I have to admit, for a product whose death warrant has been signed, Windows Phone is suddenly gaining a surprising amount of market share. In fact *recent headlines suggest that Windows Phone will have 12% of the smartphone market by 2017. Granted I find that prediction a little odd considering Microsoft plans to stop supporting both Windows Phone 7.8 and Windows Phone 8 in 2014.
Far be it for me to give props to Microsoft these days considering most of their products lately have been loathsome, but I applaud this comeback. It’s interesting to see a product gain so much market share in the face of such negative adversity. I may even go so far as to say that Windows Phone almost demonstrates a greater chance of surviving than Windows 8. Although, the improvement shouldn’t fall all on Microsoft, I’m sure Nokia played a large part considering they are the ones that have the most to lose if Windows Phone is a bust.
This does not mean I will be purchasing a Windows Phone any time in the future. I enjoy the comforts of my iPhone too much right now to change platforms, and even if I did I would be more inclined to buy an Android phone before a Windows Phone. Be that as it may, if these predictions hold true, my prediction that Windows Phone is the next Zune failure will be wrong, and I will be the first to admit that. I don’t think Apple and Google should be too concerned; in my opinion 12% isn’t a threatening amount of market share, but its a sizable chunk that warrants some acknowledgement.