Issue 75: Happy Memorial Day, Gamers. While spending your three-day weekend “pwning noobs”, raiding or questing, please remember our service men and women who gave their lives so that we may have the freedom to pwn noobs. Please take some time this weekend to come out from behind the computer or gaming console, go to a cook out, visit a cemetery of fallen soldiers, and remember those that fought for this country.
A lot of patches went live last week but the one that stands out to me the most was the WoW patch 5.3, which apparently has had several hot fixes since it went live. In fact instead of the 5.4 talks starting, its all been blue posts containing details of what was recently hot fixed. I have been hearing some good things about the SWTOR patch; post your feedback and comments with your thoughts.
MechWarrior Online has a new map they are showing off, Guild Wars 2 is a little easier to afford, and we are on the cusp of the Marvel Heroes release. I’m a couple of headlines short this issue because of the impending holiday weekend but I hope there are headlines here that strike your fancy! Read on and game on, friends!