A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: X-Men

MMT: Superhero Month (2023)

In honor of Hugh Jackman’s return as Wolverine (for Deadpool 3), I decided to focus on Marvel for superhero month (2023). I am a much bigger fan of the Marvel universe than DC. This post is a couple of weeks late as I was on vacation. Here are the Wolverine-themed movies on this list for June 2023:

RIP Stan Lee and Thank You

RIP Stan LeeNow that we have all had time to process the heartbreaking passing of Stan Lee, it’s time to dedicate a post to his legacy. The image to the right is one of my favorite, of the thousands of memes folks are sharing since his death. The truth in the image is indescribable. Only one other being has ever created a universe as massive and powerful as the one Stan Lee created. He has been inspiring us for 95 years so he was no spring chicken. His passing should come as no surprise, but we grieve the loss of such an extraordinary man. RIP Stan Lee.

For Me, It Started with X-Men

You didn’t openly talk about comic books in high school. Even our conversations regarding Star Wars or Star Trek were clandestine. My dad was into X-Men and thus that is where I began in the Marvel Universe. X-Men are still my favorite; the comics, the animated series and, eventually, the movies. Avengers are pretty good too. Stan Lee was one of the first ones to tell us that it’s OK to be a geek. He taught us that no matter what the world thinks of us, we should never be afraid to embrace our passions.

[Being a ‘geek’] has become a badge of honor. It’s geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or videogame. They’re the ones who are passionate about these things and who collect [the paraphernalia] and talk about them.Washington Post

And Then Came Marvel Studios

Stan Lee as a Force ghost

Stan Lee is now one with the Force

When we heard that live action films of our favorite Marvel heroes was in the works, we were all rejoicing. I know in the back of our minds we hoped it wouldn’t ruin our favorite comic books. It was a comfort to know that Stan Lee was attached to all the projects. If Stan Lee was involved then all directorial decisions had to have been approved.

I think we all remember that first Stan Lee cameo in the X-Men movie. Its been an Easter Egg hunt for him in every Marvel film since then. We all felt like we just saw our grandpa in a movie. His paternal influence and sense of humor are his most endearing qualities. When we are watching the Marvel movies again and see his cameos it’s going to tug on the heart-strings. The lamentations will be stronger knowing that those cameos will be missing in future projects. It’ll feel a bit like seeing the end of Rogue One just after Carrie Fisher died; and its going to be hard to imagine the Marvel Universe without him. Who will carry on this man’s extraordinary legacy? How do we move forward from here? I know how Stan would respond  – “Excelsior!”

RIP Stan Lee and Thank You

When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek. Now it’s a point of pride in a weird way.” – J.J. Abrams

The MMO Times: Iwata’s Final 1Up

satoru-iwataIssue 122: Does the name Satoru Iwata mean anything to you? It’s alright if you didn’t know who he was, but if you are a gamer I think you should silently bestow some reverence. He was the CEO of Nintendo and a game developer pioneer who recently passed away. I know Nintendo had very little to do with MMO games but a gamer is always a gamer no matter what platform they prefer. I have a link to a great article about his life that you should check out in this issue.

Sadness aside, the SDCC definitely provided us all with many funny feelings in our special places. We not only got a sneak peak at The Force Awakens but also the Deadpool trailer (which is very NSFW, btw) the leaked X-Men: Apocalypse trailer, and you should seriously check out this Suicide Squad trailer (it actually looks pretty good). Of course there was also more details about the upcoming Warcraft movie. It was an exciting weekend for movie geeks and gamers alike. Arousing trailers aside, we do have some gaming news to talk about. The rumor mill and teasers continue from Blizzard regarding new content, specifically around Hearthstone. There is more information on the group changes for SWTOR as well as several other titles with new content coming in the next few months. KCGO.

The MMO Times: Mi_ _ _ _ _ft

minecraft-clippyIssue 107: Hello again, gamers!!! A million voices cried out in terror this week when the news officially broke that Microsoft purchased Mojang, the maker of Minecraft. The title comes from this humorous tweet sent out after the purchase was announced. I’m not a Minecraft player, and now the odds are even less likely that I will be. Farewell Minecraft, we knew thee well.  

As summer sadly draws to a close, we will all get ready to spend a few months indoors as the weather becomes colder and colder (and allegedly its supposed to be a pretty cold and snowy winter), although most of us are pretty accustomed to being indoors all day anyway. I think the big news is the launch of ArcheAge  which should be available for everyone this week. I know a few folks who were in the beta and said it was actually pretty good. Are you checking it out?

The next WoW expansion is approaching fast so more news about the upcoming 6.0 expansion pre-patch and expansions details are becoming more available. If you are done with the whole WoW-thing then there are still other things to read about. A familiar face has come to Marvel Heroes, Age of Wushu is giving your toons some companionship, and another title has jumped on the player housing bandwagon (though not very successfully). Have fun pwning the newbs!

The MMO Times: Gobble, Gobble!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 93: Greetings Gamers! I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving (for those that were celebrating it). Hopefully all of you have recovered from your tryptophan-induced comas. It’s not uncommon for me to be a week late around the major holidays so my apologies for a delayed post but my RL schedule didn’t really allow much research time over the past week. Be that as it may, here are some headlines that you may, or may not have missed.

This issue has some shocking World of Warcraft news (which you may already know about if you follow any WoW news). A preview of the upcoming SWTOR expansion, a new hero in Marvel Heroes, what Trion meant by “Trove” and much more. So if you’re waiting for a realm restart or your MMO-of-choice is performing maintenance today, perhaps the following articles will help to pass the time. Gobble, Gobble Gamers!

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