A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gamers

I Tried But Pokemon Go is a Definite No Go

Just so I’m clear, this is not going to be another smear editorial against Pokemon Go players. I have been a gamer since the first time I picked up an NES controller. So I get it. I understand why people are out there, obsessively hunting down Pokemon in the parks and by the streams. I think what is most interesting is the world is now aware just how many gamers there are. Gaming isn’t something that goes away after puberty. We were playing it all through high school. It got most of us through college. Now we are gaming after work and after the kids go to bed. There are a lot more of us than most people thought. But I digress. The real point is, Pokemon Go isn’t for me.

Pokemon Go at Work

I found this guy hanging out above my monitors at work

I’ll be honest, I did install it for about two days. I go on a two-mile walk during my lunch everyday so I thought it might be something interesting to do while I walk. By the end of the second day I was uninstalling it from my phone (important note: remember to remove it from your Google account too). It isn’t that I think it was boring because it definitely has the right hooks to be a fun game.

You’re a gamer, why aren’t you playing Pokemon Go?

I am clearly the target demographic, so why am I not out there chasing down Pokemon? Part of it is that I’m just not into Pokemon. I was born just shy of when Pokemon became a huge fad. Also, when I take a walk my goal is to complete a certain distance within a certain amount of time which requires me to walk at a certain pace. Constantly checking my phone and veering off track to catch a Pokemon just didn’t align with those goals.

So it’s gone and I don’t feel like I’m missing out, but that’s just me. If my friends and peers want to play it, I support them 100%. I feel it behooves me to bring your attention to one thing though: be mindful of your data usage! Since it hasn’t been out for a full month, people haven’t seen their cell phone bills yet. Several of the articles I’ve been reading warn people that it can really eat up your data, and your battery (case in point, my battery went down 20% in just 20 minutes). I do believe, however, that the developers are working on some solutions for these issues.

I am going to wrap this up on a positive note. Despite the ridicule, I think the Pokemon Go phenomenon has the potential to have some very positive results. Gaming geeks rarely get to meet face-to-face unless its a Comic-con. Along comes a game that has millions getting out of the house, with a common objective. Despite the burning daystar, barriers are being broken down and we are meeting new people, with common interests, IRL!


minion_keboard_smI could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!

Gamers Are Adults Too

There is an old fashioned perception that seems to still exist that video games are the pastime of children. The demographic today has changed. Yes kids still play video games, but adults are playing too. In fact according to an article posted on CNET, the average gamer is 37. The thing I find most interesting, from the article, is the reason most adult gamers are still playing is because they are playing the games with their kids.

I remember a big movement that was circling, and maybe it still is, that was trying to bring back family game night. I remember when I was growing up it was common for my family to play games together at least one night a week. I can appreciate the concept but with the technology we possess today, board games are almost too old fashioned. I think it’s important to maybe keep one or two board games around for nostalgia purposes, but if you really want to engage your children I think getting involved in a game they enjoy as well will have more success.

This is why I think so many gamers are so much older now. I know my kids will be just into video games as my wife and I are. If they are not then they can’t be my children because they obviously don’t have my genes. I think a lot of software companies are starting to recognize this as well which is why some have been tailoring the games toward the more casual gamer. Gamers with families are not going to be able to commit to the hours that they use to 5-10 years ago.

My last statement leads me to my final point. I have noticed lately that many gamers, especially those still playing WoW, constantly whine about how simplified the game has become from its earlier years. Sorry folks, but most of us have families and lives now. You are now the minority so buck up, Sally! If you don’t like it then play something else and stay off the forums. You have zero control over the content of the game so whining about it only gets your ignored.

So while some adult gamers don’t act like it, the rest of us appreciate the effort by the software companies to design games that better meet our lifestyle.


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