A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Soapbox Page 5 of 6

SoapBox: I Can’t Wait Until November

I am so frakking tried of all the political commercials and the party bashing. I don’t care what side of the fence you sit on, what is the damn point of the merciless verbal bashing of the other party or supporters of the other party. I’m glad that I have DVR because every other commercial is a political slander ad. I don’t even turn live TV on anymore and I won’t until November 7th when I know that I will be free of all the frakking ads.

The hypocrisy is disgusting, the media just perpetuates it and the Internet throws gasoline on the flames. If someone like Natalie Portman or Tom Hanks expresses who they support, they are worshiped; but when Clint Eastwood exercises his right to free speech, or Stacey Dash tweets her support for the opposition, then everyone is quick to demonize and chastise. Show me where it is written that if you are a celebrity you must always support the same candidate the rest of Hollywood supports. Why are celebrities treated so much differently then everyone else??

This is why I admire some celebrities, like Mila Kunis (who, btw, shares an opposite political viewpoint then myself) who treats the social networks like they should be treated, to socialize. She doesn’t flaunt her personal philosophies in an attempt to sway others to vote like she does. She just likes to reach out to her millions of fans. It breaks down that barrier between celebrity and average citizen. Celebrities are people too and have the same rights to free speech as everyone else.

People will vote for who they feel is the right person for the job. Verbally berating them and making blanket derogatory remarks about their political affiliation isn’t going to change their mind. In fact it may have a greater probability of further enforcing who they are voting for; viciously attacking the other party only makes your own party look bad. It’s time to grow up and act like adults, folks!

On the same note, don’t let others (celebrities, on Facebook, on Google+, on Twitter, etc) dictate to you who you should vote for. Learn about the issues, learn where each candidate stands on that issue, and vote for the one you think best represents how you feel about the issue. Have a mind of your own for frak’s sake!


Soapbox: Movie Theater Etiquette

I recently saw a movie and I rarely see a movie in the theater, mainly because I think its too expensive to see movies anymore. I really dislike movies that are only available in 3D because I really don’t want to pay an extra $4 per ticket just for a gimmick whose fad is starting to wane. But I digress.

So my past movie theater experience was The Dark Knight Rises (you can read my review of it here) and I had a rather rude stranger sitting next to me. He started by arriving late so his girlfriend kept texting and calling him but it was only during the previews so it wasn’t that upsetting, but it set the precedent for the remainder of the evening. He sat right next to me and seemed to want to check his texts or respond to texts every 10 minutes. In fact at one point he was talking on the phone to his girlfriend who he sent out to get him pizza (from the local pizza place located in the same building as the theater).

I couldn’t believe how rude and obnoxious this asshat was. There were a few times I became really tempted to start screwing with the guy. I even thought about trying to reach over and grab a slice of his pizza. In fact I think from now on if you are sitting next to me and you feel the need to read and respond to your text messages, expect to share your messages with me. If I see you reading and sending texts I am going to purposefully look at your phone. I’m not going to try to hide it either. I am going to lean over so you can feel my breath on your neck because obviously your text messages are more interesting then the movie.

There is a reason that theaters have the promotions that play just before the movie asking all patrons to turn their phones off. All of us paid to watch the movie but your texts and phone conversations are not part of the experience, unless you are sitting next to me … then I will make them part of my experience.

/end soapbox

Soapbox: Don’t Punish the Students

When the accusations emerged of the atrocities of Jerry Sandusky, I admit that I gave Joe Paterno the benefit of the doubt. I thought that perhaps he was so disgusted with the accusations that he wanted nothing to do with Jerry Sandusky again (now why Sandusky remained on the staff, I don’t know).

However, after the findings that came out of the Louis Freeh report I regret ever saying anything in defense of Joe Paterno. Whether he was coerced into cooperation or was involved with the decision to cover it up, he is just as creepy just for covering it up. I don’t care how much football is embedded into your life, you shouldn’t place your career, or the wonderful sport of football, above any form of sexual abuse prevention. I don’t blame the university and the NCAA for giving consideration to tearing down the Paterno statue or even striking his achievements from the record books. (As a side note, whether its written or not he will still be remembered as the former “most winning-est” college football coach).

I don’t agree, however, with the possibility that the NCAA might shutdown Penn State’s football program. Perhaps if it was decided to do it for one season, while harsh, is warranted. There are some that seem to be calling for the permanent shutdown of Penn State’s football program, which is just a little too far. I understand that the high ranking university officials need to be punished for allowing such terrible things to happen, but shutting down the football program punishes the students!! It will destroy an already severely damaged student body population. I’m sure enrollment will be almost non-existent and recruitment will be even more sparse, but if you shut down the football program then they should downgrade Penn State’s status has a major university.

I just can’t believe that they would even consider shutting it down permanently. Haven’t the students, and the current football players, been through enough devastation? Football was not the reason Jerry Sandusky did what he did so why take that away from the students? Such a decision could literally smash the dreams of many aspiring athletes. I do not condone any of the actions of those university officials involved with the cover up but keeping the football program alive won’t be perpetuating their grievous actions. The law will see to it that they are properly punished but keep the football program open so Penn State has a chance to try to rebuild its lost rapport.

/end soapbox

Soapbox: Gamers Lack Appreciation

I was reading through a post on WoW Insider about Cataclysm and the author was discussing the things he liked and will miss about Cataclysm. Someone said something in the comments that, I think, explains why most gamers are spoiled, whining brats. Nobody appreciates the work and effort that goes into designing and developing these games. There will never be another MMO that will reach the number of users that World of Warcraft had because Blizzard has set the bar so high no game will ever satisfy that many gamers again. Gamers are so spoiled that now they expect every feature of WoW to be available at launch of any new MMO.

The mere thought of that last statement is hilarious almost to the point of absurdity. All games are developed in a closed source environment. Obviously Blizzard isn’t going to share its dungeon finder algorithm, for example, with Bioware or Trion. It doesn’t matter anymore that a majority of the features currently in World of Warcraft weren’t available at its launch, but apparently now they are a necessity for all new games. If a new game doesn’t have these features then its deemed “unfinished”.

The MMO gaming industry is cutthroat and volatile. The longer a company waits to deliver a new product the farther behind they will be so it becomes crucial from a profit and marketing philosophy to deliver something sooner rather than later. Nobody will ever release a product that is bug free and with every feature at launch. I remember how much grief players would give Blizzard on days when there were huge content patches that made the game almost unplayable. It was expected that nobody would be raiding on Tuesday nights because the game was incredibly unstable and buggy.

Perhaps the MMO genre has lost its edge. I see comments on posts (mostly on gaming news and blog sites) that they don’t like the “kill X number of Y” type of quests, or any kind of quest. I never see anyone offer alternative methods of leveling. Clearly they have a better idea for leveling then completing quests if they are complaining about it … or maybe they are just complaining because it makes them feel important.

I also see people complaining that Game X lacks any end game content when it actually has the same end game content all the other games have (i.e. raid, pvp, instances, dailies). What else do you want?!? If these games lack so many features, and clearly you know what features they should have, then submit your resume! I assure you that you will find out immediately why games take so long to make and what it takes to develop one.

I think the appalling lack of appreciation is lost because of blind ignorance!


Soapbox: There’s No Crying In Football!!!

I love how Greg Lloyd put it (regarding Football): “It’s a violent freaking sport!” I don’t understand what it is with players these days demanding changes to the game because of the injuries. It’s almost as if players these days are shocked that there are so many injuries in football.

HELLO!!! McFLY!!!!!

Who ever said football was a safe sport??!! They knew what they were getting into when they signed those contracts. These players are paid ridiculous sums of money so I’m sure excellent doctor’s are well within their budget. Do any of these players remember the great players before them?? How many games did Brett Favre play while injured; now players are leaving the game for a jammed thumb! Some bumps and bruises, jammed fingers, sprained ankles and a few minor concussions never stopped Joe Montana, Gale Sayers or Walter Payton.

If you don’t want to get hurt then don’t play football because concussions are part of the business. Every job has something about it that you don’t like. There is no such thing as a utopian job. I love football. I love to see the big plays just as much as I love to see the big hits. I love the hear the clash of helmets at the snap but the more players that cry over a broken finger the more I want to start watching hockey instead.

If these players are worried about the state of their livelihood after they are done playing professional sports then perhaps they should sit down and have a chat with an ex-marine or a Vietnam vet. Maybe they should pay a visit to Arlington National Cemetery and see what those guys have to say about their choice of vocation in life.

I’m sure you all know what I have to say to all those pansy NFL players … Buck Up, Sally!!!!

/end soapbox

Soapbox: What Is With The Whining?!?

OMG, what is with all the whining!!?? Yes, I am aware that I am whining about whining. It isn’t hypocrisy, its cognitive dissonance. So be that as it may, there seems to be a lot of people whining about everything recently. UI changes, patches; are we, as a society, so spoiled that our immediate reaction to change is to focus on the negative?? I am fully in favor of technology evolving to bring us information faster but a pitfall of instant gratification is we seem to always expect the results to be perfect and we whine about it when it isn’t perfect.

I hate to tell you this folks, but there is no such thing as perfect. There is no such thing as 100% and if you always expect perfection from someone else doing the work then you will forever exist in disappointment.

Whaaaa! Too Much White Space!!!!

Whaaaa! They Nerfed My Class!!!!


If you think you can do it better, then get to work but remember that human beings are imperfect therefore anything we create will also be imperfect. Why can’t we be grateful for the positives of change and understand that nearly everything in technology is iterative; meaning that it will constantly change and, in theory, improve with each iteration.

This is the problem with social media, the loudest people on the Internet are typically the most ungrateful! Buck Up, Sally!!!!!

/end soapbox

** For clarification, I have made some negative comments about Timeline in the past but it has been merely for propaganda purposes. Personally, I have no issue with Timeline.

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