mighty_have_fallenI’ll be honest, I was going to make this another post about Microsoft (because they are still pissing me off) but I decided that I would try to be more of an equal-opportunity troll today. Unfortunately, I am going to start with Microsoft since they are the ones who have most recently been in the (tech) news.

Microsoft has backpedaled for a second time this year, on a second product (that’s not a good track record). Obviously the first time are the changes they are making in 8.1, though I still argue that what they chose to change is half-assed. We wanted a Start Menu with the Start Button, not your vomit inducing Start Screen. But I digress. When Microsoft unveiled the XBox One they were expecting fanfare, instead they got fan-flamed. Their architectural decisions for the XBox One were not popular and they paid the price with constant mockery and ridicule. Yesterday Microsoft changed their policy on used games and the always-on DRM. I’m still not thrilled about the idea that I wouldn’t be able to play my XBox 360 games on the new console so I still don’t feel the need to buy the XBox One.

I’m kind of tired of folks putting Microsoft up on this mighty pedestal when they are actually teetering on the edge of the toilet stool. Honestly, I don’t think anyone really deserves to be up on any pedestal right now. Apple isn’t really coming up with anything truly innovative anymore. In fact I’d say they are starting to play the catch-up game right now with Google’s Android. Speaking of Android, they’re not exactly inventing much lately either.

The fact of the matter is, it seems like they (Microsoft and Apple specifically) don’t seem to be listening to their users. We’re no longer living in a vendor-driven market, this is a user-driven market. Microsoft and Apple no longer have the power to dictate to us what we will use, we are telling them what we want. It’s up to them if they choose to listen and when they don’t listen the viral backlash is awkward and unpleasant. If anyone deserves a pedestal it would probably be Google as they are the ones that seem to be taking all the Apple and Microsoft complaints and providing solutions with their phones and tablets.

So the first half of 2013 has been embarrassing and tumultuous for Microsoft and uneventful and dull for Apple. Both have a lot promised for the second half of the year, hopefully their plans will bolster their already bruised and waning reputations.
