A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: sports

Home Team Hype Is Infectious

Paul-footballlgo_mlb_chicago_cubsI am, and always will be, a Cubs fan, Bears fan and Dolphins fan despite living in Cincinnati. When a Cincinnati team has a great year (or is currently undefeated in the NFL) the air around the city is electric. It’s hard not to be swallowed up by the excitement and hype centered around a winning team. You can see the elation in the faces of the locals and the news anchors. The Cincinnati Reds are in the same division as the Cubs so its far more difficult to be excited for the Reds when they are doing well (for obvious reasons); however, being such a big football fan, I find that I often get caught up in the hype of the Bengals 5-0 start to their season.

I don’t mind watching the Bengals doing well, especially when the Dolphins and Bears are off to a fairly rough start. I’m sure the love a city shows for its football team would be just as contagious if I were in any other city (except Boston, nothing could make me root for the Deflatriots; NOTHING!) I’m not saying that I will become a die hard Bengals fan. I don’t even know if I will become a mediocre Bengals fan. Be that as it may, I don’t feel guilty that I’m happy they are winning when I never would have given them a second glance prior to living in Cincinnati.Bengals_helmet

I think it should be acceptable by all the die-hard and local fans to allow someone of different allegiances so suddenly become a fan of their team. It shouldn’t be any different than someone who becomes a fan of a college team because they attended/graduated from said school. Don’t get me wrong, nobody has accused me of being a “fair weather fan” nor have I given up one iota of allegiance to the Bears or Dolphins. In fact I’m trying to compliment the enthusiasm of the Cincinnati Bengals fans and how their love and excitement for their team has become quite endearing even before their 5-0 start.

Either way its going to be another exciting NFL season and the Bengals and Bengals fans are going to make living in Cincinnati a lot of fun too!


minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

Why Cubs Will Win

There is a pretty entertaining article on FoxSports today about why the Cubs will win the World Series. It isn’t because of Robert Zemekis, or the fact that it’s the year of the goat or any of that other superstitious nonsense, he gives actual, statistical reasons and its a good article. The last slide is probably the best and where I stole lovingly borrowed the picture below (with caption).

#LetsGoCubs #FlyTheW

Because curses are stupid and don't exist

Because curses are stupid and don’t exist

Why I’m A Cubs Fan

me_gpav_wrigley-smGranted, I don’t think its necessary to explain why anyone chooses whatever team they choose to root for but I feel that my choices for being a Cubs fan are pretty sentimental. The picture you see attached to this post is a photo of me when I was 2 years old. I am seated with my grandfather in Wrigley Field. Documented proof that I have been a Cubs fan since I was 2 years old.

It’s more then just a 30 year old picture. I grew up in South Bend, Indiana but I fondly remember my grandfather showing up at our house in his 1986 red Mustang to pick up me and my dad and we drove to Chicago to watch the Cubs play. He did this quite often. He was a die-hard Cubs fan and he passed that on to my dad and me. He passed away never having seen the Cubs win a World Series. I hope that doesn’t happen to me or my dad.

I hope to instill this love for a baseball team in my kids one day and I know my dad will do all he can to perpetuate the love for the Cubbies. I think to be a Cubs fan is like a good marriage. You must endure the bad times and savor the good times no matter how abundant and/or few there may be. I will never give up on the Cubs because I know my grandfather never would have.

So now you know why when someone asks me “why am I a Cubs fan” that I respond with “because I’ve been a fan since I was 2 years old.”

Go Cubs!

Soapbox: Rioting is Irresponsible and Foolish

First, congrats to UK for beating Kansas. I was happy to see Kansas lose since they were responsible for taking Purdue out of the tournament. However, I was sad to see the fan response in Lexington. Rioting is not celebrating! I don’t understand the rationale behind burning of public or private property to symbolize joy and euphoria (unfortunately the rioting in Lexington took a step for the worse when someone was shot – though not critically).

What the hell, people?!?

I was at Purdue in 1999 when the students rioted because the men’s basketball team advanced to the Elite Eight. The students ignited a bonfire that burned so hot it literally melted the blacktop; a scar remained until the university ripped up the road and repaved it. Our tuition went up 12% the year following that riot, and yet somehow everyone was alright with that because it happened twice the two years after that. I like to see my school do well just as much as the next guy, but I didn’t want a tuition increase to pay for the damage caused by the reckless and deviate behaviors of the other students.

Here’s an intelligent thought: how about we find a less destructive way of showing our pride in our school and athletes? I cannot fathom how looting fraternities to burn couches, or tipping over dumpsters to burn garbage demonstrates even a shred of school pride (or dignity). It’s disgraceful and unsportsmanlike.

/end soapbox

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