A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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The MMO Times: More From E3

Issue 16

Well, I have managed to get another issue written so that’s a good sign. E3, SWTOR and a new WoW content patch is helping to keep the interesting articles coming. This is a shorter one because I wanted to get the rest of the E3 items out to you guys. So enjoy the following articles gamers!

New Star Trek MMO
Don’t get too excited, its not another STO, this one is browser based. German developer Keen Games announced this new MMO at E3 this year. Its currently in closed beta but has a pretty sweet trailer. MMO-Champion has the article.
Article Links(s): MMO-Champion, Star Trek: Infinite Space Website

SWTOR Raid Video!
More exciting SWTOR news out of E3. They have released a 10-minute video of the first SWTOR raid, Belsavis. Pardon me while I wipe the drool from my face and keyboard. In SWTOR raids are referred to as Operations (btw, instances are called Flashpoints).
Article Link(s): MMO-Champion

WoW:Firelands Weapons Preview
MMO-Champion has some images of the new weapons that players will be able to get from the new Firelands raid. The images don’t tell us if they are spell, melee or tank but you can probably guess by what type of weapon it is (1H, 2H, staff, knight [dagger], etc).
Article Link(s): MMO-Champion

Razer Introduces SWTOR Keyboard
More exciting TOR news coming from E3. Massively has some video footage of Dover from Darth Hater talking to Razer at E3 about this absolutely awesome MMO gaming peripheral set with a SWTOR design. My geek is in overload.
Article Link(s): Massively

E3 Gives RIFT Players First Look at 1.3 Patch
Have I said how much I love E3? Massively has a decent sized article about the 1.3 patch for RIFT (due out on the live servers June 22nd).  I haven’t actually played RIFT but I know plenty of people that do play it and they seem to really enjoy it. It looks like this patch has some nice new additions that should get players excited.
Article Link(s): Massively

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

The MMO Times Returns with E3!

Issue 15

Holy Cow! I have really dropped the ball, haven’t I. I apologize to all of you that enjoyed reading my MMO Times posts and e-mails; I do hope you all stuck around especially those on the mailing list. I became extremely busy and therefore couldn’t keep up sending the e-mail and reading the various blogs and news sites. Well, I’m back to give it another shot so read on gamers, I hope you enjoy the following articles!

SWTOR Game Trailer
So we should resume The MMO Times out right with some news from E3. Bioware teased the gamers and the eager Star Wars fans with the news game trailer. I tell ya, my heart rate increased and my palms started to sweat watching this video. The link below will take you to the video at the SWTOR website.
Video Link(s): SWTOR Website

E3 Announcements
The Old Republic trailer was probably the biggest announcement to come from E3 thus far (though still no mention of a release date, sadly) but there were other important titles mentioned. Halo 4 (yes, another Halo game), Battlefield 3 Release Date, Mass Effect 3 Release Date, Farcry 3, etc.
Links: E3 Annoucements

64-Bit Client
This article from MMO-Champion has other things on it but I was mostly interested in the potential 64-Bit client. I don’t know whether I should be excited about this or be worried. If 64-Bit software is built properly it can have huge performance benefits, however if its built poorly it will be an utter nightmare.
Article Link(s): MMO-Champion

Beta News

Gods & Heroes Open Beta
Heatwave Interactive’s Gods & Heroes started their open beta today. You can also pre-order the game and get started a week ahead of launch. Apparently pre-ordering can also get you some headphones. I haven’t signed up for a beta on this game because I’m too busy with other games but if you try it out let me know what you think.
Links: Massively,  Gods & Heroes Website

Shameless Plug
I received a re-invite to test The Old Republic again so I have begun blogging about it, if you haven’t seen it yet I have provided the link here. Yes, I know, I am plugging my own stuff but hey, I write these articles and emails so I’m allowed some shameless plugging.
Post Link: Back In The Beta

Old News

Aion 2.5 Patch Empyrean Calling
On May 25th NC Soft released the 2.5 patch (called Empyrean Calling) which introduces new high level instances, the mentor program and new skills and PVP gear.
Article Links: Massively

New WoW Pet Store Mount
Blizzard knows that if they want to make another couple million bucks in a short period of time then they just have to release a new mount in the pet store. On June 1st Warcraft players will be able to purchase the Winged Guardian for $25 from the Blizzard pet store. I gotta admit it looks pretty awesome!
Article Link(s): WoW Insider

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe

SWTOR: Back in the Beta Again

My lament over the ending of my SWTOR beta testing was short lived, this past week I received a re-invite to test it again! My excitement was beyond words.

This round of testing I have decided to try different classes instead of returning to the Jedi Knight. I have begun a Sith Warrior; I felt it was time to see what it was like on the other side.

This time I have also decided to try a class other then the Force sensitive classes. I’m still concerned that there will be an overabundance of Jedi or Sith and not enough of the other classes. Therefore I have also started a Rebel Trooper class.

My impressions so far is that they have made some huge adjustments. The entire UI has been redesigned and re-skinned and it looks much more fresh and modern. It definitely has a better Star Wars look to it. They have also changed some of the classes, rebalanced and retooled. Initially some of the classes seem a little overpowered but that could be because its still the beta.

They have made no indication yet as to when they will officially release the game nor have they alluded to any kind of public beta. There are still a few bugs and it seems there is still some lag and framerate issues especially during peak hours.

Stay tuned as I continue to provide my impressions of The Old Republic.

SWTOR: Jedi Knight Class

I started my beta testing with the Jedi Knight class. So far it seems that this is basically your melee and tank class. If you have been following any of the details BioWare has been releasing you may already know that the Jedi Knight has two specializations that define whether the Jedi is a tank or melee DPS. The Guardian class is your Jedi Tank and the Sentinel class is your Jedi melee class.

So far the spells and combat make the class really fun to play. In fact I’m actually a little concerned that perhaps the Jedi Knight class is so enjoyable that there might be an overabundance of Jedi Knight players, an issue that plagued Star Wars Galaxies. Do you blame them, I mean who doesn’t want to be a Jedi??

The responses you choose and the decisions you make as you level through your storyline will determine whether you are a dark Jedi or a light Jedi. So far I haven’t been brave enough to pick any of the dark Jedi options though some of them are pretty humorous. Since my beta time is limited I will only be leveling my Jedi Knight to 10 so I can experience how a player selects the Guardian path or the Sentinel class.

I plan to try as many of the other classes as I can so check back when I go over the Bounty Hunter class.



SWTOR: First Impressions

So it has been a while since I last spoke of Star Wars The Old Republic, probably because I was a little upset that they teased me with a beta invite … and then had to cancel my testing group.

Well, I am excited to report that I have received another invite, this time to test the whole game and until May 17th. I have already created 2 characters, a Jedi Knight and a Sith Inquisitor. Now I can’t talk about things that Bioware has not already released publicly so if anyone were to post any questions, I may or may not be able to answer it depending on the context of the question.

So I will start with my first impressions and I will try not to geek out too much. The movement controls are familiar and comfortable, your standard WSAD. The graphics are pretty sweet, even for a beta. The environment details, the Jedi Temple details are just awesome. I have only gone a few levels so there is much more to try out but so far the combat is pretty sweet, some of the abilities you get early on just give me chills.

I really like the lore and the story that unfolds. I love the concept they are trying with quests where the NPCs actually speak to you and you are given three options as your reply. According to the developer videos, how you reply will alter the perception of your character in the future both by the NPCs and by other players. It is a really neat concept. Oh, and none of the NPCs that have actual dialog, sound the same. I believe Bioware said that they brought in several actors to provide voices for the story questlines. It really adds a new and unique level of quality to the experience.

Then there’s the music. I think its the music that really pulls me in. I love the music.

I am going to stop here for now, I don’t want to talk about too much because I want you guys to keep coming back. I will answer the one question I have had some people ask me already. Is SWTOR a WoW-killer? I am going to tell you what I told them. I think right now its too early to tell but I think TOR has the same groundwork (from a lore perspective) as Warcraft. So, to that end, my answer is, it has the greatest potential over any of the other MMOs which made the same claim to be a WoW-killer.

The MMO Times – The Revival

Issue 10

I know it has been a while since I have posted a new MMO Times. I apologize for the lapse in delivery but I had to make a few adjustments to the mailing portion of The MMO Times. I am excited to say that the new mailing list is working great. So, without further adieu, here is the latest MMO rumblings.

Latest DCUO Screenshots
SOE has issued some new screenshots for DC Universe Online and they feature some combat and game locations. If you visit the article, there is a gallery at the bottom of the post; Massively has the info.

SWTOR Devs Talk About Designing the Jedi Classes
I love reporting more SWTOR news. This article from Massively has a video where the Bioware developers for SWTOR discuss the challenge of designing the two Jedi classes. Enjoy.

New Cataclysm Mounts and Pets
The latest beta build for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has some new mounts and pets. The most interesting of the items listed is the new companion mount where you are turned into the mount, and another player can ride on your back – my guess is this is the new Alchemist mount that has been alluded to before. I also think this gives a whole to meaning to “mount”.

Pre-Cataclysm Patch Download Starting
If you have played World of Warcraft at all this week  you will notice that the background downloader has started downloading a 1.58GB patch. Yes, that is the 4.0.1 patch that will begin the pre-Cataclysm changes to Azeroth. This means the world event for Cataclsym could happen very soon.

Going Live!Read below to see what games/patches/expansions have recently gone live.

Clone Wars Adventures Launches
September 15, 2010 – This F2P game from SOE, based on the popular Clones Wars animated series, has left open beta and is now live. I am a big Star Wars fan but I’m not sure about this one. I might give it a try and see what I think.

Beta News:

Vindictus Enters Open Beta
September 15, 2010 – This past week Vindictus entered into open beta and they are doing something interesting. You have to register to receive a key and it is required to play the beta. In addition, when you receive your beta, you receive two additional keys to share with friends.

Forsaken World Beta Keys Available
October 27, 2010 – Yes, I know its a month away before the latest F2P from PWE starts testing but you can go there now to receive your key to the closed beta.

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe.

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