A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: League of Legends

MMO Times: Stood in the Fire

Stood In The FireIssue 112: Greetings and welcome to 2015 … oh wait, I’m nearly a month late! It looks like I stood in the fire too long and thus had an epic fail with posting some MMO news! This is what I get for not having good raid awareness. I have learned my lesson. In all actuality, between various family engagements, holidays and fending off every flu and cold virus known to man, I didn’t have the time or the energy to write up my usual posts. I apologize for the lapse in MMO tidings. Hopefully the following list of headlines will make up for it.

PAX South took place recently so there are a few surprises that came out of San Antonio, including some expansion announcements and subscription changes. Blizzard is already working on some new content for the current expansion (I say already but I’ve been so far behind lately I guess it is about time for more content). There is also a limited time, free music download you want to check out as soon as you read this!

The MMO Times: Patch Pandemonium

mmotimesheaderIssue 74: The next patch for World of Warcraft, 5.3, did not go live this week. Based on the release pattern of the content patches this expansion I would expect the final Mists of Pandaria patch, 5.4, to be here around August (when Garrosh gets what he deserves). In the meantime, several other games are patching in new content, a few of which are available now!

I’m not going to mention everything that patched this week because then you might not read the rest of this post. There’s no need for any Jedi Mind Tricks, though I know you are “dye-ing” to know what’s new in SWTOR. There’s even some League of Legends news! 

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