A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Biggs On Page 8 of 13

Biggs On: Death of MSN Messenger

windows-crackMicrosoft, in their infinite wisdom, announced recently that by the end of tax season their legacy instant messenger system, MSN Messenger (now called Windows Live), will be shutdown permanently. Anyone with a Windows Live/MSN Messenger account will be automatically converted to a Skype account (and anyone with both, the accounts will be merged). The impending doom date is April 15th (originally set for early March).

In part, I’m not terribly surprised. Microsoft loves to force their products down everyone’s throats. I don’t have a Skype account, I’ve never been a big fan of it even before M$ bought it. I always found FaceTime to be a better product. The problem is, I don’t use the MSN client, I use a third party client that allows me to connect to multiple messenger clients. So far there are no indications that M$ will make Skype compatible with third party client apps. If this is the case then I will have to give up using that account. I have no need to use more than one client and instead of being forced to use their “crap-tastic” bastardization of an already inferior product, I’d rather just stop using it.

We are still a little more then six weeks away from the change so hopefully someone in their marketing department grows a brain and realizes they could be ostracizing a potentially large portion of their user base.


Biggs On: Catholicism

DG-Roasry-BeadsIt is a pretty historic day today for Catholics around the world; for the first time in nearly 600 years the Pope has announced he will resign from the papal office. I’m not what you call a “Cradle Catholic” nor was I raised a Catholic. In fact this Easter I will have been officially Catholic for only 7 years though I feel like I have tried to practice the faith while I was growing up and even while in college.

I think that’s why I decided to complete the RCIA program and officially become Catholic. I know that I probably didn’t practice the faith as rigidly as I do now but my morals and values, as well as my belief in God and Jesus Christ, most aligned with Catholicism. Despite all the negative criticism and press the Catholic church often receives, I enjoy, immensely, being apart of such a rich and historical religion. Granted, prior to RCIA, I didn’t realize the amount of discipline that is required for a practicing Catholic but I feel that only enriches my faith.

This post isn’t to evangelize Catholicism nor am I attempting to say my religion is better than yours. I do wish people would refrain from making blanket statements about Catholics and Catholic priests. Just because a handful of priests were creeps, doesn’t mean all of them are. I try to remain pretty open minded when it comes to some of the more controversial issues but in the end its about my personal relationship with God and my religion. What other people decide to do isn’t for me to judge or criticize. Judge not less ye be judged; if I refrain from judging the choices of others, perhaps others will refrain from judging me because I’m a Catholic.

We all want to change the world and the Catholic Church is no different. I think where we all struggle, Catholics included, is that we can’t force people to change who they are and what they believe. But we can change how we behave in situations with those that do believe or live differently. It will be patience and acceptance that will change the world, or to put it more biblical, Faith, Hope and Love.


Biggs On: Plethora of Social Media

thinkingmanSo apparently Myspace has re-imaged itself and relaunched now with celebrity endorsements (i.e. Justin Timberlake) and a focus on music and media. I once had a MySpace page many years ago. I never kept up with it. In fact, I hated it. It felt like another iteration of GeoCities. When I read about this the first thought that came to mind is “Do we really need another social media outlet?”

Let’s name off a few of the social media platforms out there: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, Instragram, Pinterest, Myspace – these are just the ones that come to mind immediately. Last year Apple and Google were under heavy scrutiny because many felt like their privacy was violated by some functionality built in to the  mobile devices of these companies. This is a classic case of cognitive dissonance if I’ve ever seen one. How can we chastise one company for allegedly infringing on our privacy and turnaround and celebrate another means of putting your life on the Internet?

I use Facebook, Google+ and Twitter and I feel like that’s too many. I’ve often considered reducing how much I use Facebook. Granted I know that I have more control over what can be seen publicly but most of it isn’t default functionality. In fact I wonder how many people actually know how to lock down their social media accounts and/or restrict what posts people can and cannot see on news feeds and timelines. So it really comes down to who wants to accept the responsibility and it’s always easier to blame someone else especially when you can point fingers at “evil corporations” like Apple and Google.


Biggs On: December 21, 2012

I’m not going to tell you why I think the world is not ending on 12.21.12 because 1) what I think doesn’t amount to much anyway and 2) I would just be regurgitating everything else NASA and other scientists and pundits have already explained. If the world actually does end on the 21st, which I will bet my entire salary that it won’t, then there isn’t much I can do about it so what is the point in panicking.

What I am concerned about are all the crazies out there that are panicking (or will panic). Will people take to the streets on the 21st and create complete and total chaos because they believe there won’t be consequences? Why, after one looney got the rapture wrong – twice – are people suddenly going to believe a 2,000 year old, extinct, civilization?! I don’t mean to be too biblical but I believe when the Bible speaks of the End of Days, we will not know when its going to happen.

I don’t work on the most upstanding part of town so that is probably the root of my concern. I do have the option to work from home. Should the possibility of a bunch of ignorant fools be sufficient reason to work from home that day?

Merry Christmas!!

Biggs On: Goodreads

If you are friends with me on Facebook you may have seen the occasional status post regarding progress I have made in books I am reading courtesy of Goodreads. If you haven’t checked out Goodreads yet, I highly recommend it if you are an avid reader such as myself. It is a website that is free to sign up and you can manage what books you have read, currently reading and would like to read.

The function of Goodreads doesn’t end at just managing your bookshelf. It can integrate with Facebook, GMail, twitter, Yahoo and Hotmail to try to link up with your friends. You never know if a book you friends are reading might interest you as well (and likewise for them). I have already found several recommendations both from friends and from the recommendation engine at Goodreads (based on the genre of books that you like).

Goodreads also has a giveaway program, called First Reads, where authors provide copies of their books and you can enter for a chance to win a copy. You can then post your review of the book on the Goodreads website which helps aspiring authors, and current authors, spread the news of their latest novel. It’s a pretty spiffy feature.

There are apps available for your mobile devices so you can manage your bookshelf while on the go including an ability to scan a book using your phone. They also integrate with eReaders, though so far it seems its only the Kindle, I have not seen where they offer nook versions.

I’m really impressed with this site and it can become pretty addicting. My to-read list seems to grow daily so I guess that’s a caveat as well 🙂


Biggs On: Disney’s Acquisition of LucasFilm [UPDATE]

In 1977 the production budget for Star Wars Episode 4 was $11 million (which is approximately $45 million today). It made $460 million in the U.S. alone which, after adjusting for inflation, makes it the second highest grossing film in the U.S. and Canada. The amazing world that George Lucas created has permeated over three decades. What is a legacy like that worth?

Apparently $4.05 billion (that’s $4,050,000,000).

George Lucas has been under quite a bit of scrutiny over the past 10-15 years so whether his motivation was to create some separation from Star Wars completely, or he needed that extra $4 billion, the purchase by Disney has left me with mixed emotions. On one hand perhaps its time for a new perspective since most of the decisions Lucas has made since he announced Phantom Menace have been bombarded by scathing criticism by “fans” that “obviously know better then he does”. Disney, as a conglomerate, isn’t popular among many in today’s society, but as a film producer they are extremely successful and have made quite a few really great movies.

On the other hand it does feel a bit like he has now completely sold out. He has abandoned his legacy for some “extra cash”. Granted he will be kept around as a “creative consultant” but Disney producers will have the final say. It’s hard to predict what will happen to the franchise now. Disney has already said the 7th film will be out in 2015 and they intend to make 8 and 9 (Star Wars was originally intended to be 9 movies). The Star Wars movies and universe have been such a large part of my life and the core of what defines me as a geek.

What really makes this more strange and difficult is usually when I blog about these kinds of things (either under the Biggs On category or the Soapbox category) I always seem to reach a conclusion or some level of personal understanding with the topic. That simply isn’t the case here. I know, without even looking on the social media sites, that a line has been drawn in the sand. There will be the purist on one side nerd raging over this event and there will be the optimistic group (usually the ones I call the “true fans of Star Wars”) on the other side. I feel caught in the middle but leaning toward optimistic.

I don’t hate Disney, even Disney the Conglomerate, but I do fear that they could ruin the franchise, more then many have “claimed” Lucas has, if they don’t proceed carefully. I guess we will know in 2-3 years.


Shortly after publishing this post I happened to be reading the recent post of The Queue over at WoW Insider and, coincidentally, someone asked a question about this very topic. Despite the fact that it wasn’t WoW related the author responded and there was a very excellent point.

The Avengers is probably one of this summer’s biggest blockbuster movies, and it is a Disney movie. In fact Disney owns Marvel Entertainment so every Marvel movie produced since 2009 is a Disney movie. That helps quell my fears because it does show that Disney does care about the fan perspective of cult classics and cult genres. Perhaps Star Wars is in better hands now. Perhaps it is something to be excited about.


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