A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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FINALLY! Episode IX Title and Trailer

We have been waiting for months. Mark Hamill and Anthony Daniels have been teasing us. They teased us at the Super Bowl. They teased us all through March. We were even teased for the first day of the Celebration. We had to wait until the second day of the Star Wars Celebration, during the Episode IX panel for J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy finally gave us what we all wanted!! Episode IX Title and Trailer!

The Title: The Rise of Skywalker

The Trailer:

Just as the previous two movies, I instantly got chills! I will share my analysis of the Episode IX title and trailer in a later post (after my heart rate returns to normal and I’ve had a chance to watch it a dozen times).

Breathe. Just breathe. Now reach out.

Disney World: 25 Years Later

I recently returned to Disney World to take my 4-year-old daughter on her first visit. In 1994 I was 14 and that was the last time I went to Disney World, I had gone at least twice more prior to that. While my memory isn’t that great, I do recollect bits and pieces from each of my previous visits. So here are my adult observations of Disney World; 25 years later.

The Magic Band and Fast Pass

Magic Band

The Magic Band is brilliant. Instead of worrying about carrying your wallet, credit cards and hotel room key, you can wear them on your wrist instead. You can connect a credit card to your Magic Band and simply scan it at the register to pay for items (food, merchandise, etc). If you are staying at a Disney resort, you simply scan your Magic Band to enter your room. So you don’t really need your whole wallet, just your ID and perhaps a little bit of cash.

Plus if you set up dining plans, your Magic Band will store that information for you. Dining plans are pre-paid meals that you set up when you are planning your trip. In fact you can also schedule a reservation at the same time so you don’t have to wait an eternity when its time for lunch. It’s a fast pass for your meals.

Speaking of fast pass; a fast pass is how you can skip the long lines for the rides and shows. It’s like setting a reservation for a ride, but you have to set that up ahead of time as well. However, if you miss your window to use your fast pass, you lose it. Meaning you have to wait in the longer line if you want to go on the ride. All of your fast passes are, again, managed by your Magic Band.

While the fast pass is a great idea for planning your day and trying to get on your favorite rides, it kind of adds a new level of exhaustion. You are literally going from one ride to the next depending on the spacing of your fast pass rides. So if you think you are going to get your Fitbit steps in, you probably won’t. There isn’t much time for meandering when you are going directly from one ride to the next.

Adult Observations

When you’re a kid (even 14 years old) there are some things you don’t really notice at a place like Disney World. There are some things you don’t even think about.

It’s Offensively Expensive

When you were younger and your parents told you Disney is expensive, you probably just shrugged it off. As an adult, returning to Disney … OMGWTFBBQ its expensive. I feel like someone should have bought me dinner first before bending over for that. You are basically spending the same amount of money you would for a decent down payment on a new car. I guess its one of those things you don’t notice as a kid, the price next to each item on the menu. The merchandise is more affordable than food. It was $4.50 for a 20oz Coke Zero! Setting up meal plans and snacks on your Magic Band is your cheapest option.

Alcohol and People Watching

As I was mentally preparing for this trip, I often joked that I need to pack a flask to survive. Then I got to thinking, is there alcohol at Disney? When I was a kid (yes, even at 14 because I wasn’t interested in alcohol) I wasn’t curious about buying alcohol. The answer is, Yes. Every restaurant has beer and wine. Unfortunately I never bought a beer because it makes me tired and I was already pretty exhausted!

People watching is quite revealing too, especially when it comes to line etiquette. There were 10 of us and we were all using the same fast pass reservations. Trying to keep 10 people together in an amusement park line takes quite a bit of coordination. Despite our best efforts, we were inevitably split up by other patrons slipping in line between us. Apparently foreigners do not seem to care if your family is split apart, or they just don’t recognize the situation. I’m not trying to stereotype all foreigners however most of the time, if the intruders didn’t appear to be foreign, they would often allow those family members left in the back to move forward.

Costumed Characters MIA

The most surprising thing I observed is the lack of costumed characters. I know I don’t have the best memory but I distinctly remember seeing Disney characters in the streets quite often. It was especially common in Magic Kingdom and I swear every 10 minutes you ran into a Mickey, Donald or Goofy. The entire time we were there I think I saw a Goofy once, and it was at Hollywood Studios. There are “character encounters”, but they seem to be scheduled, which really takes the fun out of it. It’s also possible that more characters meander during the busier time of year.

The trip was still super fun, even as an adult. Of course I will need to return to Disney World after Galaxy’s Edge opens.


I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


Biggs On: Cancellation of the Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Movies

I’m sure many are waiting for my manbaby to emerge and tantrum after the cancellation of the Boba Fett and Obi-Wan movies. The truth is that I’m not bothered by it at all. In fact the decision makes sense. It has absolutely nothing to do with the poor box office performance of the Solo movie. As much as the butt-hurt manbabies try to rationalize, the poor performance is not the result of fan protest. Fans actually went to see the Han Solo movie! That being said, why am I not butt-hurt about the cancellations?

We Know Boba Fett’s Origin

Fan art of Boba Fett’s escape – by Deviant Art

I don’t think Disney mentioned the plot of the Boba Fett movie. The other non-Skywalker movies take place between Episode 3 and Episode 4. I really doubt that a Boba Fett origin film was planned. Attack of the Clones is essentially the origin story. He’s a clone of Jango Fett that remained unaltered. I think it would be a surprise if this was the intended plot of the movie.

So if it’s not an origin story, there is only one other logical story line. The story line that has been an enigma since Return of the Jedi. Boba Fett’s rumored escape from the Sarlacc in the Pit of Carkoon. This is the story I believe Disney would have pursued. Everyone wants to know how Boba Fett survives the Sarlacc but I’m glad we won’t. I would prefer this remain a mystery, why ruin it? Now we are left to the manifestations of our own minds, which are better than any producer, writer or director could ever imagine. Besides, we wouldn’t have as much excellent fan art and depictions.

What Would We Learn About Obi-Wan?

The bigger mystery of these two movies is what would the plot be of the Obi-Wan movie? We learn more about the Death Star plans in Rogue One. We learn about how Han and Chewie met, the Kessel Run and the Millennium Falcon in the Solo movie. What would we have learned about Obi-Wan? The prequels told us how he became a General and the Clone Wars animated series told us how he and Anakin became friends.

A couple of reports emerged that suggested the story was going to take place while Obi-Wan was in exile in the Jundland Wastes on Tatooine. He would become involved with some kind of conflict between local farmers and the Sand People. It’s not a story I was terribly excited about, therefore cancelling this movie made sense to me. Besides, I think what we all really wanted to see is Ewan McGreggor as Obi-Wan Kenobi again.

The cancellation of the Boba Fett and Obi-Wan movies was the smart move by Disney. While we all really want to see more of the two biggest bad asses in the franchise, I think it’s better they remain enigmatic. I don’t think this is the end of more “Star Wars Story” films. I would love to see Donald Glover reprise Lando in his own film, which Lucasfilm has hinted at before.


The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.

Movie Review: Incredibles 2

Incredibles 2Incredibles 2

Directed By: Brad Bird
StarringCraig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson

My Rating: [rating=4]

It’s been 14 years since the last Incredibles movie. During the 14 years, animated movie fans have been clamoring, relentless for the sequel. Disney/Pixar finally gave in to the cacophony. I don’t know why it took over a decade to produce a sequel. I understand animation takes quite a bit of work, but perhaps it was the challenge of bringing the entire cast back.

Whatever the case may be, they pick up exactly where the last movie ended. The family of heroes work together, in a group storming sort of way, to thwart Underminer. An ambitious mogul sees the value super heroes bring to society after defeating Underminer. He recruits Elastigirl to help him show the world that Super Heroes should not be illegal, while Mr. Incredible has to play Mr. Mom. Of course, a new nefarious and enigmatic villain appears, The Screenslaver, which puts these plans, and all super heroes, in jeopardy.

Biggs Review

I really enjoyed this movie. I love the fact that it literally begins where the last one ends. It’s almost as if the past 14 years never happened, which is probably Pixar’s intention. I love the role reversal of Elastigirl moonlighting as a covert super hero, even listening to police scanners, just like her husband in the first movie. I felt like the movie was slow at times, particularly during the time when Elastigirl is just beginning her “new job”. They tried to balance it out with Mr. Incredible dealing with Jack-Jack getting his powers; while it was funny I don’t think it was successful. Perhaps they should have introduced “The Screenslaver” a bit earlier, to liven up the plot sooner.

As with all Pixar movies, this movie is not without its Easter Eggs. Of course John Ratzenberger is in the film, reprising the role of Underminer. A Pixar movie is not complete without their good luck charm. I feel like there is some homage paid to Tony Stark/Iron Man. Deavor explains that one of the houses he owns he acquired from an “eccentric billionaire” that wanted to be able to “come and go without notice”. If you have seen all the Iron Man movies, you may notice that the living room has a striking resemblance to the one in Tony Stark’s house.

I’d say, if you’ve got the time, go see it (after you’ve seen the Solo movie). Take your kids, my 4-year-old enjoyed it. I don’t think it’s worth the extra fees for 3D or BigD, a simple digital viewing is the more worthwhile, economic choice.


film_reel“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.”
– Stanley Kubrick


Let's Talk A Little Console Today

The MMO Times: Let’s Talk A Little Console Today

Tracer's Firm ButtoxIssue 144: The open beta of Overwatch has captured the attention of hundreds of gamers and thus has been making the usual headlines around the various gaming news media outlets. The superfluity of the news about Overwatch, however, is a pleasant change from the excessive political garbage on television and Facebook. I think that’s why I read more gaming news than actual news; for the most part, its politically agnostic. The Overwatch open beta has wrapped up, which is unfortunate if you haven’t pre-ordered the game. I hope you got a chance to play it and if so, I’d like to hear your thoughts. I will express mine in a separate post.

Be that as it may, this is a post about gaming news and not an editorial. We have a few posts about some console games in this issue (because consoles started it all for most of us). Blizzard titles are the more prolific games mentioned since everyone is talking about Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm and Legion. The Legion posts are more about fun and interesting things that await us in the coming expansion. I know August 30th is still a long way away so these little Legion treats help keep us somewhat satiated. KCGO.

Star Wars: Jar Jar Binks Is An Essential Character

Jar Jar Binks

Yes, let’s talk about the most controversial character in Star Wars (since the Ewoks – yes, back in the day the Ewoks were also hated). In fact, not only am I going to talk about him, I’m going to defend the fact that Jar Jar Binks is an essential character to the prequels. I liked Jar Jar and I think all the adults that hate him have lost something within themselves.

I was also inspired by this polygon article, which is an excellent read and I agree with the author 100%. He does an excellent job defending Jar Jar so there isn’t much else I can say he hasn’t already mentioned. I do understand why many people dislike Jar Jar, which the author also mentions. I get it, but Jar Jar deserves some additional support, so I will justify Jar Jar’s existence from a different perspective.

Jump In My Time Machine

Let me take you back to the first time you saw Star Wars, whether that was in 1977, 1980, and 1983 or perhaps in the 90s (which is when I saw them for the first time). Try and channel your 7-year-old self and remember what it was like seeing Star Wars for the first time. Go beyond the space battles and the lightsabers and think about the characters that you found endearing. The awkward antics of C-3PO and the cunning of the Ewoks as they use archaic conventions to thwart the Empire. Admit it! These characters are some of the reasons you are now a fan.

Find that inner child and watch the prequels again. I remember watching The Phantom Menace in the theater (which I did seven times) and hearing the laughter of children after one of Jar Jar’s goofy antics. In fact, did you know that Disney’s Goofy was George Lucas’ inspiration for Jar Jar? I can kind of see that now. Also, Lucas’ adopted son, Jett Lucas, named Jar Jar and inspired the Gungan species. What a neat way to include your children in your legacy and life’s work!

So if Jar Jar is based on Goofy, and you hate Jar Jar, then by the inference rule, you hate Goofy! Seriously, how can you hate Goofy?? “Gawrsh!”

Jar Jar Is For the Kids

All joking aside, I honestly do understand why some folks hate Jar Jar. Perhaps, if it weren’t for his voice and some of his dialog, he may have been more endearing to adults. I ask you this: don’t we want our children to like Star Wars as much as we did when we were young and give them the same cinematic experience?? Jar Jar is to our children as Wicket was to us. The prequels needed that delightful character that would become one of the reasons our children are now fans.

So I think instead of laughing at depictions of cutting off Jar Jar’s head, maybe it’s time we cut Jar Jar some slack.


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