A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

The MMO Times: Blood Moon Eclipse

lunar-eclipse-0814Issue 109: Isn’t that an awesome lunar eclipse. The “Blood Moon”, such an iconic event to happen in the month of October. Yes, fall is upon us and so are many a content patches and expansions. Obviously the gaming companies are gearing up for the Christmas season and the winter months for those that will be sequestered in their homes in the colder regions of the world. Blizzard, Bioware and the other companies are preparing content for your enjoyment while you endure the frigid winter months. Also, BlizzCon is a mere 3 weeks away (which means we are about 4 weeks away from Warlords of Draenor)!

 Speaking of the WoW expansion, the pre-expansion patch will drop October 14th so get your last taste of Brawlers Guild, Challenge Modes and get your Legendary Cloak quests because they will be gone with 6.0.2. So there is some SWTOR and WoW expansion news in this issue, as well as some more details about new content coming for Final Fantasy XIV, Age of Wushu and more.

SWTOR Revan Expansion Announced

Posted 10.6.14 – Bioware has finally revealed all the details about the next expansion for SWTOR. It is called Shadow of Revan and it will include the customary level cap increase (now 60), new flashpoints, operations and other goodies. The most surprising thing of all, however, is the complete removal of the skill trees. I guess this isn’t terribly surprising, they did seem a little cumbersome and perhaps this will make the leveling experience more enjoyable as you don’t always have to remember to add a point after leveling which may or may not impact the success of whatever mob you’re killing or quest you are working on. Yes, there is a trailer. The universe expands December 9th!
Massively post

Dungeons of FFXIV’s Patch 2.4

Posted 10.6.14 – The next big content patch for Final Fantasy XIV will contain three new hard mode dungeons: Snowcloak, Sunken Temple of Qarn and Sastasha. Apparently Snowclock is a massive ice wall that is currently visible in the game and the dungeon will be to seek out the source of if – my guess is its Jon Snow! The other two will be updated to new forms and have new story arcs. There is a link in the Massively post that shows these dungeons in more detail.
Massively post

Save This WoD Link: New Mounts Guide

Posted 10.7.14 – I’m a collector of mounts, regardless of the game. I have less than 30 mounts to hit 200 in WoW (and not enough time to get the mounts I want in SWTOR). I squealed with nerdy enthusiasm when I stumbled on this link. It’s a guide to acquiring mounts in Warlords of Draenor. Achievement mounts are probably the ones I like to get the most but I hate the kind that require repetitive grinding (i.e. Raven LordFiery Warhorse, and the damned elusive Rivendare’s Deathcharger – which I’m still grinding). I am looking forward to a new list of challenges for acquiring “moar mounts!”.
WoW Insider post

Age of Wushu Expansion Release Date Is …

Posted 10.8.14 – The next expansion for Age of Wushu, Winds of Destiny, finally has a release date and its a lot sooner then I expected. October 15th … exactly, that’s next week to get ready for new content. I believe the details of this expansion were discussed previously. Its going to have that new companion system as well as new zones to explore.
Massively post

Dragon Age: Origins Now Free

Posted 10.8.14 – Dragon Age is a title I haven’t talked about it quite a while (if ever). I know there are quite a few people out there that have enjoyed this title and I believe there is a new title coming soon (Dragon Age: Inquisition which has a Nov 18th release date). Origin has made Dragon Age: Origins free (via Origin) but you have to have an Origin account … which is also free. So you can play this game for free would be the theme I am going for here.
Joystiq post

What’s Coming In Patch 6.0.2

Posted 10.13.14 – As I mentioned above, the 6.0.2 pre-expansion content patch is dropping tomorrow (10/14/14) and with it will be a metic orc-ton of changes. There will be UI changes, some pretty cool bag changes, new character models, the removal of reforging and many other stats. The new dungeons will become available that will drop 550 item level gear. The season of Brawler’s Guild and Challenge Modes will be over and you will no longer be able to pick up the legendary cloak quest (however if you are already on it you should be able to complete it). MMO Champion has a comprehensive list of the changes coming on patch day.
MMO-Champion post

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TBT: Pool Nights


WoW: Fare-thee-well Pandaria


  1. Sadness reigns, as i decline to partake in the upcoming WoW expansion.

  2. boo, I could have used some PJ lock lovin!

  3. Thats pretty much why i dont play, bc i want to be back on alliance with you guys but i cant drop 50-60 for that at the moment.,maybe soon.

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