A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: The Mandalorian Page 2 of 4

The Mandalorian: Chapter 19

Bo-Katan in Chapter 19

Title: The Convert
Director: Lee Isaac Chung
Runtime: 58 minutes

This is somewhat of a unique episode. I don’t want to give anything away before the spoiler marker but I believe this episode sets up a major story arc; if not the major story arc. The kind that may have implications that link to the sequel trilogy.

Speaking of implications, I think the title suggests there are two “converts”. The story in this episode takes a different turn. While there is great action at the beginning, the rest focuses on plot building. I did enjoy this episode, and even more so the second time I watched it. I have theories!

The Mandalorian: Chapter 18

Bo-Katan Kryze in The Mandalorian

Title: The Mines of Mandalore
Director: Rachel Morrison
Runtime: 44 min

Din and Grogu find themselves on a ruined and inhospitable planet to recover myths and legends. Some “friendly” faces and some not-so-friendly faces return in this episode. More on that later.

I did enjoy this episode. There are fewer Easter Eggs and less foreshadowing than in the previous chapter. Perhaps the purpose of Chapter 17 is to foreshadow some events that may occur in this season. In fact I have a few theories of my own that I will discuss next.

Spoilers Ahead!!!

The Mandalorian: Chapter 17

Greef Karga in The Mandalorian Chapter 17

Title: The Apostate
Director: Rick Famuyiwa
Runtime: 37 min

We’re back! It’s been over two years since we’ve gotten to talk about a new episode of The Mandalorian; to say I’m excited is a gross understatement. Without further ado, let’s get into The Mandalorian Chapter 17!

Din Djarin is an apostate for having removed his helmet. He wishes to atone so that he can be reinstated as a Mandalorian. In order to do that he must pool his resources and gather the necessary intel.

Spoilers Ahead!!!

The Mandalorian Season 3 Trailer

Well, here it is folks, during the game where Tom Brady is getting his ass kicked, again (LOL!). The Mandalorian Season 3 trailer – the final trailer.

My two favorite parts are the Anzellans and Grogu Force pushing the Morlock-looking thing! I have to go and watch this a dozen more times so I can fully absorb all of the details.

Season 3 of the Mandalorian premieres March 1st on Disney+

This is the way

ICYMI: Mandalorian Season 3 Teaser Trailer

Given Season 3 is due out in February, this is the trailer I was expecting either from Disney+ Day or D23. I really enjoy all of the other Star Wars content on Disney+ but I am super excited for Season 3. So without further ado here is the Mandalorian Season 3 Teaser Trailer:

The other shows are great but this is the return of the king (I know, different show).


The Mandalorian: Chapter 16

The Mandalorian: Chapter 16Title: The Rescue
Director: Peyton Reed

Peyton Reed is back to direct the season finale. It’s another amazing piece of television! I was conflicted leading up to this week’s episode; I’m excited to see what happens but this is also the last episode. It’s hard to believe it has already been eight weeks; but what a wonderful and extraordinary Christmas gift from Disney, Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau.

Last week Din Djarin had a bit of a tongue-in-cheek message for Moff Gideon. Now it’s time to make good on that promise. The question is who helps Din rescue Grogu and what season finale predictions come true.


spoiler alert!!!

The following content contains spoilers for The Mandalorian S2E16.

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