Issue 46
Greetings Gamers. This week was kind of a quiet week and I think its because most of the big news is already out there. We all know that the fourth World of Warcraft expansion is less than 10 days away and the first of their new Scenario’s starts on Tuesday with the razing of Theramore. Of course the other game that has been keeping people distracted is Guild Wars 2, which I haven’t tried yet but I might give it a whirl around the holidays.
This week in gaming news we mostly have updates coming down the line for SWTOR and The Secret World and more Panda teasers. NCSoft is bringing more games over to the Western continents and its a martial arts MMO which might interest some. Read on and game on, friends.
NCSoft To Bring Martial Arts MMO to US/Europe
Posted 9/13/12 – As if we didn’t have enough MMO games to choose from, NCSoft has announced that the martial arts game Blade & Soul (which released in Korea in June) will be making its way to US and Europe. NCSoft is using a style of martial arts one would see in the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the Executive Producer claims “This game will not be a repetitive grindfest.” Follow the link to read more and check out the gallery of images taken from the game. The graphics look pretty amazing. The Massively link has a trailer.
EuroGamer.net post | Massively post
Blizzard Offering Seven Free Days To Come Back
Posted 9/13/12 – If you haven’t been back to Azeroth in a while, Blizzard has an offer for you. They are going to give you seven free days to try out the changes to the game in the recent patch. There are not limitations. You should be able to do anything you want as if it were a paid subscription. If you want to come back, let me know and I will send you a Scroll of Resurrection. This opportunity ends September 19th. Follow the links to read more about it.
WoW Insider post | Full Details
SWTOR Updates Coming More Often
Posted 9/11/12 – In a recent interview Bioware announced that they will be providing content updates to SWTOR about every six weeks. It’s a very successful model, so far, used by Funcom for The Secret World. This is part of their attempt to keep people interested in the game. It certainly makes me excited, I think its a great concept in theory. Hopefully the practice will be as well. Follow the link to check out the post.
GameSpy post
Pandas and the NFL; Good Times
Posted 9/10/12 – During the first weekend of the regular football season you may have seen a commercial starring some soon-to-be familiar faces. Sunday afternoon I saw the first new TV spot for Mists of Pandaria during the Bears vs Colts game. Its basically about 30 seconds of the original trailer Blizzard unveiled at Gamescom but its still exciting to see these spots appearing thus heralding the imminent arrival of the expansion. Less then two weeks now, folks! Follow the link to see the videos.
Massively post
The Secret World Gets A Group Finder
Posted 9/7/12 – Probably by the time you read this, the group finder feature for The Secret World will already be live. Their next content update, Digging Deeper, will now include a group finder tool. I like how the article alludes to a guild jumping ship to the next new shiney, that pretty much epitomizes most of the gamers these days. At any rate, I digress. Follow the link to read a bit more about this new feature (the Digging Deeper patch dropped September 12th). [UPDATE 9/13: Digging Deeper Delayed Until Next Week]
Massively post
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