A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: MMO Times Page 20 of 24

The MMO Times: The Force Has Arrived!

Issue 23

Welcome back gamers to another MMO Times. We have some exciting stuff in this issue so I hope you enjoy what I have provided for you! I thinking about renaming the MMO Times to The MMO Pulse; not sure if I like the sound of it yet.

Diablo III Cinematic

So many people are excited about Diablo III. I haven’t even played the first two and I am excited so I can’t imagine what the people who are fans are feeling right now. Blizzard released the official opening cinematic for Diablo III so enjoy (because it looks frakking awesome!)
Massively article
Diablo Fans website

Updated MoP Talents

Blizzard recently updated the talent trees for the Mists of Pandaria talent system. The new system is receiving a lot of criticism from the player base. It seems many are upset that they are taking away the granular talent trees to the more versatile version Blizzard introduced. I’d be interested in some of your thoughts so please feel free to leave a comment on the post with your thoughts. The link I provided is to the actual talent calculator.
MoP Talent Calculator

SWTOR Tips & Tricks

This is another shameless plug. I wrote a post with some tips for getting started in SWTOR. These are some of the things that are often asked by people in the global channels and things I often forgot to do myself when I had to start toons over. I hope anyone playing SWTOR finds them useful.
Biggs Zone post

EverQuest II Goes F2P

Yes, you read that right. SOE announced Monday, 12/12/11, that EverQuest II is now Free-2-Play. You can now download, install and play EverQuest II without being charged, however you will be limited on what you can do. Things like races, bags, spell tiers, character slots are restricted for those playing for free. I found the article on The Daily BLAM.
The Daily BLAM article

SWTOR Launch Guide

I would still highly recommend checking out my post on starter tips for SWTOR, but Massively has assembled a launch guide for SWTOR. I haven’t gone through the entire post but just looking at it briefly it seems pretty comprehensive. Check it out and tell me your thoughts.
Massively SWTOR Launch Guide

Top 5 Biggest MMO Flops

Piki Geek has a list of, what they consider to be, the top 5 biggest MMO Flops. I only recognized like two of these titles, and I was a little surprised to see that Lego Universe didn’t make the list. Check out the list and see if any of them is something you tried out.
Piki Geek post

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe.

The Chuck Norris ..er MMO Times

Issue 22

Hello Gamers! I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving. Here are some of the postings I found during my various opportunities to peruse the internet during my holiday. I hope you enjoy.

F2P DCUO Pays Off

I find the shift to Free-2-Play paradigm fascinating. Some of the games that have converted to F2P were met with failure, recently Lego Universe suffered this fate. Recently Sony decided to take DC Universe Online Free-2-Play and it looks like it paid off. I’m glad to hear that this worked out well for them. I found an interesting read at Venture Beat.
Venture Beat article

Chuck Norris Commercial

Blizzard aired a new WoW Commercial during the football games the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Yes, the newest celebrity to don a World of Warcraft character is the iconic Chuck Norris. Below is the video but for the e-mail I have a link to the WoW Insider post that contains the video for you to watch. Iconic, yet a bit corny. Enjoy.
WoW Insider post

Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculators

Blizzard unveiled the Mists of Pandaria talent calculators. I suspect WoW Head will have theirs updated to match the official talent calculators. I haven’t been able to look at them too much yet but its exciting to get to play around with them early.
WoW Insider post

TORHead Beta

One of my favorite websites for World of Warcraft is WoW Head. I love the information about all the loot and the talent calculator. Last week the beta of TORHead went live. It also has talent calculators, item details, crew skills, all the stuff you would expect it to have based on WoW Head. I’m very excited.
TOR Head website

WoW Patch 4.3 Live

The final patch for the Cataclysm expansion hit the live servers this week. The final raid, Dragon Soul, is now available to raiders. This is the final showdown with Deathwing. Players will also receive Transmog, Void Storage, three new instances as well as a few other goodies. The post from MMO-Champion has an excellent summation. WoW Insider has the official announcement from Bashiok.
WoW Insider article
MMO-Champion post

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times: Let’s Make Everything An MMO!

Issue 21

Hello gamers! This issue is full of more announcements of things that are, and some that never should be, MMOs in the making. Enjoy.

Ignited Games Vampire MMO

We have come full circle. Last time I found details about a Zombie MMO and now Ignited Games has a closed beta for their Vampire MMO called DarkEden. You can sign up for the beta at the official website which I have also provided.
Massively article
Ignited Games website

A Total Recall MMO in Production (Unfortunately)

There are just some days when you read something like this and all you can do is /facepalm. Why in the world of Azeroth would someone want to make an MMO based on Total Recall?!? Its not like that was the best movie ever made, its just popular because of “tri-boob chick” (WARNING: NSFW!!!). Anyway, I found this post on a website called Gamasutra that Sony Pictures is behind this atrocity.
Gamasutra article

Game of Thrones MMO Announced

I haven’t read this series yet, but its on my ToDo list. I’m not surprised, based on the success of the novels and the TV mini-series, that the possibility of an MMO would emerge. Bigpoint has announced that they are working on making an GoT MMO.
Massively article

Lineage Eternal Announced

NCSoft announced that there will be a third installment of the Lineage universe called Lineage Eternal. It was announced at the Korean equivalent of E3 and the author of the article feels that there will be no doubt Lineage Eternal will be release overseas.I found the announcement at a website called The Sixth Axis but Massively also had a trailer.
The Sixth Axis post
Massively article

STO Will Be F2P 01-17-2012

Finally something to talk about that doesn’t refer to a new MMO. A few months ago I found an announcement that Cryptic would be making Star Trek Online Free-2-Play. I found an article from a website called Ology that gives the date STO will be F2P, January 17, 2012. I think I saw somewhere that Tom’s Hardware also had the announcement.
Ology article

Aion Double XP Weekends

In an attempt to bring players back, every weekend from now until December 6th NCSoft is offering Double XP weekend from gathering, crafting and killing mobs in Aion. Massively has more details and a trailer called the Shugo Event Showcase.
Massively article

4.3 Valor and Conquest Point Changes

WoW Insider has an article about what to expect in regards to acquiring valor points when 4.3 drops. It looks like Firelands will still drop Valor Points, just fewer valor points and Dragon Soul will drop twice that. Check out the article for more details.
WoW Insider post

Happy Thanksgiving!

Since the next MMO Times won’t be until the week following Thanksgiving I want to take a moment and wish everyone a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times: Issue 20!

Issue 20

Wow! I have made it to my 20th issue of MMO Times. Thank you all for reading. I’m excited that so many of you enjoy reading these posts. So here are the topics for the 20th issue; there are quite a few topics this time so I hope you enjoy!

More 4.3 Changes

The latest build on the PTR for the 4.3 patch has some interesting changes. They made some more changes to the World Map and the mini-map by adding additional tracking filters. They also made some more minor adjustments to the druid hurricane animation and I gotta tell ya, I like it. There is a video. Check out the post on MMO-Champion.
MMO-Champion post

Details on SWTOR PvP Warzones

GameSpy has some details about the PvP aspect of SWTOR. The comments are pretty harsh about Huttball. I think Huttball sounds pretty cool, and its a new type of PvP. Obviously most of the comments come from hardcore RP players. There is a video that explains how Huttball works. Take a look and see what you think.
GameSpy article

MechWarrior Online MMO

Yes, MechWarrior fans, Piranha Games has announced that there will be a MechWarrior MMO. They haven’t given too many details other than there is a tentative 2012 release. MMO Crunch has the article.
MMO Crunch article

Lineage II Going F2P

Another known name in MMOs will be going Free-2-Play. MMO Crunch, again, has the details on NCSoft’s announcement of Lineage II going Free-2-Play. It’s interesting to see the paradigm switching among the bigger names in the MMO industry. I still wouldn’t look for Blizzard changing their mind, they are holding their ground.
MMO Crunch article

A Zombie MMO!

I’m not joking, there is going to be a Zombie MMO. I am going to give you guys a minute to calm down from the excitement. GameDev has the details, it sounds like they are behind the development of the game.
GameDev post

Lego Universe Shutting Down

As a Lego fan growing up (and still a fan as an adult) it sucks to see this game going away. I was in the beta for it last summer and I found it only OK. So from a gamer perspective, I’m not surprised it didn’t survive. Massively has the article including the official press release.
Massively article

Aion 3.0 Trailer

Last issue I talked about the upcoming Aion 3.0 patch that included player housing and mounts. Massively has another post with a trailer for Aion 3.0 which includes not only how you can customize the player house but various mount options. It also includes scenes from the new zones, bosses and instances. Check it out at Massively.
Massively post

SWTOR Pre-Order Early Access Is …

So its the time all of us who have pre-ordered have been waiting for, how early will our “early access” to SWTOR be? This past weekend Bioware announced that, depending on when you redeemed your pre-order, your early access will be up to five days. I think that’s pretty significant; I mean you could be max level before the game officially launches. The article I decided to post from GameSpy also has an Imperial Agent character progression video. Enjoy.
GameSpy post

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times: Panda Edition

Issue 19

Welcome back gamers! Issue 19 is brought to you by our new panda friends. We have a couple of interesting things to read in this issue but it is a little short. There is dated news in here so this issue needed to go out before November 1st. I hope you enjoy.

Aion 3.0 – Housing and Mounts

Aion is getting a huge patch soon and apparently it includes player housing and mounts. I guess the PvP players of Aion are none to excited about player housing the everyone else is. I guess there will be an armoire to store the variety of Daeva wardrobes (some of those costumes can be quite … interesting). The Wings Over Atreia post on Massively has a pretty good write-up.
Massively article

Secret Word Beta Has 500k Signed Up

I hadn’t realized there was so much interest in the upcoming Secret World MMO, and apparently Funcom was also surprised. They have already had half-a-million players sign up. I may have to check out this game to see what all the fuss is about. Speak up if you have an idea. Along with the link to the GameSpy article I have also provided a link to the games website where you can register for the beta.
GameSpy article
Secret World website

DC Universe Online Going F2P

Another MMO hops on the Free-2-Play bandwagon. SOE has offically announed that on November 1st (that is this coming Tuesday!) DC Universe Online will be Free-2-Play. I always find it interesting when another MMO decides to go Free-2-Play. I know it has to make things more competitive for other companies also trying to release and promote their titles. Personally I’m on the fence about Free-2-Play, perhaps a topic for a future post. Massively has the article.
Massively article

Diable 3 for WoW Players

I haven’t read this post in its entirety yet but I definitely will (that’s what the iPad is for), but I am definitely one of those WoW players that hasn’t played the first two Diablo’s but will be playing D3. I think a post like this is excellent for players, just like myself, to get caught up in the lore so we don’t feel so lost when we start playing Diabloe 3. Check it out on WoW Insider, it looks to be a good read.
WoW Insider article

Mists of Pandaria Developer Q&A

You can probably find the summary of the developer Q&A for the next WoW expansion everywhere, but I like the way MMO-Champion does it where its a transcript written like a blue post. You do have to scroll a bit to get there (there is a video of the Tyrael’s Charger mount for Annual Pass subscribers as well as a couple other PTR things). There is some good things covered but its a long read.
MMO-Champion post

[Shameless Plug] SWTOR: Bioware’s Launch Plans

One of the things I’m concerned about is how Bioware plans to handle launch. The way I understand it, and anyone please correct me where I’m wrong, is that Bioware plans to limit or control the number of players that can log in at launch… <read more>

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times: Back For Blizzcon

Issue 18

Hello Gamers!! I didn’t think anyone still read these posts or still received the emails but I learned recently that some of you still do and do enjoy them. So, back by popular demand, is The MMO Times and what a better way to come back then with the cool stuff from Blizzcon. Enjoy!

Mists of Pandaria Trailer

I am only providing this video through the blog, obviously I can’t embed a video into an e-mail.

Mists of Pandaria Recap

MMO-Champion has the best recap of Blizzcon 2011 including videos and and links to the all of the details around the new World of Warcraft expansion, Mists of Pandaria. I will be honest, I’m not a fan of the name but some of the new features do have me a bit geeked out. So check out the link and see what you think (I also provided the Massively link, they have some good stuff too).
MMO-Champion article
Massively article

STO Creates Difficulty Modes

As all of you may know by now, Star Trek Online has gone Free-2-Play. It seems they are making more changes to their Strategic Task Forces by creating two difficulty modes, Normal and Elite. You can read more about it at Massively.
Massively article

Transformers Universe Q&A Recap

Jagex held a Q&A session at the New York Comic Con this year for the upcoming Transformers Universe. There were quite a few things discussed about it so check out the Massively article to read more about it. I haven’t looked too much into this MMO yet but I am mildly interested so I might try to see if I can get into a beta or something.
Massively article

A Look At SWTOR Editions

MMOMFG has a pretty good article that discusses the various editions that you can pre-order for SWTOR. There are three editions available, Digital Deluxe, Collector’s Edition (which I have already pre-ordered) and the Standard Edition. I thought a long time about just getting the Standard Edition but the more I played the beta the more I enjoyed the game and decided that, while pricey, I enjoyed the game enough to warrant paying the cost.
MMOMFG article

SWTOR Flashpoints & Warzones

In The Old Republic, Flashpoints are Instances and Warzones are PvP Battlegrounds and ars technica has an article with some decent details on these features. They also have the Signs of War trailer. I haven’t tried the Warzones yet, but I have done some Flashpoints and they are pretty fun and fit well with the storyline (though they haven’t integrated class storylines but I hope they plan on doing that).
ars technica article

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