MMO Times Issue 78!Issue 78: Greetings Gamers!! Did anyone attend E3 this week? I know there has been a plethora of news coming out this week between E3 and Apple’s WWDC so maybe I found something that slipped past your eyes while following all the news streaming out of California. Most of the E3 news pertains to console systems and making a mockery of Microsoft’s new XBONE (this post is not compatible with the XBox One, please buy an XBox 360 to continue reading *narf!*).

More details and images about the Patch 5.4 are coming out (including a new Garrosh model). The Secret World is offering up something for players this weekend (6/14 – 6/17). World of Warplanes and Elder Scrolls Online news, and more! Also, don’t forget that RIFT has officially gone Free-2-Play. Enjoy!