Biggs' LabsI have been adding more projects lately, other than my online projects (i.e. is technically my sandbox for new web technology). I have been branching out into more hardware based projects. I have talked to a few folks about what I’m working on and I’ve posted a few comments and pictures about it on Twitter and Facebook. In every conversation I’ve had people have asked me to keep them in the loop as to how the project is going and how it turns out. I decided I would create a new category of blog posts because as I complete each project I will write a blog post about how it went and any tips that I have for anyone that wants to try it out. I often refer to my projects in the context of “my lab” and thus the new category is “Biggs Lab”.

Here are a few projects I have going on and what is on deck:

In Home Network (almost complete)

MythTV – Plex – FreeNAS DVR and Media system (started)

Home Automation (up next)

Home Automation – Raspberry Pi integration (on deck)

These are just the projects I know I will be getting to in the near future. Depending on the success or failure of these projects could inspire new projects. I’m also always looking for ideas. If you have worked with any of the technologies or architecture that I’m using, I’d like to know what you did and/or some of the resources you used to help you succeed. I particularly interested in any Raspberry Pi projects. So check back to see what I have cooking up in my lab next.

The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.