Issue 58: Greetings Gamers! This will be the last pre-apocalyptic and pre-Christmas issue so I hope you enjoy the headlines because they could be your last (or the last for this year). So if you’re waiting on a queue, the servers are down for maintenance or you are taking a break from making Armageddon plans check out what we have this week.
We have some new content coming to The Secret World and SWTOR. Some more information on upcoming titles such as Age of Wushu and Marvel Heroes. There is also some interesting news about an old MMO coming back online (which I don’t think has ever happened before). Perhaps an encouraging sign for other MMOs that we have lost over the past couple of years. There is this and more so read on and game on, friends!
(I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please click here to subscribe.)