A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: World of Darkness

The MMO Times: Not A Stack of Peacebloom

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 89: The Siege of Orgrimmar is live on all WoW servers, but that isn’t my excuse for my lapse in posting the Times. Life, as is always my excuse, just got busy again. Hopefully I will be more astute with my MMO news for a little while, especially since BlizzCon is in the not too distant future (in a month and a half I believe). Honestly, based on the time I have spent trying to catch up on my MMO news, I don’t think I have missed too many “WTF” or “ZOMG” headlines. If I do miss a particularly exciting, or troubling, headline please provide the link in the comments; unless it contains spoilers, like the Horde’s new Warchief (and its not a stack of peacebloom). Then please don’t reveal that so people can choose when they find out.

I tried not to go too far back as anything that is too old probably isn’t worth pointing out anymore. I have found some news for The Secret World, Guild Wars 2, MechWarrior Online and more. Anything that has gone live last Tuesday (or prior) (which seems to be a popular day for launching new content) I’m sure everyone knows about so I won’t get into things like WoW’s 5.4 patch, Marvel Heroes, FFXIV, etc.

The MMO Times

Issue 11

Welcome fellow gamers to the next issue of MMO Times where I bring you the latest, more significant headlines from popular gaming blog streams. There wasn’t a lot that was new to report so its short this week. Enjoy.

More On SWTOR Smuggler Advanced Classes
Bioware launched a series of new screenshots and details about the smuggler class on the SWTOR website. There is a breakdown for both advanced classes, gunslinger and scoundrel. The other pretty cool feature of the smuggler is every that smuggler gets a Wookie companion, after all, where would Han be with Chewie. I think Bioware is doing a pretty good job of making the non-Jedi classes worth playing. Check out the Massively article.

New Game: World of Darkness
I think there is a little school girl in all gamers that gets a little giddy when they read the words “new game announced” (or some derivative of that statement). CCP Games announced a new MMO called World of Darkness that apparently is based off the old fashioned pencil-and-paper, multi-sided dice Vampire: The Masquerade RPG. (Editor’s Note: some of you may be surprised to learn that I use to play Vampire: The Masquerade quite a bit back in high school). Massively has more.

Clone Wars Adventures: One Million After One Week
One week after SOE’s Clone Wars Adventures goes live and they have acquired one million players. I have started my investigation into the game, but I haven’t spent too much time. So far I feel like its definitely tailored more for a younger audience. I don’t expect that it will have too many (if any) serious players.

Final, Pre-Cataclysm Patch Notes
Blizzard finally updated the official patch notes in Under Development with details on the 4.0.1 patch, which is the final, big patch before Cataclysm hits. They are adding quite a few of the big changes to the game with this patch, including 31-point talent trees, Prime glyphs, Reforging and a few class changes (just to name a few). The links below are the link to the Massively article and to the official patch notes.

Going Live!!

The Wait Is Over, Final Fantasy XIV
September 22, 2010 – I’m sure there are some that will not need to be told about FFXIV going live this past week, because they are already playing it. So, for the rest of us just following along, Final Fantasy XIV went live this past week, for those who have the Collector’s Edition. So if you were wondering why some of your guildmates or in-game friends vanished, its probably because of FFXIV.

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