Issue 144: The open beta of Overwatch has captured the attention of hundreds of gamers and thus has been making the usual headlines around the various gaming news media outlets. The superfluity of the news about Overwatch, however, is a pleasant change from the excessive political garbage on television and Facebook. I think that’s why I read more gaming news than actual news; for the most part, its politically agnostic. The Overwatch open beta has wrapped up, which is unfortunate if you haven’t pre-ordered the game. I hope you got a chance to play it and if so, I’d like to hear your thoughts. I will express mine in a separate post.
Be that as it may, this is a post about gaming news and not an editorial. We have a few posts about some console games in this issue (because consoles started it all for most of us). Blizzard titles are the more prolific games mentioned since everyone is talking about Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm and Legion. The Legion posts are more about fun and interesting things that await us in the coming expansion. I know August 30th is still a long way away so these little Legion treats help keep us somewhat satiated. KCGO.
Uncharted 4 Is A Great Action Game
ars technica post
Chromie & Medivh Join HotS
Posted 5.6.16 – If you are not familiar with the various characters from Warcraft lore then these new heroes might not seem familiar. Medivh is probably the one that people will recognize the most if you have played any of the games but Chromie might be less familiar. She’s your miniature timelord with a pretty fierce alter ego, although based on the video demonstrating game play, she never actually changes into her dragon form, but the animation of her spells seem pretty cool. Medivh, however, does come with Raven Form. If you’re playing Heroes of the Storm, I hope you enjoy these new heroes in your arsenal.
Blizzard Watch post
Witcher 3 Second (and Final) Expansion
Gamespot article
Wait, Warcraft Movie Transmog Items??!!
Posted 5.10.16 – It has come to my attention that after the Warcraft movie hits theaters, players logging into the game will be granted special cosmetic items that are BoA and look like weapons from the movie! If you are kind of a transmog-nut, like me, then you might find this as exciting as I do. I was wondering if Blizzard was going to do anything special in WoW to commemorate the premiere of the movie. There is a link within the post that will take you to to see how the items will appear. There is also a video that recreated the Warcraft movie trailer using WoW artifacts and its pretty cool.
Massively Overpowered post
Legion Artifact/Talent Calculators

Artifact Calculator | Talent Calculator
Disney Infinite Now Finite
Posted 5.10.16 – It was some pretty shocking news when Disney announced they are pulling the plug on Disney Infinite. I guess I’m not terribly surprised. I didn’t know anybody that played it and the fact that they kept trying to shove it in our face through various media outlets should have been an indication that it was suffering. They are no longer developing games or the associated toys, which are collectibles (hmm, maybe I should grab some of the Star Wars Infinity figures). Ultimately it appears Disney is no longer in the console gaming business.
ars technica post
STO Boldly Going Console

Massively Overpowered post