Title: Narkina 5
Director: Toby Haynes
Andor Episode 8 has dropped and we have some questions after the events of last week’s episode. For instance, we know Andor isn’t in prison for six years (that would put his release around the time of Empire Strikes Back). So how does he get out of prison? Did we get our answers?? We did not but I wasn’t expecting that to happen in this episode. This is the first episode in the third 3-story arc of the season. Therefore it’s safe to assume Andor is in prison for at least one more episode with the escape happening in Episode 10.
So how does he escape? And who helps him?
Appearances and Easter Eggs
I guess I’m back on the Easter Egg bus. Tony Gilroy’s “no fan service” decree seems to only apply to cameos. The plethora of artifacts seen in Luthen’s shop makes that clear. Regardless, this is another really cool episode and mostly because of two actor appearances and three character appearances.

The first one I want to get out of the way is Andy Serkis, whose character’s name is Kino Loy. If you are not aware, Andy Serkis also plays Snoke in the sequel trilogy. Now there are fan theories and blog posts everywhere suggesting Kino Loy and Snoke are linked. This is simply not true. It’s pretty common for actors to play multiple characters in the Star Wars franchise. Silas Carson comes to mind; he plays 4 different characters in the prequel trilogy. If you need a bigger name, Warwick Davis has done this in all three trilogies. I could go on, but I’m not because I have other things I want to get into.
Such as the appearance of two characters from Rogue One! I know what you’re thinking. We finally see Saw Gerrera (heh, heh, seesaw). We already knew Forest Whitaker is reprising the role from the trailer. What’s interesting about Saw’s role, thus far, is Luthen is not actually working for him. He just sells Saw the Imperial military equipment he steals. I am very happy to finally see him in the series.
So who is the other character from Rogue One??
Ruescott Melshi is one of the Rebels that volunteered for the Scarif assault to capture the Death Star plans. He is also one of the inmates assigned to table five with Cassian. This appears to be the beginning of their friendship.
What did you think of Andor Episode 8: Narkina 5?