mmotimesheaderIssue 69: PAX East is over and thus the news slows down. I mean all the great new information was already unveiled last weekend so there isn’t much to talk about that will usurp all the residual buzz. I tried to put together a few articles for your Easter weekend.

The first SWTOR expansion has an official release date (and don’t forget that this weekend is another double XP weekend), a new Turbine title related to the DC Universe, Runescape 3 and Neverwinter news and more! Check it out!

Dragon Eternity: A Cross-Platform MMO

Posted 3.29.13 – Gamers come in many forms. Most are either predominately PC gamers or console gamers. A new title, called Dragon Eternity, claims to tackle the cross-platform barrier. It has just been released for the iPad, a browser based version is in beta and the company promises an Android version soon. All three mediums are suppose to allow everyone to play with each other. The iPad version is free, I have downloaded and I will give it a shot. I can do a write later after I get an impression of what its like.
SlashGear article

 Neverwinter’s Devoted Cleric Class

Posted 3.28.13 – Are you interested in the Neverwinter game? Well here is a peek of the Devoted Cleric class with a pretty cool montage video. Apparently this is a long range healer as well and damage dealer. I have not been fortunate to play this game in the beta, but have you? If so, did you try out this class? I’m interested in your thoughts.
Massively post

Hutt Cartell Expansion Gets Launch Date

Posted 3.25.13 – SWTOR’s first expansion officially has a launch date. Rise of the Hutt Cartel will be arriving April 14th and if you pre-order before April 13th you will receive a couple of in-game goodies. This expansion will continue player’s stories up another 5 levels and open a new planet called Makeb. Of course there will be new flashpoints and operations at the new level cap. If you are a subscriber the expansion will cost $9.99, free players will have to pay $19.99. May the Force be with you.
Massively post | Pre-Order Page

video_icon Turbine Announces DC Universe MOBA

Posted 3.25.13 – If you enjoy Massive Online Battle Arena’s (MOBA) and the DC Universe then you might enjoy a new title recently unveiled by Turbine. Infinite Crisis is was announced, its not yet in beta but there is a trailer. This game will include many characters from the DC multiverse (ex: you can pit original Batman against steampunk Batman). They are currently taking sign ups to try to get into the beta.
Massively post | Infinite Crisis Official Site

 Runescape 3 Coming This Summer

Posted 3.23.13 – Were you a fan of Runescape? I actually never played it but I know its one of the originals. Well this summer the browser-based Runescape 3 will be launching. In fact, if you do have an active account for previous games, you will be able to use when Runescape 3 goes live. I don’t have any screenshots but there is a Behind the Scenes video.
Polygon post

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