I can’t believe how fast this year is going. We are already in June, the halfway point of the year. That means it’s time for my 2022 intentions mid-year review (already!). I’ve had to make a few adjustments to accommodate for a few changes and I will discuss those when we get there. This post is a nice break from the plethora of Star Wars posts I’ve been making. To be fair, May is Star Wars month and there is a new series I’m excited to discuss.
Health and Fitness
The fitness has had its challenges so far this year, and I can’t quite put my finger on why. I’ve gained about 25 pounds which means I am struggling a little bit when I go for a run. Therefore I’ve modified my run length. Depending on the day and the time I have available I will run 3-5 miles most days and push for 6+ at least once a week. All that to say, I did not run the half marathon this year. Family obligations came up on the same weekend and I wouldn’t have been ready for it anyway.

I have noticed some changes from the extra workouts, which may be contributing to the weight increase. After all, muscle weighs more than fat. Be that as it may, I’d be thrilled to drop at least 20 pounds so that’s my new goal for the year. I am also making some dietary adjustments; smaller portions, counting calories, that sort of thing. My goal is to drop at least 10 pounds by the end of summer and the rest by the end of the year.
There is some positive news regarding my fitness efforts this year. Recently I’ve decided to try jogging without my knee braces. I cannot remember the last time I had to take Advil and/or Tylenol for pain (in my knees). Considering the amount I run and the new workouts, perhaps the muscles around my knees are strong enough to provide sufficient support. I’m going to take it slow, I don’t want to hurt myself, but so far it looks promising.
2022 Reading Challenge
The reading challenge is going slow … really slow. This is primarily because the two books I’m currently reading add up to over 1800 pages. The Way of Kings (on ebook) is roughly 1,000 pages and To Sleep in a Sea of Stars (print) is a little over 800 pages (excluding the addendums). Therefore I have decided to reduce my Reading Challenge goal to 12 books.
Don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying both books quite a bit and I knew, going in, how long they are. In fact that is the reason I chose to read them so early in the year. I am nearly finished with To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, and I plan to read the remaining Dresden books (15,16,17) next. If I manage to get ahead again, I may raise it back up to 15.
Biggs’ Labs and Wrap Up
I have made zero progress on my technical goals for the year. Although I have included Reactjs as one of my goals for work, which means there is a greater chance that I will finally get to dig into that. It also means that I will be able to make the changes to my gift list project I’ve been playing with for a couple years now.
/cheers (for now)