A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: movie trailer

The Official Han Solo Movie Trailer [UPDATED]

UPDATE: The trailer that we saw during the Super Bowl was merely a teaser trailer. I have updated the link below to be the real official Han Solo movie trailer. Again, we have all been waiting a long time to finally get a trailer and it did debut on Good Morning America (which seems to be Disney’s choice media outlet for debuting Star Wars content). See the full length trailer below.

A Good Star Wars Story?

The development and production of this movie has been under a lot of scrutiny since it was announced. The success of Rogue One has set a pretty high bar for all remaining Star Wars spin-off movies. I want to be optimistic about this movie. Rogue One was a great movie so it’s difficult not to use it as the basis for comparison. I know that a Han Solo spin-off movie was not everyone’s top choice.

So will this be a good Star Wars Story? I don’t think Alden Ehrenreich is that good of an actor so I don’t have confidence that he will provide a fitting portrayal of Han Solo. However Donald Glover looks amazing! Despite the questionable quality of this movie, I still can’t help but feel excited.


The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.


Ready Player One Trailer

First things first, here is the newest Ready Player One Trailer. Watch It! NOW!

Ok, so now that I have your heart beating wildly, lets consider what we just saw. If you haven’t read the book then SHAME ON YOU! It’s good. You need to go read it before March! I saw some references in there that I was a little skeptical on because this movie is supposed to be an homage to the 80’s. It was not only the inspiration for the “OASIS” but for the book in-and-of-itself. The references to the things I grew up loving is one of the things I love about the book.

Why Is Tracer There??

So, as I said, this book is supposed to be an homage to the 80’s so I was a little confused to see Tracer, from Overwatch. If you missed it, here is a screenshot I grabbed for you:

Tracer in Ready Player One Trailer

Now, I might be wrong, but I don’t think Tracer was around in the 80’s but perhaps this is Ernest Cline paying respect to Blizzard. However, to be fair, The Iron Giant was from the late 90’s and is mentioned in the book. Honestly, I am going to err on the side of caution and say I’m pretty excited for the movie. Far more excited than I was when the first trailer came out; and I know Ernest Cline has been involved with the production of the film. I should “hope” that he will veto anything that doesn’t meet the spirit and nostalgia of the book.


film_reel“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.”
– Stanley Kubrick


‘The Last Jedi’ Second Official Trailer

We have all been waiting, very impatiently, for several weeks now for the next official Episode VIII: The Last Jedi trailer. Then, in late September, the Internet and Star Wars fans everywhere exploded with a tweet from Mark Hamill that alludes to the next trailer. It’s hard to tell if he meant to tell us or if he, inadvertently, let something slip. We don’t know if Disney’s original intention was to release the trailer during tonight’s Monday Night Football but you can’t say something like that and then take it back. The Internet won’t let you. If Disney’s intention was to postpone it, then we heartily thank you Mark Hamill!!

So here it is; in all its fantastic glory!

My hands are shaking. My heart is beating out of my chest. I’m pretty sure I was holding my breath for the entire 2 minutes of that trailer. Now lets go watch it again!

The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.


‘The Last Jedi’ Official Trailer Has Arrived!!

Last Jedi Official TrailerSince the official title was announced, we have all been waiting with bated breath for The Last Jedi official trailer. After the Star Wars movie panel at the Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, Disney finally put an end to our drawn out suffering. Please, feel free to watch it on repeat (that’s what I’m doing). Needless to say I will be drawing up my various fan theories and sharing them in the near future.

Breathe …
– Luke Skywalker

The perfect first word to hear in this trailer. We know that not only is Luke telling Rey to breathe, but the rest of us too. We have been waiting for so long to finally have a trailer! I will probably have this on repeat for the next hour so I can fully absorb its glory and brilliance.


The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.


Official Full Trailer

I’m going to put this here because I would be remiss if I didn’t. Besides, I don’t want to keep going to YouTube and searching for it, I just want to go straight to it when I want to watch it for the Nth time!

minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

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