Issue #134: I intentionally went an extra week between issues. The gaming news has been a little slow and mired by all the political nonsense and cool tech releases of the IRL news. I didn’t want to scrounge for moot headlines just to post something weekly so hopefully I haven’t failed you by waiting just a little longer to bring you interesting news. Blizzard has been especially quiet lately, which means they are trying to hold out until BlizzCon (although I
wouldn’t be surprised if they let a few tidbits “slip” out).
Meanwhile the Star Wars Battlefront beta has begun for PS4, XBox One and PC. I have been hearing some pretty good feedback about the game (despite what “certain trolls” think *cough*Tommy*cough*). I have it installed on my PC at the moment but I haven’t had an opportunity to log in yet. I’ve heard it’s essentially Star Wars Counterstrike but that’s how it was advertised. If you have been trying it out I would like to know your thoughts (even if they happen to align with Tommy’s 😉 ) I also read that over nine million people have played the beta setting an EA record!
Speaking of Battlefront, there are a couple of new details about that game in the headlines below; and news about crafting in Star Wars The Old Republic. I had to post something regarding Rocket League because its new car pack is pretty cool (in a 1980’s-cult-classic kind of way). Blizzard has released the schedule for BlizzCon and there is something, finally, about the Overwatch beta, although it’s probably not as much as you hoped. Oh and MOAR PEPE!! KCGO