A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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Soapbox: “Social Activism” is Trolling

trollfaceEven as I am typing this post I can already hear the subtle sound of exploding heads just because of the title. I will admit it right now, before all of you, that I am a Facebook troll. My trolling is augmented when Facebook becomes inundated with pro-<insert controversy> or anti-<insert controversy> posts. You know when I do it I’m just trying to piss you off, most of the time I could care less if you know where I stand on the issue.

By the way, I hate to rain on your [pride] parade but I really doubt a justice of the Supreme Court is going to base their decision on how many of you changed your bloody profile pictures on Facebook. In fact, just like me, they probably don’t give a shit. Changing your profile pictures is probably about as effective as changing your t-shirt. I should hope that they will vote based on their own rationale and the facts that have been presented to them.

Although now I have this rather humorous, and ludicrous vision of all the justices sitting in the Supreme Court with a computer hooked up to a projector and they are all looking at Facebook and counting how many profile pictures are red equal signs.

I don’t care if people want to be gay. It’s their lifestyle and I’m not the one whose judgement matters. I will say that if a gay couple wants to be legally married, then that’s just peachy with me. However, the moment religious institutions start to be persecuted because they either A) refuse to perform a same-sex marriage because it violates their beliefs or B) because they won’t acknowledge a same-sex marriage as a legitimate marriage then I have a problem. If you want people to respect your lifestyle then you need to respect the fact that other people will not necessarily agree; its a two way street, folks.

But I digress; this isn’t about gay marriage.

Yes, you can post whatever you want on Facebook, change your profile to be an equal sign, a peace sign, or a blasted middle finger. It’s not going to rally the troops, cause a revolution or incite some kind of movement. Let’s be honest people, call it what it really is.

It’s trolling.

Getting Back to Work

I had this post ready in my head regardless of the outcome of the election. Both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney fought a very valiant campaign. In fact I’d say they were more cordial about their taunts at each other then most of the people on social media. Crass name calling and belligerent comments will only make enemies and will not rally others for your cause. We, as Americans, need to grow the hell up.

Never, since I became eligible to vote, have I been so focused on an election. I was watching multiple websites as polls started closing. I literally could not sleep and when I did sleep I had dreams of my candidate both winning and losing. I think what both candidates were successful in doing was bringing the country together to passionately and peacefully fight for what they believed. I’m glad it was a close race and I applaud both candidates for a great campaign (despite the fact that we were inundated with relentless television, radio and Internet ads).

As I said four years ago, its time to put aside our differences and work together to improve this great country we live in and we have a lot of work ahead of us. President Obama gave a pretty riveting acceptance speech and I hope his promise to bring us back to a United States of America wasn’t just empty rhetoric. I also hope that the leaders of both parties are ready to work rationally. We will never please everyone but we should do our best to accommodate the majority.

God Bless America!

SoapBox: I Can’t Wait Until November

I am so frakking tried of all the political commercials and the party bashing. I don’t care what side of the fence you sit on, what is the damn point of the merciless verbal bashing of the other party or supporters of the other party. I’m glad that I have DVR because every other commercial is a political slander ad. I don’t even turn live TV on anymore and I won’t until November 7th when I know that I will be free of all the frakking ads.

The hypocrisy is disgusting, the media just perpetuates it and the Internet throws gasoline on the flames. If someone like Natalie Portman or Tom Hanks expresses who they support, they are worshiped; but when Clint Eastwood exercises his right to free speech, or Stacey Dash tweets her support for the opposition, then everyone is quick to demonize and chastise. Show me where it is written that if you are a celebrity you must always support the same candidate the rest of Hollywood supports. Why are celebrities treated so much differently then everyone else??

This is why I admire some celebrities, like Mila Kunis (who, btw, shares an opposite political viewpoint then myself) who treats the social networks like they should be treated, to socialize. She doesn’t flaunt her personal philosophies in an attempt to sway others to vote like she does. She just likes to reach out to her millions of fans. It breaks down that barrier between celebrity and average citizen. Celebrities are people too and have the same rights to free speech as everyone else.

People will vote for who they feel is the right person for the job. Verbally berating them and making blanket derogatory remarks about their political affiliation isn’t going to change their mind. In fact it may have a greater probability of further enforcing who they are voting for; viciously attacking the other party only makes your own party look bad. It’s time to grow up and act like adults, folks!

On the same note, don’t let others (celebrities, on Facebook, on Google+, on Twitter, etc) dictate to you who you should vote for. Learn about the issues, learn where each candidate stands on that issue, and vote for the one you think best represents how you feel about the issue. Have a mind of your own for frak’s sake!


This Is The Test

This is the post that I alluded to previously. I am going to test the solidarity of my friendships and associations. I am going to tell you my personal stance on some of the hottest topics that people seem most inclined to post comments, cartoons and articles about. I’m not going to try to sway anyone to agree with me, this is merely a leap of faith.

These are the topics I plan on addressing: Gay Rights, Abortion, Health Care & Welfare, Illegal Aliens

So here goes (by the way, this is going to be a long post, probably my first multi-pager)… 

Soapbox: Discussing Politics Is Getting Insufferable

When I was in high school I rarely cared about politics. I was neither republican or democrat. It wasn’t until college that I started to pay more attention and began forming my own opinions and which party those opinions better aligned with. In fact, there were even times when I enjoyed discussing politics with friends and family. I also thought it was great to see younger people becoming more politically involved.

Lately, however, I find myself trying to avoid talking politics to anyone. Passion is often a good thing, but I think passion can be blinding and I think that is what is happening in politics. I think, in some ways, we are in the midst of a civil war; a civil war fought with words and opinions instead of guns and bullets. There have been a few times lately when I have read something a friend posted on Facebook or Google+ that just almost got me extremely riled up. Almost to the point where I wanted to mute their posts or remove them from my Friends list, in fact there have been a couple times when I have already done that.

I’m reaching the point where I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to fight with my friends (or family) just because they hold a different opinion (this isn’t something that happens to all my friends of opposing opinions, its about those that often express their opinion colorfully). I think my new stance is that I won’t allow any of the idiots in Washington (regardless of party) to form a rift between me and my friends.

I will be “Unliking” any politically oriented group on Facebook and hiding any post that I feel is too extreme.

I’m not picking a side.

I’m not fighting this civil war.

/end soapbox

Biggs On: The ATM Conspiracy

I hate getting political because I get too caught up in it and I start to piss people off but sometimes I read something that I can’t help but comment on (besides I doubt too many people read my mutterings anyway).

Be that as it may, I read something today that, again has me clawing at my head and muttering like a madman. Bubba, er I mean Obama, released a statement claiming that job-stealing ATMs are the reason for slow economic growth. We are approaching the anniversary of his so called “recovery summer” and his excuse for the slow growth is innovation and technology like “job-stealing ATMs”

I’m sorry, what?!?!

First of all innovation is pretty much the only thing Americans have left that we do better than any other country, and even that is slowly dwindling. So now our innovation is causing unemployment?? Hmm, yea, that is probably the most asinine thing I have ever heard.

I know we are inventing machines that can do the jobs of humans. If you are one of those people whose job has been replaced by a machine then do something else instead of whining about it, ya lazy ass!! You are still an expert at the job you use to do so learn about the machine and offer to train others or even learn simple repair and maintenance. Machines don’t run forever, they need maintenance and care.

Whining only irritates the rest of us that are smarter and more successful … Oops, did I say that out loud.


**This post written and published from my iPad**

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