A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Wargaming

The MMO Times: Heroes Assemble!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 77:Instead of finding a headline about Marvel Heroes, I thought I would remind everyone here, Marvel Heroes went live this week (in case you didn’t know)! I haven’t tried it out yet but I haven’t heard anything bad about it, usually if something is bad the first thing gamers do is whine about it online. In fact I’ve heard that if you enjoy League of Legends that you will really enjoy Marvel Heroes! If anyone out there has an opinion about the game so far, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts.

You will notice that June 4th was quite a newsworthy day; it was not only the day that Marvel Heroes went live but there were quite a few announcements and some pre-E3 trailers unveiled. There is some RIFT, Aion and World of Warships news, an announcement from Blizzard and Bioware, and more! Check it out!

The MMO Times: Spring Into Summer

mmotimesheaderIssue 73: G’day Gamers! The summer is almost upon us which means patches and updates are coming as students are released from the shackles of educational institutions. Many of our favorite MMOs have some plans for the summer and some of those updates are starting as soon as next week! As an avid gamer myself, while I am excited for all the new content, I still plan on getting outside regularly to indulge in the warmth of the sunshine. I hope you all do the same.

So what goodies are in store for you in this issue of the MMO Times? How about a new MWO mech, more DCUO content, SWTOR patches (note the plural), etc. Also, don’t forget the plethora of details coming out about the next World of Warcraft content patch, 5.3 (which has allegedly started downloading in the background). There won’t be any raids but there will be new scenarios and more quality of life tweaks. Read on and game on, friends!

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