year. Its currently in closed beta but has a pretty sweet trailer. MMO-Champion has the article.
Article Links(s): MMO-Champion, Star Trek: Infinite Space Website

SWTOR Raid Video!
More exciting SWTOR news out of E3. They have released a 10-minute video of the first SWTOR raid, Belsavis. Pardon me while I wipe the drool from my face and keyboard. In SWTOR raids are referred to as Operations (btw, instances are called Flashpoints).
Article Link(s): MMO-Champion

WoW:Firelands Weapons Preview
MMO-Champion has some images of the new weapons that players will be able to get from the new Firelands raid. The images don’t tell us if they are spell, melee or tank but you can probably guess by what type of weapon it is (1H, 2H, staff, knight [dagger], etc).
Article Link(s): MMO-Champion

Razer Introduces SWTOR Keyboard
More exciting TOR news coming from E3. Massively has some video footage of Dover from Darth Hater talking to Razer at E3 about this absolutely awesome MMO gaming peripheral set with a SWTOR design. My geek is in overload.
Article Link(s): Massively

E3 Gives RIFT Players First Look at 1.3 Patch
Have I said how much I love E3? Massively has a decent sized article about the 1.3 patch for RIFT (due out on the live servers June 22nd).  I haven’t actually played RIFT but I know plenty of people that do play it and they seem to really enjoy it. It looks like this patch has some nice new additions that should get players excited.
Article Link(s): Massively

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times Returns with E3!

Issue 15

Holy Cow! I have really dropped the ball, haven’t I. I apologize to all of you that enjoyed reading my MMO Times posts and e-mails; I do hope you all stuck around especially those on the mailing list. I became extremely busy and therefore couldn’t keep up sending the e-mail and reading the various blogs and news sites. Well, I’m back to give it another shot so read on gamers, I hope you enjoy the following articles!

SWTOR Game Trailer
So we should resume The MMO Times out right with some news from E3. Bioware teased the gamers and the eager Star Wars fans with the news game trailer. I tell ya, my heart rate increased and my palms started to sweat watching this video. The link below will take you to the video at the SWTOR website.
Video Link(s): SWTOR Website

E3 Announcements
The Old Republic trailer was probably the biggest announcement to come from E3 thus far (though still no mention of a release date, sadly) but there were other important titles mentioned. Halo 4 (yes, another Halo game), Battlefield 3 Release Date, Mass Effect 3 Release Date, Farcry 3, etc.
Links: E3 Annoucements

64-Bit Client
This article from MMO-Champion has other things on it but I was mostly interested in the potential 64-Bit client. I don’t know whether I should be excited about this or be worried. If 64-Bit software is built properly it can have huge performance benefits, however if its built poorly it will be an utter nightmare.
Article Link(s): MMO-Champion

Beta News

Gods & Heroes Open Beta
Heatwave Interactive’s Gods & Heroes started their open beta today. You can also pre-order the game and get started a week ahead of launch. Apparently pre-ordering can also get you some headphones. I haven’t signed up for a beta on this game because I’m too busy with other games but if you try it out let me know what you think.
Links: Massively,  Gods & Heroes Website

Shameless Plug
I received a re-invite to test The Old Republic again so I have begun blogging about it, if you haven’t seen it yet I have provided the link here. Yes, I know, I am plugging my own stuff but hey, I write these articles and emails so I’m allowed some shameless plugging.
Post Link: Back In The Beta

Old News

Aion 2.5 Patch Empyrean Calling
On May 25th NC Soft released the 2.5 patch (called Empyrean Calling) which introduces new high level instances, the mentor program and new skills and PVP gear.
Article Links: Massively

New WoW Pet Store Mount
Blizzard knows that if they want to make another couple million bucks in a short period of time then they just have to release a new mount in the pet store. On June 1st Warcraft players will be able to purchase the Winged Guardian for $25 from the Blizzard pet store. I gotta admit it looks pretty awesome!
Article Link(s): WoW Insider

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times – Pre-Blizzcon Edition

Issue 14

Welcome back keyboard quarterbacks to another riveting edition of The MMO Times. There isn’t much to talk about this week but I wanted to get this out today because Blizzcon starts tomorrow. We have some interesting articles for all of you in this issue so lean back and enjoy.

Blizzcon Coming This Weekend!!
Remember Blizzard fans, this weekend (October 23rd and 24th) is Blizzcon 2010. I wonder what delicious secrets will be unveiled this year. We know it can’t be another WoW Expansion or the Cataclysm release date, so what juicy news will be the talk of the town (as it were). Perhaps the Diablo 3 release date? The new Blizzard MMO? I have a Blizzcon virtual ticket so I will try to provide the big headlines for you this weekend. I might do a special “living post”. (What is a living post? Its a blog post I will continuously update as Blizzcon progresses).
Blizzcon 2010 Website

Blogger Nerd Rages About Warhammer and Mythic
I’m sure most of  you have heard about this little piece of epic nerd rage. A blogger, who claims to be a disgruntled former employee of Mythic, unloads on Warhammer and Mythic (and takes a few shots at Bioware and SWTOR). As of the time of this writing there hasn’t been any proof or verification of identity of the author but if you want to see some drama, check it out.
Read More @ Massively

Tenacious D to Perform at Blizzcon
Let’s start with the Blizzcon news. Tenacious D will be performing the closing concert at Blizzcon this year. This band from 1994 presents the vocal talents of comedian Jack Black and Kyle Gass. Blizzcon is the weekend of the 23rd-24th.
Read More @ MMO-Champion

Cataclysm TV Cinematic
During the Dallas and Vikings game the new Warcraft Cataclysm cinematic tv trailer debuted. When it first came on I didn’t notice the beginning, I thought it was a movie trailer, but its pretty bad ass. Here are links to the WoW Insider article and MMO-Champion.
WoW Insider Article
MMO-Champion Post

SOE to Merge EQII Servers This Fall
Sony Online Entertainment has announced that they will be merging 16 live servers this November. The move isn’t all that surprising and SOE says the bigger populations “is just simply more fun” – an odd piece of logic for a rather evasive action.
Read More @ Massively

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times

Issue 13

Welcome back gamers, to another MMO Times which brings you the latest, significant headlines in the MMO gaming world. So grab a Mt Dew and check out whats been happening in the virtual world.

Final Fantasy XIV Version Update
Final Fantasy players will be receiving a patch soon which promises to address quite a few bugs, but don’t get your hopes up about changes to the market wards. Apparently the patch notes (link provided below) also contains information from the developers regarding game mechanics. Read on and enjoy Final Fantasy fanatics.
Read More @ Massively
Patch Notes

Global Agenda Adds Friends with Benefits
No, not those kinds of benefits, get your mind out of the gutter! This program is basically a Refer-A-Freiend program where you can gift someone a code where they will receive 30% off the client program and grant you an in-game achievement that awards a mini-pet (that resembles an angry Laurence Fishburne bobblehead doll????).
Read More @ Massively

DCUO Beta Keys Available with Pre-Order
Despite the devastating news of postponing the launch date, fans of DC Universe Online can rejoice because if you have pre-ordered the game, submit a copy of your receipt and you can receive a beta key. SOE has extended the beta period for the game to compensate for postponing the launch. Hurry, only pre-orders dated prior to November 15th will be eligible.
Read More @ Massively

Ilum, SWTOR’s 16th Planet Announced
Ilum, one of the locations for crystals used to build lightsabers, is now home to the Sith. If you remember Hoth from Empire Strikes Back, then this planet is similar. This article has a video as well.
Read More @ Massively

Going Live!

World of Warcraft Pre-Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1
October 12, 2010 – Just as most WoW players expected, the massive 4.0.1 patch will be going live when the realms go down for their typical Tuesday maintenance. This patch introduces several new features that were announced as part of the expansion including Reforging, Prime Glyphs, 41-point talent trees and, of course, extended downtime. Extended downtime also, usually, means the realms won’t be playable for most of the evening.
Read Article @ Massively

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times – Cataclysmic Edition

Issue 12

Welcome to a special edition of MMO Times, the Cataclysmic Edition, where I bring you the top headlines from around the MMO-verse. I’m sure from the subtitle of this issue many can guess what news awaits below, which is why this issue is so soon after Issue 11. So read on fellow gamers, read on and enjoy!


Cataclysm Release Date Announced!!!
Yes, all the anticipation and speculation is over. Blizzard released an official Press Release on Monday, October 4th to let everyone know that the Cataclysm release date is – December 7th, 2010. The announcement raises two thoughts; when are we getting the big 4.0.1 Cataclysmic patch and what big news are they going to announce at Blizzcon. I guess we will know the answer to the latter at the end of the month. The WoW Insider link has the article with the press release.

DCUO Postponed until 2011
So while Blizzard has good news for the gaming world, SOE has disappointing news for DC comic fans as Sony Online Entertainment has announced that they will delay the release of DC Universe Online until 2011. Some are speculating SOE did this so they can avoid competing with the release of Cataclysm. Either way, fans have to wait a few months longer.

Aion to get patch 2.1
Immediately on the wings (haha, wings … Aion, haha) of their newest expansion, Assault on Balaurea, will come patch 2.1. This patch has already gone live on the Korean servers and the rumor is, in addition to the various bug fixes, there has been an increase in drop rates.

Going Live!

Allods Online Launching Volume 2
October 5th – Allods Online is launching its second volume, the Rise of Gorluxor which introduces a new raid boss, you guessed it, Gorluxor. There are also additional changes to the game. The links below have the Massively article as well as a link to the patch notes.
Patch Notes: http://en.forum.gpotato.eu/?CD=ALLODS_EN_F002&TC=0000000000&MD=VT&US=Y&AS=Y&TNO=1121105

Age of Conan Patch 2.0.7
October 6, 2010 – Players of Age of Conan will be experiencing the splendor of the latest 2.0.7 after extended maintenance on this day. The patch contains a few class tweaks and some zone tweaks that apparently caused some framerate issues for players.

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe.

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