I don’t hide that I’m a bit of a nerd and this goes beyond the fact that I play video games. As a programmer, I’m very data-driven. So much so that I keep spreadsheets on my game progression in World of Warcraft. After playing the game for nearly 20 years, I have built quite a toon army. So how else am I supposed to keep track of all those alts? Now that we have bid adieu to the dragons, let’s take a look at Dragonflight by the numbers.
Tag: World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Another World of Warcraft expansion is in the books. While we prepare for The War Within let’s reflect on Dragonflight, Blizzard’s 10th expansion. This will cover some of my likes and dislikes regarding the story, the content, and new and updated systems.
Overall it is a decent expansion. It’s much better than Shadowlands and, in my humble opinion, it’s better than Burning Crusade and Warlords of Draenor. Wrath of the Lich King remains my favorite of the expansions, followed by Legion and Dragonflight may just come in third. The dragons have always been one of my favorite races in WoW.

The next major content patch, 10.2, is officially on the PTR. It has been a few months since I last talked about World of Warcraft. In fact, it was just prior to the 10.1 content patch. A lot has happened since March so let’s do a 10.1 state of the raid and talk about how things are shaping up.
It has only been approximately six months since I last talked about our raiding progress. We were almost to Heroic Raszageth. However, we had some team recalibration that coincided with the patch arriving faster than we expected and we could not obtain Ahead of the Curve.
The last time I talked about World of Warcraft’s newest expansion, it had been out for only two weeks. It has now been a little over three months, and all of us are well into a new routine. The next major content patch (10.1) is on the PTR which will introduce the next raid. Perhaps it’s time to check in and see how it’s going given the new features and updated systems.

First, a raid update, which is progressing reasonably well. We have three bosses left on Heroic difficulty with a pretty good strategy to finish Dathea. If we begin extending our lockouts and buckle down (without burning ourselves out) we have an excellent shot of taking down Heroic Raszageth in time for AOTC. If we don’t, the journey was fun; honestly, that’s all that really matters.

The latest World of Warcraft expansion has been out for about two weeks. I have reached the new level cap on at least one character (my raid toon, obviously). As I embark on the first raid of this expansion, let me share my initial impressions of Dragonflight.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
I’ve been on a Clint Eastwood kick recently, so I will use the title of one of his best films to break down my initial thoughts.
The Good
I thought about saving “the best for last” but I want you to know all the good things first. The items that fall under “the bad” and “the ugly” are mostly “me things”. You’ll see what I mean if you stick around for that part of this post.
Well folks, here we are. We are on the eve of Dragonflight, Blizzard’s 10th World of Warcraft expansion. I have moved all my toons out of Oribos and back to their respective capital city. As we return from saving the afterlife and begin our adventures in the Dragon Isles, let’s do an expansion character recap.
Being the nerd that I am, I have a spreadsheet in Google sheets to track my goals all through the Shadowlands. I began this spreadsheet during Battle for Azeroth but kicked it up a notch during this expansion. Many have already told me that there are addons that will do a lot of this for me. I appreciate the suggestions but I enjoy doing it my way instead. I am going to use that spreadsheet to discuss my Shadowlands progress. You’ve been warned that this post will be a little data-heavy.