Title: The Gathering Storm
Directed by: Bryce Dallas Howard
Runtime: 48 minutes

Boba prepares for war. He is Daimyo and as Daimyo he must protect that which he wishes to keep. Will the other families help protect that which they wish to keep? In the past, Boba wants his ship, the Slave 1, and he needs help to get it back.
This episode is a little slower but it’s aptly named. I think it’s setting up for the final 3 episodes. It spends a little more time in the past but, as you will see, there is a reason for that. Regardless of the pace of this episode, I did enjoy it because it’s Star Wars. Next week is going to be interesting.
But before we get into to much more detail …
The following content contains spoilers for The Book of Boba Fett S1E4.
Fennec and the Slave 1
This episode establishes how much time has passed during Boba’s flashbacks. We now see how Boba helps Fennec after finding her near death (as we saw in The Mandalorian). She then helps him recover the Slave 1 from Jabba’s Palce, which is controlled by Bib Fortuna. My one criticism about this event, I feel like the skirmish in the kitchen is a little frivolous and a bit campy.
I know the Internet trolls and shitty blog writers will try to suggest the Slave 1 was renamed to the Firespray. Remember, “Firespray” is the class of ship and Boba simply refers to it as “my Firespray gunship”. Taking things out of context and spinning them to meet a certain narrative is both naïve and obtuse.
While attempting to recover his armor, which he assumes is still in the belly of the sarlacc, we get to see, and hear, it again. The most satisfying sound in all of Star Wars (except for, maybe, the sounds of a lightsaber).

Preparations for War
I have a couple of theories about the upcoming war with the Pykes, but before I get into that, I want to quickly talk about the scene in the Sanctuary. While I love hearing those seismic charges, Krrsantan has my favorite part of this episode.
A drunk and disorderly Krrsantan picks a fight with some innocent Trandoshans. Garsa Fwip (Jennifer Beals) attempts to calm him down by feeding his ego. Instead he’s like “F– It” and rips the arm off anyway.
Also, in this scene, she refers to the Ortolan as Max. I guess he did survive.

Now let’s talk cameo’s. There are not many in this episode. If you’re familiar with the different droids in Jabba’s Palace from Return of the Jedi, then you probably recognize EV-9D9. Although I have not been able to find confirmation, it looks and sounds like him. Or it could just be another EV droid.
The next cameo is a prediction. At the very end of the episode Fennec talks about hiring some extra muscle. There is a bit of music that sounds familiar. It sounds like music from another series. My prediction is that Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) will be in one, or more, of the remaining episodes. Which also begs the question, who else might come to Boba’s aid? Bo-Katan perhaps?
What are your thoughts on The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 4?