It has been a while since I have posted anything new for my imaginary readers to ponder and it has mostly been the result of too much going on. I would be remiss, however, if I didn’t admit that it is also likely the result of the lack of topics.

I have been training lately; I purchased the iPad 2 as a tool for advancing my career therefore I have been learning the language and software necessary for designing and developing apps. I feel that I have been catching on fairly well. I have also been exploring jQuery more and I also hope to develop a jQuery plugin as well. Finally, I am also trying to find the time to work on my MCPD training so I can finally be a Microsoft certified professional.

The weather, while rainy, has been getting warmer out which means the outside work has moved higher up on the priority list. This past Saturday we were finally able to mow the lawn and do some early spring maintenance. The pain in my back, knees and feet illustrate two points to me. One, I’m out of shape and two, physical labor should be illegal for programmers. We work with our hands but at the end of the day we don’t have blisters and callouses.

**This post written and published from my iPad**