A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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Soapbox: Forking & Dongles

overworked-290x290The tech industry is full of phallic terminology. Every day I make a double entendre about something in the computer and/or programming industry. Granted I’m cognizant of my audience and anyone that might be able to hear what I’m saying. In the case of Adria Richards vs A-Predominately-Male-Industry, while I don’t dismiss her right to be offended, the way she handled it wasn’t prudent either; especially when the comments weren’t even directed toward her.

Be that as it may, the tech industry is dominated by males; and, as a male myself, most of us are neanderthals! I’m not saying that women are not welcome in the tech industry, in fact I encourage more women to get involved because its already too much of a “sausage-fest”. Yes, there is a time and a place for certain remarks and perhaps those boys at PyCon could have picked a better time for their sordid conversation but boys will be boys; and in an industry where stress is as necessary as caffeine, stress needs an outlet. Actually most of the women I know that are in this industry often partake and sometimes take it to a whole new level.

If women like Adria Richards cannot handle an industry full of “forking code”, USB dongles and “fscking” a computer then perhaps you’re not a good fit. I don’t care how much you tweet or blog about how “sexist” these terms are, you cannot change decades of standard vernacular. People, like me, will not stop using appropriate terminology just because it might sound inappropriate (in which case I ask who’s the real pervert).

There are lessons on both sides of the debate here. Be more aware of the volume of your conversation and courteous of those around you. At the same time, be careful what you post on the Internet because the world will see it and you just don’t know what you will stir up. Tibetan Philosophy states “Don’t start none, won’t be none” (source).

/end soapbox

Are Certifications Still Worth It?

geek-300x300I have been working, post-college, as a programmer for going on 9 years now. I have been working for the same company as a programmer over 5 years. I have not earned a single Microsoft certification. Every year I try to set a goal to complete a certification and every year I never do it. I do not feel that not having a certification has had a negative affect on my career or my job. In fact I’m beginning to wonder if continuing to try to get certified is moot.

There has to come a point where years of experience provide a better measure then certifications. I cannot conjure up a scenario for a standard programming job where someone with just a certification and little to no experience will be a better selection then someone will several years of experience and no certifications. Perhaps if the job were entry level and the job wouldn’t really benefit someone with lots of experience, after all I remember what its like to be right out of college and trying to find a job with very little experience under my belt. Those entry level jobs are a godsend.

I have gotten as far as actually taking a certification exam but missed the cutoff by one question. I remember studying the material and thinking that it will be extremely unlikely that I will even use two-thirds of it. In fact, 5 years later I still have yet to even use half of the material covered and it was “fundamentals”. It’s kind of like reading material on how a combustion engine works when all you will really be doing is changing the tires.

Furthermore, it feels like its not worth completing a certification when it seems that every couple of years Microsoft changes what each certification means and what tests are required. Sometimes even the tests themselves are changed or retired. MCSE, MCSD, MCIT, MCPD, do all of these still exist? Are any of them still prudent? Speaking of Microsoft, they really aren’t the industry leader anymore so wouldn’t that also affect the value of their certifications? They are starting to become the old senile relative in the room who only thinks they are still relevant when really acknowledging their existence is more patronizing then recognition.

Perhaps certifications are good for those folks that don’t have a lot of experience and need to build up their credentials, but if you are a seasoned developer, I really don’t see the point in spending the money.


Biggs On: Dress In The Workplace

There is some subjectivity to this topic. Obviously what you wear to work will depend on what your job entails. I’m going to be speaking from the perspective of the day-to-day programmer. I’d say probably about 15 years ago (give or take) you would typically see programmers dress anywhere from business casual to business professional (i.e. dress shoes, button down shirt and a tie). Currently I wear business casual which is a nice collared shirt, khaki’s and nice shoes, but that is because it is the dress code of my firm and I will adhere to those policies. Personally, I don’t buy into “the better you dress the better you work”.

I could never wear a suit and/or a tie to work everyday and be as productive as I am when I wear jeans or even lounge pants. Honestly the more comfortable I dress the easier it is for me to focus on writing code. When my brain isn’t distracted by the attempted asphyxiation of a tie or the constricted nature of some dress shoes, that extra energy can be directed toward problem solving and writing code.

Honestly, I think that is one of the reasons why I am actually more productive on the days when I need to work from home. Some may argue that working at home presents more opportunities for distractions, but that isn’t the case for me. The fact that I am sitting in a far more comfortable office chair and wearing far more comfortable clothes is a better environment for my brain to focus. After all, it is the same desk and chair that I use when I do any kind of extra curricular programming at home.

I do understand the rationale for wearing professional clothing. In fact in college I had a course on conflict resolution and negotiation and we actually had an exercise over this exact topic and I was on the side that defended professional dress. I did the research on professional dress but, despite what I found, I still believe that the more comfortable you dress the easier it is to be more productive.


Soapbox: Gamers Lack Appreciation

I was reading through a post on WoW Insider about Cataclysm and the author was discussing the things he liked and will miss about Cataclysm. Someone said something in the comments that, I think, explains why most gamers are spoiled, whining brats. Nobody appreciates the work and effort that goes into designing and developing these games. There will never be another MMO that will reach the number of users that World of Warcraft had because Blizzard has set the bar so high no game will ever satisfy that many gamers again. Gamers are so spoiled that now they expect every feature of WoW to be available at launch of any new MMO.

The mere thought of that last statement is hilarious almost to the point of absurdity. All games are developed in a closed source environment. Obviously Blizzard isn’t going to share its dungeon finder algorithm, for example, with Bioware or Trion. It doesn’t matter anymore that a majority of the features currently in World of Warcraft weren’t available at its launch, but apparently now they are a necessity for all new games. If a new game doesn’t have these features then its deemed “unfinished”.

The MMO gaming industry is cutthroat and volatile. The longer a company waits to deliver a new product the farther behind they will be so it becomes crucial from a profit and marketing philosophy to deliver something sooner rather than later. Nobody will ever release a product that is bug free and with every feature at launch. I remember how much grief players would give Blizzard on days when there were huge content patches that made the game almost unplayable. It was expected that nobody would be raiding on Tuesday nights because the game was incredibly unstable and buggy.

Perhaps the MMO genre has lost its edge. I see comments on posts (mostly on gaming news and blog sites) that they don’t like the “kill X number of Y” type of quests, or any kind of quest. I never see anyone offer alternative methods of leveling. Clearly they have a better idea for leveling then completing quests if they are complaining about it … or maybe they are just complaining because it makes them feel important.

I also see people complaining that Game X lacks any end game content when it actually has the same end game content all the other games have (i.e. raid, pvp, instances, dailies). What else do you want?!? If these games lack so many features, and clearly you know what features they should have, then submit your resume! I assure you that you will find out immediately why games take so long to make and what it takes to develop one.

I think the appalling lack of appreciation is lost because of blind ignorance!


Humor Helps

As I have said in the past, I have been in the software development industry for nearly 10 years now. Currently I am working for a consulting firm which means I am often placed at various clients around the city in need of Enterprise Microsoft Solutions. I have worked for some pretty big clients and I have talked to some pretty important people at those clients. I have learned a very important and undeniable truth, humor helps.

I will not deny that it’s more important to be serious when its appropriate. You should not crack jokes in front of a Vice-President, CEO or any other high ranking personnel. However, I think its also important to allow the lighter side of your personality to come through and I believe this for two reasons: building rapport and dealing with stress.

It’s rare when I leave a client that I don’t have well over a dozen people coming to me to say farewell. I know one of my strengths is building a good rapport with everyone. I believe its my humor that helps build these relationship. How many times is it suggested that a joke be used as an ice-breaker? Humor is a natural ice-breaker, it helps quell nervous behavior. Granted I don’t walk into a client the first day and start making jokes, I think its important to warm up to people first and find out what kind of humor is appropriate. The wrong kind of humor will have the opposite effect.

Every workplace will go through periods of high stress. It’s inevitable. The curse of professionalism is the better you are at your job the more work you are expected to do in a shorter period of time. If you are going to survive the day you need to have a way to let go of the stress. When I notice my team is really stressed out, that is usually when I increase the jests. Similar to ice-breakers, the humor quells the nerves and helps relieve the tension, even if its only temporary. I say its far better to laugh in the face of stress instead of wanting to hang yourself.

Remember, humor is a tool and just like any tool, if used improperly can cause more harm then good. If you joke too much then people won’t take you seriously. If you say the wrong thing, make the wrong joke, that can have an even greater adverse affect. This is why I take some time to get to know the people I am working with first.


Soapbox: Programming Is NOT For Everyone

I read an article on CNN where the author seems to think that Americans should learn to write computer code just as they learn to read and write. In fact the guy has started an online “academy” to teach people how to write code … For Free!! I’m sorry but I completely disagree with what this guy wants to do. The ability to write software is far too advanced of a skill to compare it to learning to read. In fact it’s insulting to suggest that programming is that simple. I obtained a four year degree to learn to develop software; granted a four year degree isn’t necessarily required, but thats only if you have a gifted background in computers and/or programming.

I do agree with the guy on one of the points. It would be a benefit, as a software developer, if people understood what went into developing a piece of software. If that were the only reason to offer this academy then I wouldn’t have a problem. Sadly that isn’t the case. Any putz can participate in the online tutorials and suddenly they are “qualified” to write software. The concept, in my opinion, is absolutely ludicrous and frightening.

I appreciate the authors concern that America is losing its competitive advantage but the last thing we need is a bunch of hillbillies thinking they can write robust and effective code. I hate to sound like an elitist but if a company is in need of a competent programmer, and they have to choose between someone with a four year degree and someone who took an online tutorial … Who do you think will get the job?

/end soapbox

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