A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: MMO Times Page 20 of 25

The MMO Times: The Rapid Left Click Edition!

Issue 32

The launch of Diablo III and TERA has made for very little information to share lately. I haven’t tried TERA primarily because I have enough games to play that I don’t need another one. Now that Diablo III is out and Aion is F2P I now have to decide when I want to play either those games, WoW or Old Republic.

I only have a couple links to share with this issue but I didn’t want to wait much longer on posting them. I may even be running the risk that these links are old news already. Either way, if you need a break from Diablo III, or you need something else to do while you are frantically clicking your mouse, check out some of the latest information about MechWarrior Online and some interesting new MoP features.

The MMO Times: Patches & Betas

Issue 31

Hello again Gamers!! The news rolls have been busy lately announcing patches going live and public beta weekends. It is a great time to be a gamer as many of our favorite franchises and games are on the list of betas and patches. The biggest dilemma to face gamers right now is which game to play!!

This issue has information about Guild Wars 2 and Diablo III public beta weekends. New patch details and more patch information for RIFT, DC Universe and SWTOR. Personally I don’t know what I want to participate in as I am really enjoying the SWTOR 1.2 Game Update but I am anxious to check out Diablo III. What will all of you be doing??

The MMO Times: First Contact

Issue 30

Hey Gamers! How does another issue of The MMO Times sound? If any of you are confused by the name of this issue, April 5th was First Contact Day because April 5th, 2063 is when Zeframe Cochrane makes first contact with the Vulcans, so there is some useless nerd minutia for you.

So this issue we have more SWTOR news, including a launch date for Game Update 1.2 (WOOT!). There is also some more beta and pre-order information for Guild Wars 2 and TERA. Again, I didn’t really talk too much about Mists of Pandaria because there aren’t a lot of details that are unknown at this point. Contrary to what I have said in previous posts (and on Google+) I actually have been trying out the MoP beta, perhaps I will cover that in a blog post.

The MMO Times: Mechs and Dragons and Lightsabers, OH MY!!!

Issue 28

Greetings Fellow Gamers! I am trying to remain on top of all the latest MMO news that I believe most of you will find interesting. The GDC was going on this week so there have been quite a few of announcements. This issue has some new information about MechWarrior Online, the latest SWTOR patch trailer as well as more news on upcoming patches and updates for other popular games. There are also details about the Diablo III release date, Guild Wars 2 pre-order information and more.

I may have another issue next week as Blizzard has indicated that a wealth of expansion information will be unveiled by the media sometime next week. I would expect that the next issue of MMO Times will be dominated by World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria news.

MMO Times: Sorry for the Delay

Issue 27

Hello Gamers! Sorry for the delay in bringing you the MMO News. As you may be able to guess life got a little busy. Enough about my excuses, here is the latest headlines. Enjoy!

SWTOR Patch 1.2 Coming in April

Posted 3/6/12 – The masters behind SWTOR (EA, Bioware and LucasArts) announced that the next big content patch (1.2) will be hitting PCs next month. This patch has some long awaited features including Guild Banks, legacy benefits, new flashpoints, ranked warzones and more. Follow the link to Game Guru to read more.
GameGuru post

Rumored Diablo III Release Date

Posted 3/5/12 – According to an Italian source there are rumors that the possible release date for Diablo III is April 17th. The evidence for this rumor is that stores in Italy have been clearing space for a new title after retailers received a tip from Activision Italy. Blizzard didn’t comment but a twitter post simply said “9” – perhaps this Friday we will all know for sure. In my opinion, it would make sense which may also explain why Bioware plans to release its next big content patch (1.2) for SWTOR around the same time. Follow the link to Massively to read more.
Massively post

SWTOR Guild Summit Summary

Posted 3/5/12 – Unless you have been living under a rock (while playing SWTOR) then I’m sure you knew that this past weekend Bioware/EA/LucasArts held their SWTOR Guild Summit. This was an opportunity for SWTOR developers to host panels (with Q&A) to dicuss the future of SWTOR. The panels covered everything from crafting, to PvP, guilds and the legacy system. Darth Hater (a pretty renown Star Wars fan site) has a pretty good summary of the summit. There is quite a bit of good stuff to check it out.
Darth Hater article

SWTOR March 2 Community News

Posted 3/2/12 – The link to the latest Dev Q&A is also on the RSS feed on the right. This week the developers talk more about what to expect in patch 1.1.5, 1.2 and future features. They seem to be really building up the benefits of the legacy system. Follow the link to read the blog post on the SWTOR community news site.
Community News Blog Post

DCUO Expansion Announced

Posted 3/2/12 – Players will have the chance to face off against Brainiac in the upcoming DC Universe Online expansion. The interesting thing about this expansion is that if you were previously a paying subscriber you will get the expansion for free, but those playing for free will have to buy it. No pricing has been announced. Follow the link to read about it at GameSpy.
GameSpy article

More Character Customization in GW2

Posted 2/28/12 – The developers for Guild Wars 2 have released details about how players will be have more character customization. Based on what I read this is more than just how the characters look, but you will also be able to customize how the character plays. Players will be able to tweak their characters through traits and attributes. Follow the link to read more at Massively.
Massively article

MechWarrior Online Teaser Trailer!

Posted 2/28/12 – Piranha Games gave the gaming community a treat when they unveiled a teaser trailer first look at MechWarrior Online. The video does not show in-game footage, it is a cinematic but it is 1 min and 30 sec of drooling yumminess. I also found the URL for the official website.
Massively post | MWO website

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe.

The MMO Times: No Blizzcon & Giant Robots

Hey gamers! Welcome back to another MMO Times. I hope everyone is enjoying SWTOR, for those that are playing it. Check out the newest headlines and enjoy.

Rift: Carnival of the Ascended

Trion has announced patch 1.7 for Rift entitled Carnival of the Ascended. The oddest thing I find is Trion is including a marriage mechanic. As if these games don’t already create alternate realities which can pull a person in and dominate their life, now there is the ability to marry. I wonder if there will be a new profession soon too, Divorce Attorney. Follow the link to read the article on Massively
Massively article

TERA Release Date Announced

En Masse has officially announced a release date of May 1st for North America. If some of you forgot, this game received some pretty big awards at E3 last year including Best PC Game and Best MMO. Based on some of the videos and screenshots I’ve seen, the graphics look amazing. Follow the link to read more at Nerd Reactor.
Nerd Reactor post

Diligent Testing Pushes SWTOR Patch

If you were expecting the 1.1 patch in SWTOR on the 17th, you probably noticed that it didn’t happen. During the public testing, some issues were discovered that weren’t found during internal testing. As a result, Bioware delayed the release of the patch. I like to see developers taking player feedback and choosing to delay a patch. I think its the sign of pride in a quality product. Follow the link to read more from GameSpy.
GameSpy post

No Blizzcon in 2012

This October something is going to feel a bit off. Blizzard has announced that there will not be a Blizzcon this year since they have so many titles promised. They do have a full plate with Diablo 3, Mists of Pandaria and Star Craft 2: Heart of the Swarm promised by the end of the year. Follow the link to read more on MMO Crunch.
MMO Crunch post

Guild Wars 2 Beta Coming In March

An article on Game Bandits has a post about ArenaNet’s plans to have a beta starting in March. They are wrapping up some of their internal testing and closed beta testing in preparation. The president of ArenaNet still assures gamers that they plan to release Guild Wars 2 this year. Watch for invitations during March to get into the beta. Follow the link to read the post.
Game Bandits post

Centurion Unveiled for MechWarrior Online

Piranha Games has added an old favorite to the roster for MWO, the CN9-A Centurion. This was one of the fan favorites from the old school games and I’m sure fans watching the development of those game are rejoicing about this announcement. The article on Massively is short but they suggest going to the official website for more details.
Massively article |  MechWarrior Online website

WoW 4.3.2 Patch Notes

I am going to wrap up this issue with a link to the patch notes for 4.3.2 coming to World of Warcraft soon. I know its odd to single out a minor patch update but I wanted to because of a new feature coming with the patch. In this patch you will be able to form same faction raids with Real ID friends. I think this is pretty sweet because I do have a few friends on different servers and doing LFR with them will be great fun. Follow the link to read the patch notes on WoW Insider.
WoW Insider post

I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please subscribe.

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