A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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Soapbox: So Many Bad Blog Writers!

First a few qualifying statements. I know I’m not a gifted blog writer however I just write for fun; nobody pays me. Also, this isn’t a blanket statement because there are plenty of good blog writers. Most of my observations have been various writers for Star Wars blogs, though I have seen the occasional tech writer or other cultural blog writer whose prose and research are abysmal. Bad grammar is a common offense, which is shocking. Learning basic grammar is not difficult and using it is even easier.

Grammar is so important and I cannot emphasize that enough. In a world where social media has such influential power, grammar even matters on your Facebook posts. Potential employers will research you and they will judge how lazy you are or even how intelligent you are simply based on your Facebook posts. If I were a hiring manager or if I am screening potential candidates, I will research your social media. I don’t expect people to have the grammar prowess of an Oxford English professor but I do expect people to know proper comma usage and punctuation.

By the way, I know many hiring managers and recruiters that do check social media, such as Facebook, to learn about potential applicants. If you’re not careful with social media, it can hurt your job candidacy and safety. The dangers of social media is a different topic for a different time.

Research Or Know Your Canon!

Honestly, based on most of my observations, it isn’t grammar that is the greatest offense. It’s research! This is most common in several of the Star Wars blogs I’ve seen. The inaccuracy of some of these blog writers is astounding. Sometimes I question whether the author is actually a fan or if they were just assigned a topic by their editor. Honestly I hope that’s what is happening. It would be more disconcerting if these authors really are “fans” because then I question their knowledge of Star Wars canon.

I admit that I don’t know everything there is in Star Wars canon, however I research what I don’t know before I make any assumptions or comments. These Star Wars authors are sacrificing accuracy for clicks, which is a shame because finding accurate details doesn’t require a lot of research. The other explanation is worse, however. Clickbait websites thrive on gullible and obtuse users to drive up their visitation. Websites like “We’ve Got This Covered” and “Collider” are some of the worst offenders. DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING FROM THESE SITES! Also, be careful of other blogs you read that might use these sites as “references” or “sources”.

The most sickening thing I’ve seen are blog authors taking advantage of the fan divisiveness to attract readers. Instead of reporting accurate information, they tailor facts to prey on people’s emotions simply to manipulate them to read their awful articles. This isn’t a prevalent blog but I still won’t sacrifice quality just to attract more readers. I will never manipulate the facts and I will never try to disguise my opinion as fact. I’m concerned this is a microcosm of all journalism.

If you want loyal readers then use basic grammar, do the research and know your canon.


I Have Spoken!


RTotD: This Will Make You Vote Differently

Rest assured this is not a political post. I always say that I will not discuss politics on this blog and I stand by that. This post will, in no way, shape or form, allude to my political leanings or even discuss political hot topics. This topic stems from my recent Facebook post:

In all fairness, I can’t take credit for it. When I was out for a jog I saw a sign in my neighbor’s yard that said “This Sign Will Totally Make You Vote Differently“. I was laughing out loud for the rest of the block. The satirical context of the sign is funny because it perfectly expresses the futility of political signs. The same can be said for Facebook posts. I think it’s absolutely futile to post any kind of meme or article in hopes of convincing someone to vote (or think) differently.

Can you guess how many articles I’ve read that are from something shared on Facebook? Zero! Why? Because my mind is already made up. I hate to break it to you but chances are others have already made up their minds as well and nothing you share can change that. This goes beyond politics too. It can be anything really. Which Star Wars trilogy is better? Which Star Trek movie is better? What is the correct direction for the toilet paper roll?

It’s all moot and irrelevant because, at the end of the day, nothing changes. I know its probably cynical of me to think that but it’s like Dr. Greg House used to say:


The things that go through my mind when I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts for entertainment is dangerous. Some might even say eccentric. Consider this your warning about today’s Random Thought of the Day


RTotD: The Teacher-Child Vicissitude

the teacher-child vicissitudeI learned a new word today: vicissitude (/vəˈsisəˌt(y)o͞od/). It means an unexpected and unwelcome change in circumstances. The word is fitting for my recent random thought. This week our daughter is losing another teacher to a change in circumstances. It’s unexpected and only unwelcome because they are a damn good teacher and those are hard to come by. As a parent it can be difficult to help your child navigate unexpected change, especially when your child refers to said teacher as “one of my favorite teachers”. It’s already difficult to quell their emotions at the end of each school year, but that is an expected turn of events. However the teacher-child vicissitude is one of the harder life lessons children have to endure early.

Social Media Can Be Helpful

As ugly and condescending as social media can be, it has its merits. Using programs such as Facebook to keep in touch with these teachers makes it easier to help your child accept change. It also allows us to continue to share our child’s development and growth. After all, these are the teachers that helped to influence said growth and development.

I’ve been reluctant to “friend” my child’s teachers because I didn’t know if it crosses some kind of parent-teacher separation of concerns barrier. I feel like I’m more encouraged to do it anyway. If the teacher isn’t comfortable with that kind of social commitment, I’m fine with that. This is a new area where I’m still feeling like a bit of a newb parent. When I was growing up I never saw my parents socializing with my teachers. Whenever we would encounter a teacher outside the classroom, it felt as though the exchange was kept professional. However that was the 90’s; the world is different now.

If you’re a teacher, I’m curious about your thoughts on this. Also, for what its worth, thank you again to all those amazing, under appreciated teachers (both school and daycare). I couldn’t do what you do!

On a final note …

Yea, you know who you are. 🙂

The things that go through my mind when I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts for entertainment is dangerous. Some might even say eccentric. Consider this your warning about today’s Random Thought of the Day


RTotD: Research Before You Share

During one of my Covid updates I made the comment that a meme is not an accurate source of information. By the same token, Facebook is not always an accurate source of information either. Just because it’s on Facebook doesn’t mean its fact. However I imagine a majority of the time people just read the headline or image and assume the rest of the facts. What you should do before you share is verify the validity of the article and/or the website. It takes less than 30 minutes to create a WordPress site where anyone can write a blog post that cats are actually aliens from the planet Klemlark sent here to observe us.

A Tom Brady Example

I’m going to use an example I saw on Facebook very recently. Have any of you seen this post:

Tom Brady did not actually say that in any interview. If you go to the America’s Last Line of Defense website and you click on the About Us you will see:

Americaslastlineofdefense.com is a subsidiary of the “America’s Last Line of Defense” network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery, or as Snopes called it before they lost their war on satire: Junk News

They literally tell you that its fiction. I hate to burst everyone’s bubble out there but you really need to double check these websites before you share because people love spreading false gossip. In fact I’d be willing to bet that websites just like this one rely on the fact that people just take everything at face value.

This is how all the “False News” nonsense started.


The things that go through my mind when I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts for entertainment is dangerous. Some might even say eccentric. Consider this your warning about today’s Random Thought of the Day


RTotD: If I Had A Million Dollars

If I Had A Million DollarsActually this is more about if I won the lottery, I just felt the song by the Barenaked Ladies seemed fitting for this random thought. The age old question: What would you do if you won the lottery? They say money changes people and while that may be true for most I do know wealthy people, personally, that are still pretty down to earth.

So I want to start out by saying that, first and foremost, if I won the jackpot I wouldn’t let it change me. In fact I’d want to remain as anonymous as possible. I’d hire a lawyer or proxy to accept the winning on my behalf. I’d even try to maintain my anonymity from family and friends. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean that greedily. I don’t want them to treat me any different and obscurity is the best way to maintain that dynamic.

What Would I Do With The Money

I’d keep working and hope that I can work without becoming too cavalier. I imagine that when you have no fear of losing your job you tend to become lazy. Besides, I’d need something to do during the day or I’d go nuts. I wouldn’t move either. I’d stay in my current home for a couple more years and I’d keep my car until I actually needed to buy a new vehicle. In the meantime I’d make a few investments and some charitable donations (of my choosing). I’d also put together a couple of trust funds for my future generations.

The hardest thing, I imagine, is trying not to be too ostentatious. I’d still buy reliable vehicles, not something luxury just because I can afford it. I’d still only buy a new technology when it was necessary instead of always buying the latest model. I’d still keep my purchases simple and economical (no “dijon ketchup”). See I think the more money you have the more frugal you should be. After all a fool and his money are soon parted. Honestly, what will probably suffer the most is my DIY skills. Instead of attempting to remodel a room myself, I’d hire a professional to do it for me.


The things that go through my mind when I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts for entertainment is dangerous. Some might even say eccentric. Consider this your warning about today’s Random Thought of the Day


RTotD: Dogs Possess Other Dogs

It’s been 7 weeks since we lost Gus. The first couple of weeks after his passing were especially difficult, but then we began noticing something peculiar. Our 1 1/2 year old Westie started exhibiting behaviors similar to Gus. So much so that it gives credence to dogs having souls and they can take possession of other dogs. Gus had exactly the kind of personality that even in death, he still gets what he wants. Therefore it would not surprise me at all if he will occasionally take possession of Gibbs.

It began with subtle behaviors that we just assumed Gibbs picked up on and we didn’t really notice it. For example, if we dropped food in the kitchen and we said “Oops”, Gus was in that kitchen immediately, hoping to reap the benefits of getting there before we picked it up. Gibbs never really responded, at least he didn’t seem as astute. However, we began to notice that he now responds with the same sense of urgency as Gus. Granted that could be Pavlovian behavior.

Gibbs also took a sudden interest in the rooster toy, which was a favorite of Gus’ since the day we brought him home. He has also suddenly decided to lay between our legs when we are reclined in the recliner; also a common behavior of Gus. In fact, it has become so eerily frequent that we started identifying when “Gus is driving”; meaning he has taken control of Gibbs’ body. Sometimes Gibbs will try to play with two toys at once; a ball and the rooster. This is Gus vying for control.

I know its actually a form of imprinting, but imagining Gus taking control helps keep his memory alive.

The things that go through my mind when I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts for entertainment is dangerous. Some might even say eccentric. Consider this your warning about today’s Random Thought of the Day



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