A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Bioware Page 2 of 9

MMO Times: Respawned!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 94: Hello Gamers! I know the MMO Times has been missing all year but that is mostly the result of the site relocation efforts that were taking place over the past couple of months. I hope you all are still interested to read about what new things are coming up in the MMO genre and that you haven’t developed any bad habits of looking the news up yourself! I hope there won’t be any more interruptions for a while so I can keep bringing you the latest MMO headlines! So on with the show!

The latest news entails mostly details about Blizzard titles, including two upcoming titles (Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm). Bioware has some news for SWTOR players that they hope will spark more interest. There is also a possible new MMO title coming. Also, if you hadn’t heard yet, the official release date for Elder Scrolls Online is set for April 4th and the game is still sending out beta invites. I have not participated but I would be interested in hearing what your impressions are if you are in the beta.

The MMO Times: Oktoberfest *burp* Edition

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 90: Guten Tag! I hope all of you have had a safe and fun Oktoberfest this year! I know here we had a visit from Star Trek’s Captain Sulu to lead off our local brewfest. Anyone else have any interesting Oktoberfest stories? Hopefully you didn’t stay indoors and play GTAV the whole time. While you will always be able to come back and wreck havoc in Los Santos, you won’t always be able to go out and enjoy some awesome beer until next year. Be that as it may, here are some headlines that you may have missed as a result of your drunken stupor.

Despite my lengthy absence from posting the next issue, there doesn’t seem to be a lot happening anyway. BlizzCon is the next most notable conference coming up so theories and whispers have begun to float around regarding Blizzards current and upcoming titles. Some sad news about Warhammer Online, another Blizzard trademark foreshadowing, and other patch and expansion news for our favorite games.

The MMO Times: I Can Haz Tauntaun??!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 84: Yes, I want a Tauntaun! Gives me tauntaun, now! I mean, what better way to travel around any planet. Yea, I know they smell bad, but think of the versatility. You don’t have to pay for gas, they’ll probably just eat whatever they can find laying around, and if you find yourself freezing to death in the tundra, just cut them open and you’ve got yourself a nice, warm carcass!

Tauntaun disembowelment aside, we have a few headlines to read up on, including the inspiration for the title of this issue (and the rather grotesque introduction). We are between conferences right now as SDCC has ended and Gamescom is next week but there are still some tidbits popping up from both conferences. Aion has some new content to share, SWTOR (obviously!), news about the World of Warcraft movie, and more! So curl up inside your favorite tauntaun (or just buy one of these) and enjoy!

The MMO Times: Happy Birthday, America!!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 81: Happy Independence Day, everyone! In celebration of the birthday of our great nation, let’s set aside our political differences. We should be celebrating the fact that we even have the freedom to express our beliefs. Also, be safe when you go out there to blow things up! Just because there are no repercussions when we blow things up in our games doesn’t mean that translates to real life. You can’t game if you lose a hand because you weren’t safe!

This is getting an early posting since I may not be available to provide any additional headlines that appear over the next couple of days. I’ll either be gaming (there is, after all, The Secret World’s anniversary celebration going on), blowing stuff up, or watching other people blow stuff up.

I’m sure the rest of you may also be indulging in similar activities but here are some headlines to read about. We have some MWO and Runescape 3 release date news, a new Blizzard beta product, The Secret World, SWTOR, and much more. Happy 4th!

The MMO Times: Heroes Assemble!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 77:Instead of finding a headline about Marvel Heroes, I thought I would remind everyone here, Marvel Heroes went live this week (in case you didn’t know)! I haven’t tried it out yet but I haven’t heard anything bad about it, usually if something is bad the first thing gamers do is whine about it online. In fact I’ve heard that if you enjoy League of Legends that you will really enjoy Marvel Heroes! If anyone out there has an opinion about the game so far, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts.

You will notice that June 4th was quite a newsworthy day; it was not only the day that Marvel Heroes went live but there were quite a few announcements and some pre-E3 trailers unveiled. There is some RIFT, Aion and World of Warships news, an announcement from Blizzard and Bioware, and more! Check it out!

The MMO Times: Launch Day!

mmotimesheaderIssue 71: Last week was launch week for a couple of titles (or expansions) that I have been talking about often. I’m sure you are aware by now that these titles are Age of Wushu and SWTOR’s first expansion. Read on to see additional details about their respective launches. I haven’t picked up the SWTOR expansion yet. I want to but I’m still trying to justify the cost since so few of my friends are still playing it I lack the motivation.

If you are playing the SWTOR expansion, I’d like to hear from you. I’ve already received some great feedback from the folks on Google+. Actually, if you are partaking in any of the new things talked about in this issue I’d be curious as to your impressions. Age of Wushu went live, some new raid content for TSW, we have some more Infinite Crisis news and more!

On a final note, I want to express my heartfelt sorrow for those victims of the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Its despicable that someone is capable of such atrocities. My thoughts and prayers are with all the runners and the communities affected by this tragedy.

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