A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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Merry Christmas!

I know this has been an awful year but, personally, it still feels like Christmas; albeit it a little different. We are doing virtual Christmas this year but the families on both sides are really awesome about it. They are participating in the Christmas-from-afar with every ounce of joy and excitement. I am equally as excited to celebrate this joyous time despite the terrible year.

I know it’s going to be hard for some but I pray that you still find happiness and joy that comes with Christmas. The vaccines are on the way and so far things are going well with their distribution and administering. I pray that they are the answer we need to finally get on the other side of this virus.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

A Tribute to Our Maharajah


December 6th was just about as awful of a day as I could possibly imagine. Gus, our nearly 15 year old Yorkie-Bichon suddenly collapsed. When I tried to see if he could walk, he kept going in a circle. We immediately drove to the emergency vet clinic. They found that a tumor, probably on his spleen, is causing internal bleeding. They could perform emergency surgery to determine if the tumor was malignant, however that would mean he only has a couple of months, at best. The hemorrhaging may have caused a lack of blood to his brain, which means he probably also had a mild stroke.

The most humane thing to do was say good bye, and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

Why Maharajah??

Yes, I know a “Maharajah” is an Indian Prince and I’m not trying to be culturally insensitive. Gus had a very strong personality. He was very much a “I want to do it my way” kind of dog. If there was a mound of blankets, pillows, or laundry and you turned your back or stepped out of the room, you would return to find him lying at the top of said mound. We often accused him of thinking he was “the maharajah”. He would lay there with a smug look on his face. This was a behavior he exhibited to the end.

Gus hated wearing costumes and clothes

We’ve had him since he was about 20 weeks and over the years he had many nicknames. His full name was actually Gus-Gus, named after the mouse from Cinderella. Gus was the short version. He had a big dog personality; always thinking he could take on Canadian geese or deer. Therefore I would sometimes call him Battousai the Manslayer, clearly he had that man killer instinct.

He could be a little asshole sometimes. For example if it was raining or too cold outside, then in his mind that made it all right to pee in the house. One time we accidentally locked him in the bedroom, so he jumped up on the bed, walked onto the dresser from the bed, and pooped on the dresser. It was his way of saying “How Dare You Lock Me In Here”. His strong personality was his most endearing quality, it is truly one of thing things I loved most about him.

None Shall Compare

I grew up with dogs. We had Labradors when I was a kid. A few months after my wife and I started dating we bought Gus. He was apart of our life before we were even married. He was the first dog I ever personally owned (Gromit was the second dog we bought together a few months after Gus). While I adored all the dogs I had around me as a kid, there is something different about the first dog you bought for yourself (or your family).

When I was talking to my neighbor, he told me about a dog he had. He explained that it was almost as if the dog could tell what he was thinking by a simple look or a nod of his head. He said that dog is the dog that all his other dogs are compared to. This is true for Gus. We know there will never be another Gus, but I know we will compare every new dog to Gus. We have a one year old Westie, and I already comment about behaviors he’s exhibiting that he has clearly learned from “his mentor”, aka Gus.

RIP buddy. I will miss you every day for the rest of my life, but I hope we gave you the best years of yours.

“Dogs’ lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog, and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with her, never fail to share her joy or delight in her innocence, because you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware that it comes with an unbearable price.” – Dean Koontz


I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


It’s Santa’s Fault I’m MIA

The Thanksgiving and Christmas season is always pretty busy for me. I have to make sure I’m efficient at work as I usually take quite a bit of time off for both holiday’s to spend time with family. In fact that is the reason I haven’t written a post since the Rise of Skywalker trailer. I have some posts in draft or in mind, I just haven’t had the time to complete them.

Radio City Music Hall Stage

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving (US); mine was excellent. My in-laws know how to provide a wonderful Thanksgiving vacation experience. This year they treated us to the Christmas Spectacular starring the Radio City Rockettes. I have never seen a Rockettes show; its an amazing show. It really put me in the Christmas spirit. I highly recommend going to a Rockettes if you have the opportunity.

It is now the wonderful season of Advent and, therefore officially Christmas season. I have begun decorating, listening to Christmas music and donning my Santa hat for the next 24 days.

RTotD: Better Than A Smoking Addiction

Addiction, the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Me? I’m addicted to running. If the temperature is above 90 or below 30, I still find a way to safely go for a run. Aside from the weekends, if the day is nearly over and I haven’t gone for a run, I’m anxious. It means I’ve been sitting too long and experiencing cabin fever. 

If it is truly “not safe” to run outdoors, my alternative is to use the treadmill. I am more likely to concede to use the treadmill when its too cold versus too hot. However the treadmill doesn’t provide the same level of satisfaction as running outdoors. The fresh air, the breeze, the fact that upon reaching the half way point, you have no choice but to finish. Those are characteristics of running outdoors that cannot be duplicated by a machine.

Assuming I’m smart and safe about it, this has to be one of those “healthy” addictions. Regardless its a better addiction than smoking (or “vaping” 🙄 for you millennials).


The things that go through my mind when I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts for entertainment is dangerous. Some might even say eccentric. Consider this your warning about today’s Random Thought of the Day


Bucket List: Go to a Shooting Range

Me shooting AR-15 at a shooting range

Firing an AR-15 5.56mm

I get to strike something off the old Things To Do Before You Die (TTDBYD) list. Granted I don’t have a “Bucket List” in any official capacity, but I do keep track mentally. I’ve always wanted to go to a shooting range. In fact I’ve thought about purchasing a gun and I’ve even done some research into concealed carry permits.

However, this wasn’t just a typical trip to the shooting range, otherwise it wouldn’t really be a bucket list item. There are different types of guns I’ve always wanted to fire, in a safe and instructor lead environment, and that’s what this opportunity was about. The instructor, from Crusader Tactical, brought quite a few different fire arms for us to try out. As you can see from the photo, the AR-15 is one of them.

Which Firearms Did You Shoot?

As I stated previously, it wouldn’t be much of a bucket list item if I were just shooting a pistol since I have several friends who own one. This experience was unique because of the variety of pistols and rifles available to shoot. I have always wanted to fire a 12 gauge shotgun and an AR-15, and this gave me the opportunity to do that. Here are the firearms we were trained to use and fire safely:

[table id=1 /]

The firearms I enjoyed the most are the Sig Sauer, the Mosberg 12 gauge and the (dreaded) AR-15. The AR-15 is the most infamous weapon in the media today because it’s been used in many horrific acts against innocent people. I can tell you, after firing one, it is not easy to hit a target as a novice. You cannot simply pick up an AR-15 and start picking people off. I never felt like I was in any danger. Guns are only dangerous if you do something stupid, just like driving a car. I goof around a lot but I did not goof around at the shooting range. I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable therefore I didn’t want to put anyone else in a state of discomfort.

How Did It Make You Feel?

A common question I get is whether I was scared or nervous? I was never scared, however I was a bit nervous at the start, perhaps even mildly intimidated. I have never been standing next to someone while they are firing a gun. Also, I have never fired a gun. The honest truth is the more time I spent trying the different firearms, the more comfortable I felt. In fact, it was fun.

After 2 hours, all 5 of us walked away. Still breathing, all limbs in tact, and no holes. I did not walk away with a God complex, thinking I now have the power to chose who lives and who dies. I’m already thinking about when I can go back and do it again. In fact, the next time I go back, it might be for the 8 hour safety and training course required for a CCW. Actually, I might be going back to fire my own gun as I definitely want to purchase a pistol (perhaps a Sig Sauer). While shooting the rifles is a lot of fun, I don’t feel the need to own any rifles at this time. Although … I do have a daughter; the sound of pumping a 12 gauge shotgun might be useful around the dating age. 😈



I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


The Internet is an Experiment in Anarchy

I’m on a Criminal Minds binge. There is an interesting episode called “The Internet is Forever” near the end of Season 5. If you are unfamiliar with the show, each episode begins and ends with a quote from some philosopher or influential mind. The closing quote in this episode suggests that the Internet is an experiment in anarchy. Here is the full text of the quote:

The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.” – Eric Schmidt

Yes, ironically that quote is from Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google (aka. Alphabet Inc). It is so profoundly accurate it sparks many thoughts of just how much anarchy the Internet is creating. I decided on this topic on the 25th of January and since that day I witness nearly daily examples. It’s equal parts frightening and uncanny.

The Internet has Made Us All Sociopaths

I wish I could say I am exaggerating. Surely there are not daily examples of Internet induced anarchy. How often is there a story on the news where someone’s behavior was the result of a post on social media? How many suicides or suicide attempts are the result of cyber bullying? If you don’t want to think about it then how about a couple of examples. Tide Pods. The cinnamon challenge. The Bird Box challenge. People are lemmings! Yes, people did stupid things in the 80’s and 90’s, before Facebook, but it wasn’t as widespread. The consequences were more prolific because it made the news.

Unfortunately anarchy has become the social norm; and I blame Social Media. Everyone feels so indemnified by the facelessness of Twitter and even Facebook (ironic, I know). We’ve all become sociopaths because we post things on the various forms of social media with a complete lack of conscious. People don’t care who they harm, all they care about is what’s trending. A perfect example is this “Fyre Festival” thing that Hulu has been advertising. It shows just how dangerous social media can be. I don’t think Billy McFarland is a criminal, I think it’s hilarious that those people got what they deserved.

The Internet is now the digital mountain top from which people scream their opinions thinking the rest of us care. I admit that some people do care and many agree. However, what makes it absolutely absurd are the people who are trying to promote tolerance and inclusion are first to demonize anyone that disagrees with them. You can’t preach inclusion but ostracize anyone that disagrees. This is as much of an example of cognitive dissonance as this entire blog post (yes, I’m fully aware of what I’ve done). I’ll openly admit that joining Facebook and Twitter has turned me into a sociopath. In retrospect, I should have avoided them completely.



I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


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