A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Google

Soapbox: What Is With The Whining?!?

OMG, what is with all the whining!!?? Yes, I am aware that I am whining about whining. It isn’t hypocrisy, its cognitive dissonance. So be that as it may, there seems to be a lot of people whining about everything recently. UI changes, patches; are we, as a society, so spoiled that our immediate reaction to change is to focus on the negative?? I am fully in favor of technology evolving to bring us information faster but a pitfall of instant gratification is we seem to always expect the results to be perfect and we whine about it when it isn’t perfect.

I hate to tell you this folks, but there is no such thing as perfect. There is no such thing as 100% and if you always expect perfection from someone else doing the work then you will forever exist in disappointment.

Whaaaa! Too Much White Space!!!!

Whaaaa! They Nerfed My Class!!!!


If you think you can do it better, then get to work but remember that human beings are imperfect therefore anything we create will also be imperfect. Why can’t we be grateful for the positives of change and understand that nearly everything in technology is iterative; meaning that it will constantly change and, in theory, improve with each iteration.

This is the problem with social media, the loudest people on the Internet are typically the most ungrateful! Buck Up, Sally!!!!!

/end soapbox

** For clarification, I have made some negative comments about Timeline in the past but it has been merely for propaganda purposes. Personally, I have no issue with Timeline.

Biggs On: More Microsoft Shennanigans

It’s really sad to see a grown monopoly pout. Microsoft has lost their innovative edge on the industry, they are grappling to keep up with all the new kids. The unfortunate thing about Microsoft is when someone beats them to the punch, they don’t take the high road and try to take the next innovative step, instead they sue you.

Microsoft hasn’t come up with something truly innovative in years; Apple, Google, even Barnes and Noble have been leading the industry with their innovative gadgets and tools. So instead of trying to think for themselves Microsoft decides they deserve a piece of everyone’s pie which can only be acquired with a lawsuit. Microsoft’s new paradigm is “if you can’t beat em, sue em!” First they start with Barnes and Noble who is being sued by Microsoft for patents violated with their nook e-reader. Barnes and Noble laid a golden egg with their nook (and the new nook Color) and since Microsoft didn’t make a successful e-reader they want a piece of the nook’s success – an e-reader from Microsoft probably would have sucked anyway! The part that disgusts me the most is that Microsoft will probably win their lawsuit, after all it worked with the iPod and now Microsoft receives a small royalty for every iPod sold.

The best is yet to come. Microsoft has filed a lawsuit against Google in the EU for anticompetitive search technology. It’s laughable that Microsoft is actually filing an antitrust suit and we all know they will win because the only thing Microsoft is good at anymore is antitrust law.

Microsoft should change their name to Dewey, Cheatum & Howe.

Its frustrating to be an IT professional, developing software using .Net when the manufacturer of your tools and technology is an embarrassment. When will we stop playing such petty games and get some real work done?

In closing, to add additional emphasis to the tone of my previous post, this post was completely written and published using the iPad 2! 🙂

Biggs On: Google vs Glen

Most people who know me well know that I am a staunch republican. I am not an extreme conservative, but I rarely tarry even to the middle, if ever. My viewpoints often align with popular right wing personalities such as Bill O’Reilly, Mike Gallagher, and even Glen Beck.

Lately, it seems, I have been moving farther and farther away from aligning with Glen Beck. I almost feel like that he’s becoming more and more like Jerry Fletcher (Mel Gibson’s character from Consipracy Theory). His latest bit of conspiracy theory has Google as his target. Glen Beck has been preaching that Google is in cahoot with the government to invade your privacy and absorb personal details via your searches and your g-mail. It really is as absurd as it sounds.Google products do collect your common searches but as part of their smart browsing technology (known as Google Suggest). This feature can be turned off, but really, unless you are searching for something that you shouldn’t be … who really cares! Just like all the other tech companies, they are just trying to help improve the user experience. I would also like to point out, how can the information gathering that Google is doing be worse then the exorbitant amount of data people willingly provide on social networking sites such as Facebook?

Glen Beck suggests that you reduce your usage of Google and use Bing instead. Bing, for those of you that are not aware, is Microsoft’s search engine. How can Microsoft be considered less invasive then Google? I want to look at a few facts here. Microsoft has been around quite a bit longer then Google, however, in recent industry polls, Google has consistently outranked Microsoft as one of the best places to work. If you were to ask any competent IT professional whose experience has spanned across several facets of the industry who the “evil empire” is, their response will almost always be Microsoft.

So, if we are going to discuss conspiracy theory let me offer up some of my own.

It is widely known that Google is Microsoft’s main competitor in today’s IT industry. It could literally be compared to the Hatfields and the McCoy’s. The latest voting statistics show that more and more college students are becoming more politically involved. Some of those college students are future IT professionals. I wouldn’t put it past Microsoft to try to leverage that and use out-spoken, political pundits such as Glen Beck to try to spread seeds of dissent about their competitors.

Yes, information is still sacred but its no longer as secure as it use to be and Google isn’t the first one, nor will they be the last one, that will be accused of collecting user details. The fact of the matter is, all of the top IT companies (i.e. Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc) will collect user details and statistics. They do this because the company that continues to improve the user experience will continue to receive revenue and lead the industry. These same companies probably will have connections to the government, in fact even the small company I work for has government projects. Also, think about this, as technology continues to be a bigger part of our lives, cyber-terrorism becomes a bigger threat. Wouldn’t you want the government to be working with the top IT companies in the world to discuss plans to combat cyber-terrorism?

Sorry Glen, I have no intentions to stop using Google and I plan to suggest the same to others.

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