A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Blizzard Page 14 of 17

WoW: Patch 5.0.4 Impressions

The latest content patch has been out nearly two weeks and by now everyone should have picked their new talents and glyphs for pretty much all of their toons. This patch brought a lot of changes to the game including the revamped talent system, which I’m still on the fence about. I felt a little bummed when my warlock hit 83 the other day and I was all excited about setting a talent point but then remembered I don’t get to do that until 85. I have not had an opportunity yet to try out any of the new rotations to get a sense of whether the specs I chose for my classes match my play style. I imagine that I may have to spend some cash changing my talents around until I find something that best suits me.

I’m also curious how this will change the concept of theorycrafting. I thought one of the motivations behind Blizzard’s decision to change the talent system was to prevent players from being forced to use a specific spec. It always annoyed me when I would get a whisper from someone while in a LFG dungeon that I should have put X number of points in Y talent.

I think one of my favorite changes are the changes to the minor glyphs. Instead of utility, for the most part, they are just goofy, cosmetic changes. I really think it adds more depth to the customization of your character. They saved the major glyphs for game play modification. Expect to see things like your shadow orbs appear as shadow ravens, polymorph porcupine, charge leaves a trail of flames, four wings with avenger’s wrath, etc. I could go on forever so log in and check it out.

There is so much more going on with this patch that I don’t think I could possibly cover it all without causing your eyes to glaze over and decrease your heart rate. Overall I’m pretty satisfied with the changes with this patch and it does make me a bit more excited for the Mists expansion. If you have been away from the game for a while, I would come back and check out the latest changes, you might be pleasantly surprised.


WoW: Turned Off By Legendaries

So when Mists of Pandaria goes live, and everyone starts leveling and raiding again, the angst of acquiring the new shiney legendary will begin and I fear the worst. I don’t really fear for our guild because we are all pretty reasonable adults, but I can already see the drama starting now in the community as a whole. It will envelop hundreds and thousands of players. People will be crying endlessly because they were not chosen to receive the required widgets that must be collected to progress through the quest line. I don’t think Blizzard is quite prepared for the swell of controversy by creating a legendary for all classes.

I’m sure there will be several that have staked claim on a legendary “since level 10” and they will not acquiesce quietly.

Personally I’m not going to get caught up in it because I stand by my belief that a legendary item is merely a luxury item so I could care less. As history has shown us through all the previous expansions, you must have completed the raid to even complete the questline to obtain the legendary and most of the time the bosses need to be farmed for several weeks to acquire all the little bobbles needed for the quest. Therefore any claim that obtaining the legendary for any role within a raid/party will make a significant impact in progression is ludicrous. In fact, as far as my personal opinion goes, anyone that makes that claim should automatically be exempt from the list of potential recipients of said legendary.

Something else that makes legendary weapons pointless is that they become obsolete quicker then it takes to obtain them. Unless you are part of a basement dwelling hardcore raiding guild, you won’t complete the quests and construction of it until just as the next content is about to be released. I think its stupid that Blizzard doesn’t allow you to use it for transmog so really you are just obtaining a Feat-of-Strength achievement and/or unlocking some other frivolity. In fact I don’t think I will even finish the construction of Shadowmourne because I can use Shadow’s Edge for future transmogs.

So someone please explain to me any other purpose for obtaining a legendary other then for touting your epeen? I’m open minded enough to listen and discern any logical and practical application or usage.

The MMO Times – And We’re Back

Issue 43

Sorry for the AFK, Gamers. I became pretty swamped at work and I just didn’t have the time to read up on the latest MMO rumblings. I hope all of you found the time to perhaps read up on a few of stories on your own. Of course the biggest news to come out over the past two weeks is that in November SWTOR will adopt a Free-2-Play model. More on that in this issue.

Guild Wars 2 and the next WoW expansion are on the horizon and there is more details about MoP in this issue. If you are a DCUO fan, there is more DLC coming in September and more for the RIFT expansion and new Secret World content as well. Gamescom was this week so that probably explains the flood of new announcements coming out this week. Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Mechs, Pandas and More!

Issue 42

Greetings Gamers. I want to start this issue off by offering my thoughts and prayers to the families of the Aurora movie massacre. It’s awful that such a thing could happen but don’t let that discourage you from seeing the movie. Its a great film and a great finale to The Dark Knight Trilogy (you can read my review here). I’ve only managed to see it once but I would see it multiple times (if it weren’t so expensive to see a movie in the theater).

So if you have the Guild Wars 2 beta test out of your system (unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to participate in the beta) and you are on a break between your viewings of TDKR, check out the following headlines. It has been a pretty interesting week this week. Of course some big announcements from Blizzard (which I’m sure most of you have already heard) as well as some more MechWarrior Online videos. Read on and enjoy!

The MMO Times: Freedom Edition

Issue 39

Greetings Gamers! I hope everyone had a happy, and safe, Fourth of July. I don’t know what its like in your neck of the woods but around here it has been sweltering. A perfect reason to stay in doors and play some MMOs.

It has been an exciting week as Funcom’s latest project, The Secret World, went live on the 3rd. More news about Bigpoint’s new Game of Thrones project, as well as some reviews about the newest SWTOR content patch. There is some good stuff to check out this week so enjoy!

Soapbox: Gamers Lack Appreciation

I was reading through a post on WoW Insider about Cataclysm and the author was discussing the things he liked and will miss about Cataclysm. Someone said something in the comments that, I think, explains why most gamers are spoiled, whining brats. Nobody appreciates the work and effort that goes into designing and developing these games. There will never be another MMO that will reach the number of users that World of Warcraft had because Blizzard has set the bar so high no game will ever satisfy that many gamers again. Gamers are so spoiled that now they expect every feature of WoW to be available at launch of any new MMO.

The mere thought of that last statement is hilarious almost to the point of absurdity. All games are developed in a closed source environment. Obviously Blizzard isn’t going to share its dungeon finder algorithm, for example, with Bioware or Trion. It doesn’t matter anymore that a majority of the features currently in World of Warcraft weren’t available at its launch, but apparently now they are a necessity for all new games. If a new game doesn’t have these features then its deemed “unfinished”.

The MMO gaming industry is cutthroat and volatile. The longer a company waits to deliver a new product the farther behind they will be so it becomes crucial from a profit and marketing philosophy to deliver something sooner rather than later. Nobody will ever release a product that is bug free and with every feature at launch. I remember how much grief players would give Blizzard on days when there were huge content patches that made the game almost unplayable. It was expected that nobody would be raiding on Tuesday nights because the game was incredibly unstable and buggy.

Perhaps the MMO genre has lost its edge. I see comments on posts (mostly on gaming news and blog sites) that they don’t like the “kill X number of Y” type of quests, or any kind of quest. I never see anyone offer alternative methods of leveling. Clearly they have a better idea for leveling then completing quests if they are complaining about it … or maybe they are just complaining because it makes them feel important.

I also see people complaining that Game X lacks any end game content when it actually has the same end game content all the other games have (i.e. raid, pvp, instances, dailies). What else do you want?!? If these games lack so many features, and clearly you know what features they should have, then submit your resume! I assure you that you will find out immediately why games take so long to make and what it takes to develop one.

I think the appalling lack of appreciation is lost because of blind ignorance!


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