A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Science Fiction

Book Review: Scarlet

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

My Rating: [rating=4]
(Click here to read this review on Goodreads)

I really like the modern, dystopian twist to classic fairy tales that Meyer has created in these novels. I’ll admit that when I was just starting Cinder that I didn’t think I would enjoy it despite the fact that I was slightly intrigued by a cyborg Cinderella. I initially thought that each book was an independent retelling/re-imagining of each classic tale, however when I discovered that all the books are connected and continue Cinder’s story, then I became much more interested.

Scarlet is the second book of the series and, as you may be able to ascertain from the cover, is a re-imagined Red Riding Hood. While it was fairly obvious to me which part of the Red Riding Hood story would become entwined with Cinder’s story, there was still sufficient mystery and intrigue to keep me reading.

So far this has been a fun series to read and I’m looking forward to Cress and Winter. I would recommend it to anyone that might enjoy a fun twist on some beloved fairy tales.

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Book Review: Allegiant

Allegiant (Divergent, #3)Allegiant by Veronica Roth

My rating:[rating=4]
(View this review on Goodreads.)

I’m going to try to explain what I was feeling at the end of this book without providing any spoilers. I have to admit, I was not expecting this book to end the way it did. It left me feeling pretty shocked considering all the build up throughout all three books.

This was the last book in the series and its wrapped up pretty tight. All in all I liked the series though Divergent was definitely the better of the three books. I have to admit, I went to bed feeling a little tired and finished the book before falling asleep but the ending kept me awake just thinking about what just happened. I was feeling both depressed and entertained because the ending was unexpected. When I reflect back on the factions, each one was represented in the act that ends the conflict but honestly it was Abnegation to the end.

Perhaps Roth has been reading too many GRRM books (and I’ll just leave it at that).

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