A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Life

Life Update – WTF Have I Been??!

minion_daveI have suddenly gone silent. It isn’t from a lack of things to say, I have plenty to say. I have plenty to talk about; but sometimes life throws you a curve ball. The wife fell off a ladder a couple of weeks ago. After a couple of doctor’s visits we found out she tore her Lisfranc ligament which meant surgery. She is doing well, but she has to be in a cast for 3+ weeks and on crutches for 6 weeks.

So, since she is practically immobile guess who has to play toddler wrangler 100% of the time now. On top of that, apparently my blog site is classified as “Games” and therefore blocked by the firewall at my new client. So the only time I could write anything is at night, after the kid is in bed and my wife is comfortable but that is also the time when I play games or read to wind down for the day.

I’m sure I will figure something out where I can try to get more blog posts out there during my wife’s recovery; perhaps I can put my iPad to good use in regards to blogging. In the meantime keep your eyes on my Twitter feed or Facebook timeline to see when new posts come out (which means you must be incredibly bored if you are waiting for a post on my blog).



Biggs On: Being M.I.A.

Penguin Computing Frag PenguinIt’s been over a week since I have posted anything. Life, every now and then, throws a few extra curve balls and dealing with them has a tendency to let the normal stuff take a back seat. I wish I could say that it was just extra stressful at work, which it has been. There were several days last week when I would have rather been hospitalized with pneumonia then go into work. Yes, it was that stressful.

Then there are the non-work related stresses that I’m still dealing with; close friends and family are dealing with some issues related to various forms of lymphoma. That is scary shit! I feel like I’m not praying enough for these folks and it has been the only thing that is constantly on my mind. I also have a relative in the hospital for stent surgery and add food poisoning on top of that and yea, been a pretty crappy 10 days.

I hope to be back to posting more MMO Times and other nerd rants this week.


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