Here I go again, about to get political. I try not to on this blog, but sometimes I just get so tired of the idiocy that continues to get media attention.

As you can probably guess from the title I’m talking about the Occupy Wall Street morons that are spreading their stupidity to every major city across the country and the globe. I wish I had that kind of time to squander but I have to pay my bills (i.e. I have to make an actual contribution to society)! Ah, but they are there “to represent the 99%” The 99% of what? The way I see it, you are only representing the 99% of the stupidity and freeloaders in this country.

Get A Job!!! If these people spent half the effort getting a job as they are spending on these protests they could all “occupy” a cubicle by now, earning the money they feel they deserve! I have no idea what they have done to earn that money, I guess loitering in the streets and public areas is suppose to warrant a paycheck? There are enough homeless and bums loitering in the streets (and at least they have a reason).

I think its time to end this insanity because America isn’t taking you seriously anymore. Your protests are now the source for mockery and punch lines.