MMO Times Issue 78!Issue 78: Greetings Gamers!! Did anyone attend E3 this week? I know there has been a plethora of news coming out this week between E3 and Apple’s WWDC so maybe I found something that slipped past your eyes while following all the news streaming out of California. Most of the E3 news pertains to console systems and making a mockery of Microsoft’s new XBONE (this post is not compatible with the XBox One, please buy an XBox 360 to continue reading *narf!*).

More details and images about the Patch 5.4 are coming out (including a new Garrosh model). The Secret World is offering up something for players this weekend (6/14 – 6/17). World of Warplanes and Elder Scrolls Online news, and more! Also, don’t forget that RIFT has officially gone Free-2-Play. Enjoy!

New Snail Games MMO at E3

Posted 6.12.13 – Snail Games unveiled two trailers for their new title, Black Gold. One is a CGI trailer that tells the story which will be the premise of the game. The other is an in-game trailer which will show off various components of the game (i.e. areas, races, mounts, etc). I didn’t watch the CGI trailer but I watched a bit of the in-game trailer and the quality looks pretty nice. If you’re into steampunk, then you would really like this game. There isn’t a release date yet. post | Official website

Patch Notes for 5.4 Available

Posted 6.12.13 – Blizzard is finally starting to give us more information about the upcoming, and final, content patch for Mists of Pandaria. We all already know about Flexible Raids, but there are also going to be “Proving Grounds” and “Virtual Realms”. I will let you visit the site to see what they are. The patch notes also contain upcoming class changes and other quality-of-life adjustments.
WoW Insider post

TSW Black Weekend Starts Friday

Posted 6.11.13 – The Secret World is having a bonus weekend for players starting on Friday, June 14th through. Black Weekend, as its been coined, will offer players a daily potion that will grant double XP for eight hours. If you participate in the Black Weekend event, your character will be granted a new pair of boots. There are a few other rewards to check out too. I might be playing TSW this weekend.
Massively post

ESO Coming to XB1 And PS4

Posted 6.11.13 – There is news on the E3 front about Elder Scrolls Online; the game will be available for Playstation 4 and XBox One (unless you want to play it used). It makes me wonder how the controls for this game will work if its going to also work on a console system. Will this pave the way for more MMOs to be ported to the console?
Geeks of Doom article

World of Warplanes trailer World of Warplanes Open Beta Date

Posted 6.11.13 – has announced that their next title in their popular series will hit open beta on July 2nd. This was part of their E3 announced, complete with a trailer. In fact, when the public beta starts there will be new features added to the game that players will be able to check out. Again, their attention to detail for these games is unfathomable. You can sign up for the beta now at the website.
Massively post | Official website

Patch 5.4 Feature: Flexible Raids

Posted 6.6.13 – Blizzard has announced the first new feature that will be coming in Patch 5.4 (the final patch of the Mists of Pandaria expansion). Flexible Raids. There aren’t a lot of details (at the time that I wrote this segment) but from the sounds of it if you are short some folks to fill your 10 or 25 man raid, you can choose a Flex-Raid and it will scale down for your party size (but so will the loot ilevel). It’s not a bad idea for one off nights when you have a couple people that couldn’t make it for raid.
WoW Insider post | Official Blizzard post

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