I bought [a copy of] the soundtrack for all 11 Star Wars movies and listen to them regularly. If there is a day at work when I need to buckle down, the music of Star Wars gives me focus. Despite the divisive fandom, the one thing we all agree on is that the music is fantastic.
Therefore, as part of my Star Wars movie marathon this month I thought I would share my favorite tracks from each film.
My Favorite Music Tracks
I am watching the movies chronologically therefore this list will do the same. Most of these selections, especially the Original and Prequel trilogies, will be pretty obvious. In fact, most of them are the underlying theme of their respective films. Granted, I love all the music from all the movies, these are just the ones that live rent-free in my head most days. I have provided Spotify links for each song if you would like to listen to it.
- Episode 1: The Phantom Menace – Duel of the Fates. Given I just wrote a post about this track should make this fairly obvious.
- Episode 2: Attack of the Clones – Across the Stars. This is essentially the love theme of this film.
- Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith – Battle of the Heroes. The final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan
- Solo: A Star Wars Story – Meet Han. I like to think of this track as “Han’s Theme”. By the way, this is a fantastic soundtrack from John Powell.
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – Jyn Erso & Hope Suite. This track is the underlying theme of this whole movie and I love it. This is a solid soundtrack from Michael Giacchino.
- Episode 4: A New Hope – Main Title. Is there anything else more obvious that the classic Star Wars theme??
- Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back – The Imperial March. Ok, I stand corrected, this is probably a more obvious choice!
- Episode 6: Return of the Jedi – Luke and Leia. Sometimes I can catch glimpses of this theme in other movies and series (ex: Revenge of the Sith and Kenobi).
- Episode 7: The Force Awakens – Rey’s Theme. The reoccurring theme in the sequels. It has a similar cadence as the Emperor’s theme which happened to be a coincidence, from what I’ve read.
- Episode 8: The Last Jedi – The Spark. I love the incorporation of melodies from the old trilogy combined with the new music.
- Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker – The Force Is with You. This is a neat integration of Rey’s Theme, the Emporer’s theme, and Luke’s theme. I love the imagery this creates in my head.
Harder Than I Thought
It’s a lot more difficult than I expected to choose a favorite track from each soundtrack. I waffled quite a bit between several choices, especially on the original trilogy. Several of the tracks from those soundtracks are re-occurring themes throughout all of the other soundtracks. Princess Leia’s Theme, from A New Hope, is one in particular.
Another example is Yoda and the Force from The Empire Strikes Back. In The Rise of Skywalker, part of this track is reused very poetically and it still gives me chills. It’s easily one of my favorite moments in that film.
John Williams is a genius, a master, and a legend. He is, and always shall be, unmatched.
What are some of your favorite tracks and/or musical moments from any of the films?