After tomorrow, the countdown to the final Skywalker Star Wars movie ends. It’s been 40+ years in the making, and I’ve been a fan of ALL OF IT since I was 8 years old. I never imagined that I would have a passion for something as trivial and trite as a movie franchise. Thanks to George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy and Disney I get to share that same passion with my kid and that is priceless.
Anxious, Excited and Scared
I don’t know what to expect from this movie. I’m anxious, excited and scared. I’m anxious for it to finally be here and excited to finally see the conclusion. I worry about the reemergence of more “fan” toxicity (which is why I will be on a social media black out for a few days). I love Star Wars. I’ve loved every moment of every movie, animated series and live action series. The fact that I get to mention “live action series” is practically a dream come true. I have zero doubts that I will feel the same for this movie; and TO HELL with the fanbabies.
I’m man enough to admit that I will walk into this movie knowing that I might tear up a bit. In fact, in the trailer when C-3PO “takes a last look at his friends”, that hits me “right in the feelz”. Every. Single. Time. Is this the end of C-3PO? What will happen to the Millennium Falcon? Will Chewbacca survive? What will happen to him? The future of the new characters feels trivial compared to my questions about those that have been around since 1977. I love the new characters. Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose, BB-8, D-O; they are worthy additions to canon. However, they’re not Luke, Leia, R2-D2, Han, Chewie, and Lando. How do I want their stories to end? Granted we already know how it ends for a couple of them, but will they all meet similar fate? I think, above all things, I just want to know if this is the end of their journey, or just the end of this one.
So screw the fanbabies! They cannot ruin this for me. This movie will be a defining film of the franchise and of the decade, and a milestone in my life.

Confronting fear is the destiny of the Jedi.