Addiction, the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Me? I’m addicted to running. If the temperature is above 90 or below 30, I still find a way to safely go for a run. Aside from the weekends, if the day is nearly over and I haven’t gone for a run, I’m anxious. It means I’ve been sitting too long and experiencing cabin fever.
If it is truly “not safe” to run outdoors, my alternative is to use the treadmill. I am more likely to concede to use the treadmill when its too cold versus too hot. However the treadmill doesn’t provide the same level of satisfaction as running outdoors. The fresh air, the breeze, the fact that upon reaching the half way point, you have no choice but to finish. Those are characteristics of running outdoors that cannot be duplicated by a machine.
Assuming I’m smart and safe about it, this has to be one of those “healthy” addictions. Regardless its a better addiction than smoking (or “vaping” 🙄 for you millennials).
The things that go through my mind when I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts for entertainment is dangerous. Some might even say eccentric. Consider this your warning about today’s Random Thought of the Day