I am so frakking tried of all the political commercials and the party bashing. I don’t care what side of the fence you sit on, what is the damn point of the merciless verbal bashing of the other party or supporters of the other party. I’m glad that I have DVR because every other commercial is a political slander ad. I don’t even turn live TV on anymore and I won’t until November 7th when I know that I will be free of all the frakking ads.

The hypocrisy is disgusting, the media just perpetuates it and the Internet throws gasoline on the flames. If someone like Natalie Portman or Tom Hanks expresses who they support, they are worshiped; but when Clint Eastwood exercises his right to free speech, or Stacey Dash tweets her support for the opposition, then everyone is quick to demonize and chastise. Show me where it is written that if you are a celebrity you must always support the same candidate the rest of Hollywood supports. Why are celebrities treated so much differently then everyone else??

This is why I admire some celebrities, like Mila Kunis (who, btw, shares an opposite political viewpoint then myself) who treats the social networks like they should be treated, to socialize. She doesn’t flaunt her personal philosophies in an attempt to sway others to vote like she does. She just likes to reach out to her millions of fans. It breaks down that barrier between celebrity and average citizen. Celebrities are people too and have the same rights to free speech as everyone else.

People will vote for who they feel is the right person for the job. Verbally berating them and making blanket derogatory remarks about their political affiliation isn’t going to change their mind. In fact it may have a greater probability of further enforcing who they are voting for; viciously attacking the other party only makes your own party look bad. It’s time to grow up and act like adults, folks!

On the same note, don’t let others (celebrities, on Facebook, on Google+, on Twitter, etc) dictate to you who you should vote for. Learn about the issues, learn where each candidate stands on that issue, and vote for the one you think best represents how you feel about the issue. Have a mind of your own for frak’s sake!
