A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gaming Page 23 of 28

The MMO Times: The News Has Been Slow

mmotimesheaderIssue 63: When I started out creating this post I thought there would be quite a bit of news to report in this issue but the news stalled out near the end of last week. Perhaps with the impending Superbowl the MMO news went to the back burner.

I know today Blizzard is having extended maintenance on WoW so despite the fact that there isn’t a lot of news, there might be an article or two that will help pass the time. Check out a new MMO title from an unknown development studio; there’s a pretty good article on crafting in Age of Wushu; more news about TERA and DCUO which you may have already heard about. Read on and game on!

(I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please click here to subscribe.)

The MMO Times: Help Sandy Victims!

Issue 56: Hello again, Gamers! The Christmas season is in full swing and with only 18 days left, assuming the world doesn’t end in two weeks, I hope you have all your Christmas shopping completed, or nearly completed. We have some good stuff in this issue. One of the key headlines I want to point everyone too (especially if you are playing World of Warcraft) is the new pet store pet whose sales help Sandy Victims.

And speaking of Blizzard they are already talking patch 5.2 which is estimated to be 2-4 months away. There is also more Aion, Elder Scrolls Online and Age of Wushu news. The news for Age of Wushu seems to be increasing as we approach that February 1st release date (which is now less than two months away). There should be lots here to wet the proverbial appetite so read on and game on, friends!

(I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please click here to subscribe.)

What If Your MMO Shutdown

Last week the MMO community bid farewell to a much adored game, City of Heroes. I remember when CoH came out and I knew several people that were playing it. I had friends that would often return to Paragon City when they were bored with World of Warcraft. I never played City of Heroes but I considered it many times. It looks like Massively did a good job broadcasting the final sign off as the servers were shutdown for the last time (you click here to see the video if you want, its a little over an hour and a half.)

Every time I read about a title shutting down I often think about what I am currently invested in. While I am still in the process of returning to SWTOR, I still play WoW quite regularly. I often hypothesis what I would do if Blizzard suddenly announced that they had to shutdown all of the WoW servers permanently. It would be heartbreaking because I have made quite a few friends. I have been in the same guild for over 7 years and most of those friends have been there just as long as I have.

If the servers were to be shutdown forever the only thing I could think to do would be to start visiting some of my favorite locations in Azeroth and start amassing a ridiculous collection of screenshots. I’d probably do every raid and dungeon in the game. Screenshots of all my toons, my various pets, mounts, etc. Most importantly I would be taking screenshots with everyone from the guild. I would definitely have to post these images in a gallery somewhere and give everyone access. Perhaps even keep the website alive so we can all touch base every now and again.

I’m sure many of us would move on to another game, but I doubt if I would invest the same amount of time and energy. I think doing it once is enough for me, doing it again would be akin to madness. It’s really difficult to say what I would do especially when its hypothetical. In fact there is a greater likelihood that life will be the reason I stop playing before all the WoW servers go offline but you never know what tomorrow brings.

So what would you do if your game ended?

The MMO Times: 50!

Issue 50: Hello Everybody! I can’t believe I am sending out the 50th issue of this email/post. I hope all of you have found the stories I provide useful and interesting. This issue has some updates on some titles many of us may have forgotten about. Since Blizzard and Bioware have been doing random server maintenance perhaps this will be a good thing to check out during that down time.

This issue we have several new trailers for a couple titles we haven’t heard much about lately, including Age of Wushu and Transformers Universe. Since New York Comic Con 2012 just happened, several companies took the opportunity to unveil the trailers for their upcoming titles. There is also more information about changes coming to future updates of Aion and the new RIFT expansion, Storm Legion. Read on and game on, friends!

Biggs On: Trolls

If you are not a gamer, then you probably won’t relate to this post. I am not going to talk about the kind that live under bridges (more like the kind that live in their parents basement). I am going to talk about how there are some terrible trolls out there and good trolls (both in-game and on the web).

I know what you are thinking: “Is there such a thing as a good troll??”

I say there is. Have you ever read a comment on an article or in Trade chat and it just got you all flustered and riled? You start developing an involuntary compulsion to make personal assaults using profanity and caps. In my opinion, that is a good troll and only good in the sense that they probably don’t believe a word of what they said, but they know you do. They have a talent for pressing the right button to make your blood pressure spike. I am just as guilty for falling victim to this ploy as anyone else, especially when it came to defending SWTOR.

There are days where I swear I will never read another comment or enter Trade chat again. Unfortunately, by doing so, you might miss out on some pretty excellent comments and comedy. I admit I’m not perfect so despite the fact that most of the time I know that people are only saying things that make me nerd rage, sometimes I still cave in and flip out. You may have noticed the times when I have done that from some of my past posts (i.e. most Soapbox posts).

So you are probably thoroughly confused. If the people that I just described are the “good” trolls, then what are the bad trolls? The bad trolls are the dorks that try too hard. The kind that you would swear are 12 years old because they clearly have no idea what people are discussing. You ignore them because they are annoying, not because they irked you right off.

The anonymity of the Internet gives the trolls courage so the best that we can do is remain civil and maintain our composure, which is easier said then done.

Wait, did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]??

The MMO Times – And We’re Back

Issue 43

Sorry for the AFK, Gamers. I became pretty swamped at work and I just didn’t have the time to read up on the latest MMO rumblings. I hope all of you found the time to perhaps read up on a few of stories on your own. Of course the biggest news to come out over the past two weeks is that in November SWTOR will adopt a Free-2-Play model. More on that in this issue.

Guild Wars 2 and the next WoW expansion are on the horizon and there is more details about MoP in this issue. If you are a DCUO fan, there is more DLC coming in September and more for the RIFT expansion and new Secret World content as well. Gamescom was this week so that probably explains the flood of new announcements coming out this week. Read on and game on, friends!

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