So I finally got around to logging into the game after the 6.2 patch launched this past Tuesday to check out the new content. So far I think the docks and naval missions are pretty well done. The UI elements and quest mechanics are pretty smooth and intuitive (though I do hope Master Plan makes an update to include naval missions – I don’t like to drag and drop). So far my biggest regret is not raiding as much. I have yet to do all of Blackrock Foundry and having spent even just a little time in Tanaan Jungle, I’m starting to feel a little excited to try Hellfire Citadel.
In short, I MISS MY RAID TEAM!!!
Anyway, with that out of my system. The other exciting thing is that I can buy a couple of mounts for a decent gold price (I’m glad I spent all of last patch going all Ebeneezer Scrooge on gold). I was disappointed to find out that I have much further to go than I thought to unlocking flying in Draenor so I guess I better get back out there and explore some more. You know, now might be the time to spend my evenings plowing through content now that most of the shows I watch are all on summer break. Granted there are several projects around the house that I have to do too, one that specifically impacts my entertainment and gaming comfort. Oh yea, and there’s our 14 month old daughter š
Perhaps this patch is what I need to try to get back on track with the story, though I do think I miss tanking. I can’t seem to produce very good numbers as a Ret Paladin. I guess I should pay a visit to Icy Veins to see if I can find out what I’m doing wrong because I feel like at my iLevel I should be producing higher numbers.
I know its barely been a week since the patch went live, but I’m curious what things other folks like, or don’t like, about the new content.