A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gaming Page 21 of 28

The MMO Times: Not A Stack of Peacebloom

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 89: The Siege of Orgrimmar is live on all WoW servers, but that isn’t my excuse for my lapse in posting the Times. Life, as is always my excuse, just got busy again. Hopefully I will be more astute with my MMO news for a little while, especially since BlizzCon is in the not too distant future (in a month and a half I believe). Honestly, based on the time I have spent trying to catch up on my MMO news, I don’t think I have missed too many “WTF” or “ZOMG” headlines. If I do miss a particularly exciting, or troubling, headline please provide the link in the comments; unless it contains spoilers, like the Horde’s new Warchief (and its not a stack of peacebloom). Then please don’t reveal that so people can choose when they find out.

I tried not to go too far back as anything that is too old probably isn’t worth pointing out anymore. I have found some news for The Secret World, Guild Wars 2, MechWarrior Online and more. Anything that has gone live last Tuesday (or prior) (which seems to be a popular day for launching new content) I’m sure everyone knows about so I won’t get into things like WoW’s 5.4 patch, Marvel Heroes, FFXIV, etc.

The MMO Times: Running Late

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 88: I started a new client which always means I fall behind with my periodic posts such as the MMO Times. I know there are going to be a few items in this issue that are well over a week late and probably are old news which is why I pretty much rushed the rest of this issue to get caught up.

Gamescom is this week so a lot of the news is coming out from there, as I expected. There are a couple of big reveals and some release dates announced. The next WoW patch, 5.4, will be out September 10th which will bring the current expansion to its epic conclusion (I’m anxious to hear about the next expac at BlizzCon this year). Some more FFXIV news and some details about the LOTRO expansion (which hasn’t been in my list of topics in a while). Check it out folks, Gamescom was pretty good to us this year!’

Also, if you hadn’t heard, Blizzard’s newest title, Hearthstone, has officially entered its closed beta. Make sure you go out to your battle.net account and sign up to try to get an invite. Let me know if any of you have yours and if you have tried it out, I’m interested in your impressions.

The MMO Times: I Can Haz Tauntaun??!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 84: Yes, I want a Tauntaun! Gives me tauntaun, now! I mean, what better way to travel around any planet. Yea, I know they smell bad, but think of the versatility. You don’t have to pay for gas, they’ll probably just eat whatever they can find laying around, and if you find yourself freezing to death in the tundra, just cut them open and you’ve got yourself a nice, warm carcass!

Tauntaun disembowelment aside, we have a few headlines to read up on, including the inspiration for the title of this issue (and the rather grotesque introduction). We are between conferences right now as SDCC has ended and Gamescom is next week but there are still some tidbits popping up from both conferences. Aion has some new content to share, SWTOR (obviously!), news about the World of Warcraft movie, and more! So curl up inside your favorite tauntaun (or just buy one of these) and enjoy!

The MMO Times: In Reverse Order

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 83: Greetings Gregarious Gamers!!! I’ve decided that the headlines are going to be listed from earliest to most recent. I’ve noticed in past issues that often times I’ve found a headline that is a follow up of a previous headline and it didn’t make sense chronologically to show the latter one before the former. Hopefully this makes the news flow a little more logically. SDCC also started this week, did anyone go?

There are a some headlines I included with some non-traditional news. Some of the manufacturers are expanding beyond their normal scope or introducing new concepts that we may not have expected. I’m not going to say too much, you need to check it out. Age of Wushu, Final Fantasy, SWTOR and even some more World of Warcraft news await you below (or after the break). I also found a couple headlines about some titles introduced at SDCC or titles that I haven’t mentioned before. Good hunting!

Gaming: The Difference A Costume Makes

tswSo in between doing some leveling in WoW and preparing for raiding, I’ve been getting back into The Secret World since they are doing their anniversary event offering double XP, AP, or SP (until the 15th). The leveling boost, however, isn’t the reason I’ve been drawn back into the game. A friend of mine recently pointed out that you can build decks which will not only provide you with the abilities to maximize where you’ve put your ability points, but it will also award you a costume.


The costumes are pretty cool and they are all unique depending on which faction you are. If you don’t know where to view these decks (because I didn’t notice it), go to your Ability wheel (push “N”) and on the far left side there should be a vertical tab that says Decks. If you click on it, the tab will expand out like an accordion and you can select through the different decks available. I think one of the nice mechanics of The Secret World is that you can build all the decks, you don’t have to pick just one. Actually if you do complete all the decks you will be awarded a pretty sweet looking costume.

You will also notice that when you select a deck, it will indicate on your Ability wheel where you need to put points in order to complete the deck. Just below the image of the costume it should show you which abilities you should use and there is a button there that will equip those abilities to your hot bar so you don’t have to hunt down and find those abilities in your spell book. Once you complete a deck, and you claim your reward, the costume should appear in your dressing room (accessed from your Character Info screen – push “C”).

What is it about a costume that changes the essence of a game! If you haven’t checked out this feature, log in and do it now! Have fun!


The MMO Times: RIP Tony Soprano

The MMO Times: Issue 79Issue 79: What does Tony Soprano and the death of James Gandolfini have to do with MMOs? Absolutely nothing, but since this is my blog and I am a huge Sopranos fan, he gets honorable mention in this issue. If you have never seen The Sopranos, get on Netflix and watch it now! I’m a sucker for mafia and mobster movies and shows and The Sopranos was the epitome. James Gandolfini’s endearing smile and extraordinary talents will be sorely missed.

Mobsters and Waste Management Consultants aside, there are a few exciting things happening this week in various MMO titles. I couldn’t find a specific headline worth posting so I will just let you know that Game Update 2.2 for SWTOR went live this week! There is also new content coming to GW2, Marvel Heroes, MWO and of course World of Warcraft as more details of patch 5.4 come out. So while you are watching The Sopranos, check out these headlines, and don’t screw it up or you’ll lose two teeth!

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