A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Star Wars Celebration

Star Wars Celebration 2023 Highlights

Now that it’s a wrap, here are some Star Wars Celebration 2023 highlights. These highlights will be more than just about the announcements and sneak peeks. There are a few moments from panels and interviews that I really want to call out.

If you were following along on the Star Wars YouTube Live stream then you have probably seen all of these.

Star Wars Celebration Announcements

The Star Wars Celebration in London kicked off today and here are a few of the announcements and details about upcoming series and movies. I wish I were there but England is an expensive trip to make. All of these details came from the Live broadcast on the Star Wars YouTube channel.

Before I get into all the Star Wars details, let’s quickly cover the non-Star Wars IP that was discussed. Of course, I’m referring to the next Indiana Jones movie and the unveiling of the newest trailer. During an interview with director James Mangold he tells us that John Williams, at 91 years old, did compose the entire score. The man is a legend.

My Chicago Star Wars Celebration Experience

I have been looking forward to the Star Wars Celebration for two reasons. First, the last one I went to was 2002, when it was in Indianapolis for the release of Attack of the Clones. Second, its in Chicago this year, my favorite city. Ultimately the best part of the going to the event was bringing my five-year old daughter. This is my Chicago Star Wars Celebration experience.

I don’t think I need to go into the big news. Everyone who cares should already be aware of the release of the first trailer and the title. I did not get to sit in on the panels since I only had a day to absorb as much as I could while keeping a five-year-old entertained.

A Little Leia Changes the Experience

When I went back in 2002 I was just this nerd wandering around the convention center taking pictures and getting autographs. I seemed convinced my experience would be the same except now my daughter would have to endure it. I was completely and utterly wrong! She dressed up as Princess Leia, and apparently a five-year old Leia is as popular as a celebrity. (Sorry, pictures will only be available for friends and family).

This is all the free stuff she got

She was constantly receiving free stuff from vendors and random fans, including fans from other countries. She was getting requests to be photographed or to be in a picture with other people attending the convention. As shy as she comes off, I think she secretly enjoyed the adoration. I cannot express how humbling and amazing the Star Wars fans were at this convention and it really made my daughter feel special. If this experience doesn’t make her a Star Wars fan, then I’ve done all I can do.

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